07/10/1989 - Special (2) 2. :/.~ 3. ~ \.f:I. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. DDB.:.::. ...:.... ::1::::::: ... ::::::!::: ....... ::. ::z::::::: mm!ii!m!!!m~lii!!!r ~........I..f:::!'....... Both the CRA and DDB hold joint quarterly meetings to ensure continued communications between the two elected bodies. Jerry Sternstein serve as staff director to both organizations to ensure continuity of effort supplemented by the efforts of Mike Wright as appropriate. The CRA move quickly to update the downtown development plan using the 1986 Halcyon plan and other relevant information. As part of the plan update, explore the feasibility of expanding the district. Once the plan is completed and accepted, have it adopted as the work program for downtown development. In the interim, the CRA will continue to work with H&G Structures, the Arlington Capital Corp. and others to facilitate ongoing projects. The CRA will finalize the parking study for the S. Fort Harrison area. The Economic Development Director and the City Manager's Office ~iill prepare a scope of work in conjunction with the Chamber of Commerce to investigate conference center feasibility on both Clearwater Beach and the downtown area. The study will be funded by a grant from the County Tourist Development Council. 9. The DDB and the CRA jointly select an advertising agency to assist in promotional activities, the development of collateral marketing materials and public relations. It is recommended that funding for the first phase of the ad agency's effort come from the $92,000 allocated currently available from the CRA and the $30,000 DDS contribution. 10. The DDS consider the levy of an ad valorem tax sufficient to provide an annual $120,000 advertising and marketing effort for at least the second year. That wi 11 guarantee a two year campa i gn for the overa 11 market i ng effort. The suggested $120,000 in funding equates to a millage levy of approximately 2/3 of a mill. 11. The CRA continue to use its available funds to acquire land to provide the necessary infrastructure, to set the stage for growth and fund the Economic Development Office. 12. Both organizations should affiliate with regional and national organizations that will provide exposure to developers who have demonstrated expertise in downtown development. Discussion ensued regarding the proposals with it being stated that, if the DDB was being asked to provide funds to continue the advertising program, it should have a part in the selection of the ad agency. The Assistant City Manager stated if all the suggestions corne to pass, the CRA will no longer do any marketing, the DDS would take over this function and the CRA Promotional Advisory Committee would then report to the DDB. He stated the DDB wou ld be work ing directly with the ad agency. He stated it was also the recommendation that the $92,000 earmarked in the CRA budget be transferred to DDS contro 1. 2 7/10/89 Clearwater Downtown Develooment Board ;'t< '-,' , " ','A )', ""~:' t' "..'" " . ,,-. f' .., f.:' I" ,'"t , r '.~ > '. ' "".,: :,:.' ""':, ~S"l:," ,:,' . I' , . . . , t.. ~ J," , " ' " t' .' t ;' ~.' I . '. J" . " ,'::;;4: Discussion ensued regarding at what level to set the millage rate. It was indicated there may be some residual funds from this year's fiscal budget, as well as an additional $11,000 which had not been previously taken into account as a result of the Oaks settlement. In response to a question regarding whether or not the DDB could go to the CRA and request matching funds, it was indicated that in the next fiscal year the CRA will be acquiring parkland and providing for a parking study, and with other outstanding commitments, will not have additional dollars to spend on promotion. Discussion ensued regarding setting the millage rate at one (1) mill with the thought 'that, as additional information regarding what funds will be left over from this fiscal year and what programs will be funded, the millage rate could actually be set at a lower rate at the budget public hearings. The millage rate set tonight wi 11 be tentat i ve and ma i 1 ed to the Property Appra i ser 's Off ice. The proposed mi 11 age rate must be to the Property Appra i ser by Ju ly 19th. Concerns were expressed that if the millage rate was set at one mill, expenses would expand to use the entire mill. Mr. Thompson moved to set the preliminary budget millage rate at one mill. The motion was duly seconded. It was stated the members of the Board felt they would be prudent and would not allow the budget to artificially inflate to take up the entire mill. However, it was felt it was premature to zero in on a millage rate at this point as the programs to be funded have not been established. The Director of Administrative Services reported to the Board that, as their last year's millage rate had only been 1/4 of a mill, when this millage is advertised it will show as a 296.4% tax increase. Upon the vote being taken, Members Thompson, Carley, Finegan, Vaughn and Flowers voted "aye.1I Chairman Grady voted IInay.1I Motion carried. The Assistant City Manager indicated Mr. Sternstein will be identifying the incidental cost to the DDS for such things as mailings, advertising, etc. In response to a question, Terry Flowers, also a member of the Downtown Clearwater Association, stated at the present time the Association did not see a need for the $2,800 remaining in the DDB budget that had been earmarked for use by the Downtown Clearwater Association. Member Finegan moved to accept Item #10 of the staff recommendations to the DDB. The motion was duly seconded. Upon the vote being taken, Members Thompson, Carley, Finegan, Vaughn and Flowers voted "aye.1I Chairman Grady voted "nay.1I Motion carried. DDBii~m~i!: .... n::::: ::. Hininn...::;i~~~~:: .. ::::::: ::::::: :::.::::::::::::::::::: .::: iii! I~iii ii!1 ii!:!liii!:iiiiliiiiii!iiiii:iii!ii .:.:.:.!.;:::::::::::i:n:::!::::::::~.:::;i::i:.l: 4 7/10/89 Clearwater Downtown Develooment Board .. ' ;\H~'t~~~:)'~~::h~ :.,;,.;:::(~?,t~~t;~:~:{:::f~'~,:,::~{~;?*\i~t~~t!ti~{:~~w.- ", -,'; {.... I"" " "',.':",!' ',..' ~'! " :"'.' I.": " '., ., . " . . " ~' ~,' , " ",' , , " ,~ " ! '\ ' " .., ,.... ('~i;, . I: \.' .~. .. .... r~' '".' . ~. ... r:.', ", ~ ~~.; J '!I 4.