06/26/1989 (2)
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Mr. Finegan indicated that the information regarding the settlement was not
in the 5/31/89 statement. Mr. Wright indicated that is because all the information
has not been received. Mr. Finegan said that he felt the statement could be
'~~0:, approved based on the contingency that information regardio,g the settlement be
'st. '
Mr. Finegan moved to approve the May 31, 1989 financial statement. The
motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously.
Item #3 - Future of the Downtown Development Board
The Chairman indicated there is an overwhelming movement to continue the DDB
under certain circumstances. Mr. Wright reviewed the Cityls proposal stating they
are recommending that the ex-officio procedure continue as well as joint meetings
between the DDB and the CRA be held quarterly. He reported that Mr. Sternstein
will be the contact for the DDS and the CRA. He stated the DDB will be asked for
input regarding policy, but their primary function will be to take over promotion
and public relations activities, while the CRA will be responsible for capital
improvements. He reported the Tourist Development Council has approved a grant to
the Chamber regarding a feasibility study for a Conference Center. Regarding the
status of the Ad Agency, two firms have been ranked and will be giving oral
presentations. It will then go to the CRA for contract award. Staff is recommending
that the DDB set a millage rate of two-thirds of a mill.
The Assistant City Manager reviewed specific points in staff I s recommendation.
In response to questions he indicated: 1) a copy of the Halcyon would be sent to
the DDB members; 2) the parking study was a request to the CRA to study parking
needs from Cleveland Street to Court Street and from East Street to the Bay; 3) the
City has requested the downtown area be included in the feasibility study for the
Conference Center and that CRA money may need to be provided for this addition.
A question was raised regarding the need for the DDB to continue for another
year and what taxes should be collected. The Assistant City Manager indicated that
it was felt the ad campaign needs to be at least two years in duration and it is
staff1s recommendation that the DOBis funds go mainly to this activity. A concern
was raised whether or not two-thirds of a mill would generate the anticipated
$120,000. in 1 i ght of doubtfu 1 co 11 ect i on s. Eli zabeth Deptu 1 a, 0 i rector of
Administrative Services, indicated they have used a 21% contingency that would
require a little over two-thirds of a mill to generate the $120,000. Discussion
ensued regarding whether or not the Board should continue in light of the fact that
there has been a change in the cooperation between the DDB and the CRA.
Mr. Finegan moved that the DDB formally recommend to the City Commission that
the DDB not be sunsetted 9/30/89 and that they be allowed to continue for one more
year to 9/30/90 with the provision that upon review, the Board could be extended
beyond that time. The motion was duly seconded.
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