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The meeting of the Board of Directors of the Clearwater Downtown Development
Board was called to order by Chairman Armstrong at 5:30 P.M. on Monday, February 29, 1988.
Invocation was given by Vice-Chairman, Tom Brown. The first order of business was the
approval of the minutes of February 1, 1988. Chairman Armstrong made a request that the
portion of the minutes regarding the support for the Scaup de jour sign be amended to
reflect a statement of the board's views after all the facts are known. Chuck Finegan made
a motion that the minutes be approved with the one amendment, Lillian Trickel seconded the
motion, and the board approved. Chuck Finegan made a motion that the the Financial Statement
of January 31, 1988 accurately reflects the money on hand and made a motion to approve it,
Tom Brown seconded the motion and the board approved.
On comments from citizens, Terry Flowers of the Happy Balloon Company, made a very
strong statement regarding the unkept condition of the vacant building next to the Post
Office. He stated that the owners have been contacted several times and have done nothing.
Mr. O'Malley suggested that in a few weeks, if the owners still have not responded, that
the matter be brought up to the Code Enforcement Board.
The next item on the Agenda was the presentation of information on the proposed
Isaiah's Inn by Bob Crown, the spokesperson for the group. Mr. Crown addressed the rules
and regulations for the proposed shelter that would be located in the old Winn Dixie store
location in the downtown district. Chief Sid Klein of the City of Clearwater Police Dept.,
made a presentation to the Board and the guests on the disadvantages of having a shelter
of this type in downtown. He stated that, even through the good intentions of the group,
there would be an increase of crime in this area. The floor was open to questions and
expressions of views from the guests and property owners. After all the views had been
heard, Chairman Armstrong asked for discussion from the Board members. Tom Thompson made
a motion that the Board go on record as opposing this proposed shelter in the downtown
district, Lilli~n Trickel seconded the motion for discussion. Lillian Trickel and Tom
Thompson were opposed to having the proposed 3helter in the downtown district. Chuck Finegan
stated that he was opposed to being opposed to having the shelter and would like to find a
workable solution to satisfy all concerns. Bill O'Malley said that he felt that the grcup
of Isaiah's Inn ought not be blamed for the problems that have arisen from the other
organizations in this area that serve the needs of the needy. Mr. O'Malley thinks it is
a constructive and positive manner to solve an existing problem downtown. Chief Klein made
a statement that he would support a shelter that would limit itself to families. Chairman
Armstrong stated that he would vote for the shelter with the restriction of families only.
Bill O'Malley amended the motion that the Board go on record as being in favor of Isaiah's
Inn with the qualification that it focuses on families rather than large groups of single
men. Chuck Finegan seconded the motion. The motion was amended by Bill O'Malley, per the
request of the Chairman, to "absolute restriction" instead of "focus" on families. Chuck
Finegan seconded that motion as amended. The vote for both the motion and the amended
motion was 4-2. Lillian Trickel and Tom Thompson opposed the motions. Mr. Bob Crown of
the Isaiah's Inn group expressed his appreciation of the Board's discussion and vote and
stated that their group would have to address the motion as stated.
A five minute break took place.
The next order of business was the presentation of the slate for the election of
a seventh member of the Board. The nominees were presented by Bill Berg, of the Nominating
Committee, as follows: Tyler Grady - N.C,N.B., Edward Haduck - TIKM Properties & John Homer
Homer R~~i~i~~'.::::. Vice Chairman Brown requested an extension for a potential candidate,
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Gene Anderson, of Republic Bank, to reply on his decision to run as a candidate. Bill
O'Malley made a motion to accept Gene Anderson as a candidate providing he makes his
decision by noon on Thursday. Chuck Finegan seconded the motion and the Board approved.
No additional names were brought forward for nominees. Chuck Finegan made a motion that
the Board approve the slate of Tyler Grady, Edward Haduch, John Homer and the provision of
Gene Anderson. Tom Brown seconded the motion and the Board approved.
The next item was the Board's policy on directing referrt'ls for interests in
downtown leasing or purchasing. Jim Carpenter reported that there has not been any problems
in this area. As a general rule the requested space and usage are considered and the inquiry
is referred to the 10Gal real estate agents and/or the property owners. We attempt to keep
our information current regarding vacant properties and the agents or property owner::. t'-'at
represent these spaces. Terry Flowers, Happy Balloon owner, stated that he felt that the
D.D.B. should advertise more regarding the service that they perform. He also beleives that
the D.D.B. should go out to the centers to solicit retailers and businesses to relocate in
the downtown district. He feels like this is a viable position for the D.D.B. to have.
Chairman Armstrong stated that on C.R.A. news, the Clearwater Square Building had
been recently acquired by Maria Real Estate, which is an arm of Citicorp.
Bill O'Malley made a motion that the distillation made by Terry Flowers about the
functions of the D.D.B. be distributed to the Promotion Committee. The Board all were in
favor of this motion.
Vice-Chairman Brown brought up the recent parking on Cleveland Street report and
wants the Board to continue to pursue the parking on the South side of Cleveland Street.
Chuck Finegan made a motion that Keith Crawford be invited to our next meeting to make his
comments on the recommendations of this report, Lillian Trickel seconded the motion and the
Board all approved.
Chuck Finegan made a motion to adjourn at 7:35 P.M.
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