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December 28, 1987
5:30 P.M.
Ed Armstrong III, Chairman
Tom Brown, Vice Chairman
Tom Thompson
Lillian Trickel
Bill 0 I t-1a 11 ey
Chuck Finegan
Mayor Garvey- Ex-officio
Lee Regulski- Ex-officio
Jim Carpenter, Exec. Dir.
Jacquelyn Smith, Asst.Dir.
Bill Kr vas
t~rs. Kr vas
Tony Do is (Times)
Mr. & r~ s. Ogg
Barry C rroll (Sun)
Janis C cker (Suncoast News)
Joe McF te
Richard Hayworth
Lee Cus ck
Rose Ph.fer
Eleanor Cordes
Susan D niels
Paula H rvey
Paulett Kincer (Tribune)
The meeting was brought to order by Chairman Armstrong at 5:30 P.M. Invoc tion was given by
Vice Chairman Brown. The first order of business was the approval of the inutes and the
Financial Statement of November. Chuck Finegan made a motion to approve t e Minutes, Tom
Thompson seconded the motion and requested that an addendum to the Minutes which reflect the
~"' statements of Paula Harvey be made and distributect and the board approved. Chuck Finegan
made a motion that the Financial Statement of November 30 be approved as s bmitted, Lillian
Trickel seconded the motion and the board approved.
Rose Phifer brought up the importance of a discussion by the boa d of this
proposed ordinance of the parking downtown.
Under Old Business, Bill O'Malley presented the board with two h ndouts which he
has prepared.regarding the proposed contract with the C.R.A. and the D.D.B. There was
much discussion regarding the need for a contract or not a contract, to co tinue with the
one mill tax levy or not to continue and whether or :not the continuous tax levy is contingent
upon a proposed relationship position with the C.R.A. There was discussio regarding the
legal restrictions and limitations in comparing the proposed activities of the C.R.A. and
the D.D.B. Tom Brown made a motion that we retain the Board as usual with some staff changes.
The staff change he proposed was to eliminate the executive director's pos.tion. The motion
was seconded by Lillian Trickel for discussion. Bill O'Malley stated that the issue at hand
is to decide on the future role of the D.D.B. in relationship with the C.R.A., not the roles
of the staff at this time. Tom Brown removed that nart of his motion reqa dinq staff. Chuck
Finegan agreed \'/ith Bill O'Halley that the priority' now is the structure"a d relationship of
the D.D.B. with the C.R.A. and that the staff is not included in this issu . Tom Brown
expressed that he was reluctant in making that motion, but did so in hopes of brinqing some
harmony to these discussions. He requested that his entire motion be cane lled. Discussion
ensued with the focus on the structure of the proposed relationship. Tom hompson made a
motion to submit the outline prepared by Bill 0't1alley with the exclusion f paraqraph #2
regarding.~he one mill tax levy. The motion was not seconded. Discussion nsued by Bill
O'Malley~~~ie~~ng his proposal to Mayor Garvey. Tom Thompson withdrew hi motion.
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Clearwater Downtown
Develocment Board
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Chuck Finegan made a motion in support of the Chairman's proposal that the one mill levy
not be phased out immediately' but be subject to a gradual phase-out assuming that we meet
the objectives of: a duly constituted advisory board to the C.R.A. functioning in a fashion
like the Plannfng & Zontng Board without a contract with the C.R.A. and the C.R.A. developinq
a staff. Tom Thompson seconded the motion. Discussion ensued on this motion. The vote
was taken with Bill O'Malley, Lillian Trickel & Tom Brown opposing and Chairman Armstrong,
Tom Thompson & Chuck Finegan supporting the motion. Bill O'Malley made a motion that this
matter be moved for discussion to the next meeting. Tom Brown seconded and all approved.
Next item, Tom Thompson reported on the C.R.A. advisory committee for promotions downtown.
He stated that they had established their objectives as to enhance the public image of
downtown Clearwater to (1) increase occupancy (2) business activity. They will collect
all past promotional materials, indentify the target market, various types of marketing
programs and they are now looking for a good market survey company to survey business people
who work downtown as to the benefits and objectives of working downtown. They are exploring
a search of C.E.O. 's who live in this area but have businesses in Tamoa and are tired of
the commuting. They are explorinq a marketing brochure and the visibility of our parking
signs to motorists. He also noted that the Chamber of Commerce Welcoming Center on S.R. 60
did not have any information on downtown so they are looking into that. He said that their
group was shooting to have information for the Board and the C.R.A. by Feb. 7th.
Next item was the discussion of the proposed Parking Ordinance. After much
discussion, Tom Thompson made a motion that the word "sold" be extracted from the proposed
Ordinance, Chuck Finegan seconded the motion and the board all approved. It was requested
that a letter be sent to Ms. Paula Harvey regarding the extraction of the word "sold" from
the Ordinance.
The next meeting will be held on Feb. 1, 1988 instead of January 25th due to
board members being out of town.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 P.M.
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