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OCTOBER 26, 1987
5:30 P.M.
Ed Armstrong III, Chairman
Tom Brown, Vice Chairman
L ill ian Trickel
Chuck Finegan
Tom Thompson
Bill 0 I Ma 11 ey
Mayor Garvey,Ex-Officio
Jim Carpenter
Jacquelyn Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Ogg
Carol Horne
Helen vJhel1 is
Fran Zacharckus
Lee Cusick
Janis Coker
Rose Phifer
Eleanor Cordes
Paula Harvey
Richard Hayworth
Elizabeth McMahon
Ed Haduch
Bill Kravi s
Mr. & Mrs. Berg
~1arti Falwell
Bill Matson
Chairman Armstrong called the meeting to order at 5:30 P.M. followed by invocation by
Vice Chairman Brown.
The next normal business was to approve the Minutes of the September 28, 1987 meeting and
the September 30, 1987 Financial Statement. Bill O'Malley made a motion to approve the
Minutes with a correction of a typographical error, Chuck Finegan seconded the motion and
the Board approved. Chuck Finegan made a motion to approve the Financial Statement,
!~ Tom Thompson seconded the motion and the Board approved.
Bill Berg spoke in favor of the program of Sidewalks on Saturday and reported that it was
having a positive effect on the downtown retailers.
Bill O'Malley reported that he had submitted a preliminary draft of a contract outlining
the attitude ana responsibilities of the C.R.A. and the D.O.B. to Joe McFate. However,
Joe McFate, as well as Ed Armstrong, have been out of town. There was a lenghthy dis-
cussion regarding the procedure towards structuring a new ordinance. Tom Brown made a
motion that Bill O'Malley with Ed Armstrong and Joe McFate proceed with their responsibility;
presenting a drawt contract to the Board. Chuck Finegan seconded the motion and the Board
approved the motion. Ed Armstrong and Bill O'Malley will individually work on the drafts.,
Chuck Finegan reported that at the most recent C.R.A. meeting that Jim Carpenter made a
proposal that the proposed budget of $100,000 be approved by the C.R.A. for the purpose
of promotion of the downtown and that an advisory group be appointed by the C.R.A. Further,
that this advisory group be representative of the various interest groups. The five interest
groups to be represented are the O.D.B. City Commission, Chamber of Commerce, D.C.A. and
the Rea.l. Estate Market. Cht-.lck reported that the ,members of this group will be selected
and announced at the next C.R.A. meeting.
Jim Carpenter gave a report of the financial position of the D.O.B. at the end of the
1986/87 Fiscal year.
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