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5:30 P.M.
Ed Armstrong III, Chairman
Tom Brown, Vice-Chairman
Tom Thompson
Lillian Trickel
Bill 0 ' Ma 11 ey
Chuck Finegan
Mayor Garvey Ex-officio
Corrunissioner Regulski - Ex Officio
James Carpenter, Exec.Dir.
Jacquelyn Smith, Asst. Dir.
Paul Crawford
Will iam Berg
Dale R. Warren
Paul C. Brown
Sid Klein
Betty Brown
Paula Harvey
Janis Coker, Suncoast News
M.G. Copeland, Tribune
Rose Phifer
El eanor Cordes
~'r. & Mrs. Ogg
Susan Daniels
Barry Carrol, C1wtr. Sun
Howard Groth
The meeting of the Board of Directors of the Clearwater Downtown Development Board was called
" to order by Chairman Armstrong at 5:30 P.M. on Monday, February It 1988. Invocation was
$' given by vice-Chairman Brown. The first order of business was a request by Bill O'Malley to
~. change the meeting agenda item # 4 to the Board's discussion of Jim Carpenter's letter. Bill
O'Malley made his request a moti'on, Chuck Finegan seconded the motion and the Board agreed.
Chuck Finegan requested that on page 2 of the Minutes of December 28tht that the word
supporting replace the wordproposfng. Wi'th that change, Chuck Finegan made a motion that
the Minutes be accepted, Tom Thompson seconded the motion, and the Board approved.
Chuck Finegan made a motion that the Financial Statement of December 31,1987 as distributed
be approved, Lillian Trickel seconded the motiont and the Board approved.
Chuck Finegan discussed briefly the Fiscal Year 1986/1987 Annual Audit with our C.P.A.,
Paul Crawford. All questions were answered to the satisfaction of Chuck Finegan so he moved
to approve the Annual Audi't as prepa'red by Paul Crawfol"dt Tom Brown seconded the motion, and
the Board approved.
The next item that was brought to the Board was a presentation by a downtown property owner
and business ownert Dale Warren of Tack & Warren and True Value Hardware. Mr. Warren's
concern was regarding the proposed male residence called Isaiah's Inn to be located in
the old Winn Dixie location in the downtown district. His concern was the potential of
increased crime in this area. Sid Klein, Chief of Clearwater Police Departmentt spoke also
against the location of this shelter in the downtown district from the standpoint of the
potential of increased crime. Tom Thompson made a motion that we support Chief Klein's
recommendation to go on record as opposing the location of this facility in the downtown
districts ,Lillian Trickel seconded the motion and the Chairman asked for further questions.
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Clearwater Downtown
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Minutes of February 1~ 1988
Bill O'Malley stated that he would like the Board to have the benefit of knowing all the
facts related to the Inn that prompted the Clearwater Housing Authority to vote in favor
of this facility to be located in their building. He therefore~ requested that this motion
be tabled until such time that we have the opportunity to hear from the group that is
proposing this shelter operation. Tom Thompson's motion did not pass and he made a new
motion to continue this discussion until next month when we can hopefully have an opportunity
to hear the views of the group from Isaiah's Inn. Chuck Finegan seconded that motion and
the Board all approved. It was also suggested that the Board be notified of any future
meetings that might be held with the Housing Authorithy on this subject. Also~ next months
meeting will be held next door in the larger room which is the snack room.
Bill O'Malley then addressed the Board regarding his feelings towards the letter from Jim
Carpenter and his views regardi'ng the Chamber of Commerce retreat last August and their
subsequent reso1uti'on to the City Commission -regarding the merging of the D.D.B. into the
C.R.A. He questioned the reasons for the Chamber of Commerce to be concerned with re-
structuring the D.D.B. and the fact that the Board of Directors of the D.D.B. were unaware
of the Chamber's intent. Chairman Armstrong then responded to Bill O'Malley's statements and
questions by saying that the Chamber's deci'si'on in August had nothing directly to do with his
philosophy that he made tn his proposal to the Board members in September regarding the
merging of the D.D.B. into the C.R.A. and that while he was out of the country for a month~
the Chamber Council voted on their 'reso1ution that was presented to the city. Bill O'Malley
encouraged the Board members to attend the scheduled meeting between Bob Burwell and Craig
Spicher of the Chamber of Commerce Committee.
Chairman Armstrong remarked that'he understands Jim Carpenter's frustration with the Chamber's
findings and that his problem does not lie with that feeling~ but with the manner in which
Mr. Carpenter handles it and also the manner in which he handled himself at the recent city
...~~~" commission meeting regarding the parking ordinance. Chairman Armstrong maintains that in
order for us to be effective, we must have a good rapport with these organizations. A few
of the Board members agreed that Mr. Carpenter could have handled the situations in a more
tactful manner. Rose Phifer, former Board member and property owner, stated that she was
present at the conuni'ss'ion meeti'ng and gave parise to Mr. Carpenter for his position. Mr.
Carpenter defended hi's actions and stated that he had vowed to cooperate with Chairman
Armstrong on hi's' proposed restructuring of the D.D. B. however, he took offense to the manner
in whi'ch the Chamber committee arrived at their resolution and the contents of the resolution
that they presented to the city commission. He stated that if the Chamber wanted to change
their resolution to a more "up-beat" statement and following the proposal of Chairman
Armstrong, he would withdraw his recommendation to the Board. He stated that his letter to
the Board was just that - - recommendations. Chairman Armstrong stated that he felt that
the Board could not be in a "winni.ng" position with Mr. Carpenter acting as Executive
Director. Tom Brown made a motion to call for a vote of confidence for Mr. Carpenter, Bill
O'Malley seconded the motion and the vote was taken with three in favor of the motion and
three opposed to the motion. (Brown,Trickel & O'Malley in favor & Finegan,Armstrong &
Thompson opposed) Chuck Finegan stated that he did not have an opportunity to speak before
this vote was taken and would like to have his remarks heard. He said he supported the
substance of Jim Carpenter's speech to the commission but does not support the negative manner
in which it is preceived and reflected upon the Board. Chuck Finegan stated that he would
like to proceed with the business at hand in restructuring the Board. Commissioner Regulski
said that he took no offense to anything M)~. Carpenter said or did at the commission meeting
and that he felt that we needed to look at all this and all decide what climate we need to
make the organfzattons work towards the success of downtown.
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Clearwater Downtown
Development Board
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