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JUNE 29, 1987
Ed Armstrong, Chainman
Tom Brown, Vice Chairman
Li 11 i an Trickel
Bill 0' Ma 11 ey
ITom Thompson
Chuck Flnegan
Jim Carpenter
Jacquelyn Smith
Hugh Pascoe
Sara Jackson
Paula Harvey
Ray Korzenoski
Susan Daniels
Mr. & Mrs. Ogg
Lee Cusick
Bill Ma tso n
t.1ayor Garvey
Chairman Armstrong called the meeting to order at 5:30 P.M. Invocation was given
by Vice Chairman Brown. Chuck Finegan made a motion that the minutes of the May 18th
meeting be approved, Lillian Trickel seconded the motion and the board approved. Chuck
Finegan'made a motion that the minutes of the June 8th worksession be approved, Lillian
Trickel seconded the motion and the board approved. Chuck Finegan made a motion that
the financial statement be approved with the amendment of the treatment of the $140
revenue to a reduction in expenses, Tom Brown seconded the motion and the board approved.
Chairman Armstrong introduced Hugh Pascoe and Sara Jackson fron the Metropolitian'
Planning Organization to make a presentation to the board on the current status of the
rapid transit system in Pinellas County. They presented areas to be covered by the
Pinellas Guideway Transit System.
Jacquelyn Smith proposed to the board to approve the plan to hold an Open House
in the O.D.B. 's new office. Bill O'Malley suggested that the costs be gathered and
then informally approved by the board. Ms. Smith also proposed that the D.O.B. offer
the D.C.A. the use of their meeting room for their meetings. Chuck Finegan made a motion
that this offer be made, Lillian Trickel seconded the motion and the board approved.
Jim Carpenter proposed that Jacquelyn Smith be promoted to Assistant Director.
Bill O'Malley made a motion that this proposal be approved, Lillian Trickel seconded the
motion and the board approved.
Chairman Armstrong stated that in regards to the C.R.A./O.D,S. meeting of July 13th,
that he has had conversation with Mayor Garvey and feels comfortable with the Mayor
chairing that joint meeting along with her understanding of the format in terms of an
open dialogue between the two organizations. Tom Thompson made a motion that this format
be approved~ Lillian Trickel seconded the motion, and the board approved.
Bill O'Malley's proposal was extended to the July meeting.
Jim Carpenter proposed to the board a letter to be mailed out to the groups who have
interest in the matters relating to the C.R.A. & the D.D.B. After discussion by the board
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Clearwater Downtown
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and Mayor Garvey, Bill O'Malley made a motion that this letter not be sent as is to all
groups. The motion is to revise the letter to request the input of these groups, Chuck
Finegan seconded the motion and the board approved. It was also decided by the board that
this letter be sent to the property owners and that it request their response by phone.
Chairman Armstrong appointed Chuck Finegan & Bill O'Malley as the Budget Committee.
Bill O'Malley made a motion to adjourn, Tom Thompson seconded the motion and the
board approved. The meeting adjourned at 7:10 P.M.
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Clearwater Downtown
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