09/25/1989 . .~;' - ' ~~"," ,. ,~.:,":;;; ~~. ~ , ,'." '.t~ '.' _ ...J' ''-- ~!; : ,- , i ": '," '., ","-.' . , ,', ''',,~, :1, . , .' ~., ~''''l '"J ' , ~,"" .,. " ,. /' . ~,c": ... "~ -',' ~;::~~: Mr. Finegan rroved to approvo the Financial Statement of August 31, 1989 with the noted changes. The rrotion was duly seconded and carried unanimously. Item III - 1989/90 Budget - Public Hearing A. Resolution 1-89 - Millage Rate Final Reading Mr. Finegan indicated that the prior year's residual funds are greater than noted in the first. and second reading of Resolution 1-89. Mr. Finegan s.Jbmitted a revised preliminary budget reflecting a .86 millage rate instead of a .90 rate and asked the board to conr,ider the revised budget before voting upon the resolution. Mr. Flowers questioned why the pierce 100 building was included in the DDS boundaries and discussion ensued as to whether or not residential property owners were getting the same benefit from the DDB as coomercial property owners. Ms. Deptula stated that properties that have homestead exemption are exempt from the DDB millage. Mr. Flowers moved to amend the millage rate to .86. The motion was duly seconded. Upon the vote being taken, M=mbers Thonpson, Homer, Flowers, Finegan and Vaughan voted "Aye". M:!mber Grady voted "Nay". r-t>tion Carried. . Mr. wright read Resolution 1-89 in its entirety as amended. Mr . ~ moved to pass and adopt Resolution 1-89 as amended and authorize the appropriate officials to execute same. The motion was duly seconded. Upon the vote being taken, M=mbers Thompson, Homer, Flowers, Finegan and Vaughan vote "Aye". M:!nber Grady voted "Nay". fvt>tion carried. B. Resolution 2-89 - Operating Budget Mr. Wright read Resolution 2-89 by title only. Mr. Finegan moved to pass and adopt Resolution 2-89 and authorize appropriate officials to execute sarre. The rrotion was duly seconded. Upon the vote being taken, Mambers ThatJ>son, Haner, Flowers, Finegan and Vaughan vote "Aye". Member Grady voted "Nay". M:>tian carried. Item IV - Update by Michael Wr ight on; 1) Johnson-Sinmons Pro;ect; 2) RFP' s for Downtawn Advertising Agency; 3) IX>wntown Cleveland street Sidewalk Proiect Mr. Wright reported on the proposed Johnson-Sinmons equity office building to be built on Osceola Street. It is probably 4 to 5 years away so they have not approached the city or CRA to ask for any considerations. Mr. Grady suggested the City and the DDB offer whatever assistance they can. Mr. wright updated the DDB on the progress of the RFP for the downtown advertising agency. A joint m::!eting was set for October 10, 1989 at 9: 00 AM between the DOB and CRA. Copies of the packets submitted by the three agencies will be sent to the board members before the Cctober 10th meeting. . Me. Wright reported on the progress of the downtown Cleveland Street Sidewalk Project. At this point, the contractor is about finished with the 2 . '. ~ t~.-'~:~:. '".' .' , , '~ , ,'! "'" . ,fe. t ~" ,j', :r--, ' , r , ,i > " :. ., " ;.'. .', ( " , " '. ".'. .~ , ' ...........-:--1 . .~ ..:~... .,' i'{; . 'f ,,',-f:-": f:'!, -: ,'.<.', '";',:,::;.' "