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OCTOBER 24, 1988
5:30 P.M.
Tom Thompson, Chairman
Chuck Finegan, Vice-Chairman
Ed Armstrong II I
Tom Brown
Tyler Grady
Mayor Garvey, Ex-Officio
Jacquelyn L. Smith,
Assistant Director
Terry Flowers
r"r. & Mrs. Ogg
Lee Cusack
Dave Levenreich
Curtis Kruger- Press
Mike Copeland- Press
The meeting was brought to order by Chairman Thompson at 5:30 P.M. and invocation was
then given by Board member, Tom Brown. 5C'p+r,,1[Jo.,r ,~{, i../.
The first order of business was the approval of the Minutes from the October 24th meeting.
Ed Armstrong made a motion to approve the Minutes with the following amendment. The
D.D.B. submit to the D.C.A. up to $9,600 and for the C.R.A. to submit a proposal to the
D.D_B. for promotions and public relations. Chuck Finegan seconded the motion and the
motion carried.
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Chuck Finegan nlade a motion to approve the Financial Statement with the change of the two
brackets being removed on the $249.50. Ed Armstrong seconded the motion and the Board
approved the Financial Statement of October 31,1988.
Chairman of the Nominating Committee, Ed Armstrong, then presented the slate for the
upcoming election. Tom Brown stated that he would not seek re-election. The six
candidates that were presented are: John Homer, David Levenreich, Bill Jennings,
Mary Vaughn, Ter'ry Flowers and David Carley. Mr. Flowers and Mr. Levenreich were present
at the meeting. and accepted the nominations. Nominations were open from the floor at that
time. There are 4 positions open for re-election and the six candidates will stand for
election of the four positions. There were ,no nominations presented from the floor. The
two candidates that receive the largest number of votes will then take the 3 year position
terms left by Tom Brown and Ed Armstrong. The remaining two will take the terms unfinished
by Lillian Trickel (2 yrsl and Bill O'Malley (1 yr). Chuck Finegan made a motion to approve
the slate as presented, Ed Armstrong seconded the motion and the Board approved.
Chairman Thompson congratulated Tom Brown on his fine job in pursuing the City and the
State to give Cleveland Street in Downtown Clearwater back to the City.
It was stated by the Chairman that there is a lIsnagll in the process of the permits from
D.O.T. for the streetscape plan to begin. Tom Brown pointed out that when the Cleveland
Street is returned to the City, that that problem will no longer exist. The streetscape
plan has been pushed back.
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