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JULY 27, 1987
D.D.B. Members Present
D.D.B. Staff Present
Guests Present
Ed Armstrong III, Chairman
Tom Brown, Vice Chairman
Chuck Finegan
Bill 0' Ma 11 ey
Li11 ian Trickel
Tom Thompson
James Carpenter
Jacquelyn Smith
Ed Haduch
Rose Phifer
Eleanor Cordes
Lee Crusik'
Joe McFate
Mr. & Mrs. Ogg
Helen \4hee1is
Ray Korzenoski
Marti Folwell
Bill Matson
Josan Berg
Bill Berg
Terry Flowers
Newk Stewart
Carol Horne Warren
Ludwig Alpers
The meeting was brought to order by Chairman Armstrong at 5:30 P.M. and invocation was
given by Vice Chainman Brown.
Chuck Finegan made a motion to approve the Minutes of thelJune 29th meeting, Tom Thompson
seconded the motion and all approved. Chuck Firegan made a motion to approve the amended
Financial Statement of May 31,1987, Lillian Trickel seconded the motion and all approved.
Chuck Finegan made a motion to approve the Financial Statement of June 30,1987, Tom Thompson
seconded the motion and all approved.
Rose Phifer stated that the north side of the 500 block has a very bad appearance due to
the vacant stores dirty condition. Bill O'Malley made a motion to defer any action from
the Board until Tom Brown can contact the owner and/or the leasing agent to take some
action. The motion was seconded by Lillian Trickel and the Board approved. She also brought
up the matter of the Board sending out a newsletter to the property owners. Ed Armstrong
suggested to Jim Carpenter to have a draft or outline of a newsletter for the Board at the
next meeting.
Tom Brown made a motion to put a time limit of 5 minutes on agenda item "Comments from
citizens on items not on agenda". Chuck Finegan seconded the motion. Bill O'Malley spoke
against the motion saying that he felt that the Board did not have too much business that it
could not take time to listen to a citizen, property owner or whoever has something to say
that they feel the Board should be aware of or the Board not dOing their job. Chuck Finegan
spoke in favor of the motion in that he said that whatever has to be said, he feels can be
said in 5 minutes. If not, then put it on the agenda as an agenda item. A vote was taken
and all iilli~i~ :~i::~d members approved except Bill O'Malley. Jacquelyn Smith suggested that a
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person could contact the office if they would like to be on the agenda.
The Board agreed.
Chuck Finegan, as a
for F.Y. 1987/1988.
Trickel seconded the
member of the Budget Committee,
Bill O'Malley made a motion to
motion and the Board approved.
gave a report on the
approve the one mill
proposed budget
tax levy, Lillian
Chuck Finegan made a motion
Trickel seconded the motion
to adopt the proposed budget in
and all the members approved.
the amount of $134,551,
A discussion
Director and Ed Armstrong,
Additional discussion ensued and
Bill O'Malley seconded and
Ed Armstrongs as Chairman, to
seconded the motion and the
of the two non-voting members to be selected from
brought to the floor a motion by Chuck Finegan
as Chairman, be selected.
the Board as members of the
that Jim Carpenter, as Executive
Tom Thompson seconded the motion.
Lillian Trickel made a motion to retract this motion,
She then made a motion to select Chuck Finegan and
representatives on the C.R.A., Bill O'Malley
all approved.
be the Board's
Board approved.
Bill O'Malley withdrew his proposal regarding leasing space.
Lillian Trickel showed the Board
signatures to submit to the city
in the streetscape plan. She requested that she would like
of the city's Parks & Recreation Department, be present at
Trickel made a motion for the Board to approve her
Bill O'Malley and Chuck Finegan stated
this action until more information is received
copy of a petition
that she
replacing oak
proposes to distribute for
trees with palm trees
have Ream Wilson, Director
our next meeting. Lillian
petitions Tom Brown seconded the motion,
that they did not feel it was proper to approve
from Ream Wilson.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:00 P.M.
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DevEllooment Board