02/23/1987 ,: . ,,' :~': f' . , y ~,"'''... 'I'. r,' ..,~,,~ ~ i.t~" .....1ft.' '1'" ,. . ~ :'~ , ,1",.': ...".' ..,;1" ;1::1'/" "\~.~ : '- -" -.- .,. _...:..__._-~- ...,-,.. ~_.._... ...~ '" ",...-.- ,- ..- .-. ._..~. .-,--'.,,, .,-..... .." -'- "," ,. -- . 1. \'::<?,.'~r~'~':-",;:t.;' '.,<~: )\,;,,:.::,:, ':'!.. " ;;" ';':', :(:"~ ,I . '~: ) ,.-" , . :'1'" ;:'. ., ',' ....' ,', " l"," ., , , " . :' I' . .... . '. . , . , "'1 '.' " : ' ," '. '., . ,\ " . .' .' .', , I t.. ".'.. ."<, . . . ' , . ~ . . .. . .. ._-........~---.-----.. ... ;.':..J",: . . page# 2 ':':~'7.: The next order of business was for the Board to arrive at a consensus of major issues that they would extract from the Clearwater Community Redevelopment Plan. These major issues would be identified and written on the blackboard and then each candidate would have five minutes to respond to the issues. Chuck Finegan gave his list of issues as follows: # 1 The Board is opposed to restrictions listed as policies and permitted uses instead of a more favorable and flexible term as guidelines. The Board recognizes the need to have city adopted guidelines in place to set the paremeters for developers to follow. The Board favors the requirement of a site plan reviewed by the expqnded eRA, to include a member of the DDB - in other words, the Board is opposed to restrictions listed as policies and/or permitted uses instead of a more flexible term such as guidelines. #2 The Board does not favor the Tennis Courts in their present position and the Board is opposed to the use of TIF funds as being not cost-effective for any further expenditures on the courts. #3 The Board ;s opposed to the percentage of grade level permitted uses based upon percentages and being too restrictive and too difficult to apply universally and should only be used as guidelin~s. #4 The Board is opposed to setbacks because there is a majority of mature buildings that would become non-conforming and would have to be grandfathered and would introduce big problems if needed replaced at a later date. ,#5 The Board recorrunends that street improvements be financed from Transportation Impact ,~ Fees thereby, reserving the TIF funds for developer incentive-type projects. Also, we do not limit this statement to street improvements, but to other improvements that are typically paid for out of other city funds. #6 The Board favors the re-routi'ng of SR 60 to an alternative route and the relocation & rebuilding of the Memorial Causeway Bri'dge to eliminate the draw bridge which causes the bottleneck of traffi'c. Bill O'Malley expressed a few questions that he would like the Board to consider asking of the candidates; They are as follows: What function does the candidate feel should be given to promotional activities as a tool of downtown revitalization? Does the candidate feel that police protection at the city expense to downtown promotional activities? What efforts, if any, have been expended by current commissioners or will be expended by a new commissioner and with what investment of candidates' time in those endevors regarding efforts in keeping the Florida Aquarium in downtown Clearwater? Mr. O'Malley expressed that he does not think that the Board should allow the writers of the Redevelopment Plan to limit the platform of interest that this Board ought to have. Tom Brown said that we should make it clear to the staff and commission that the points that we have brought out are by no means conclusive, but are merely the "worse" points that we find in the Plan. Bill O'Malley also expressed that we should have an expression from the candidates of the amount of efforts the city should put forth toward the promotional activities in downtown and cooperating with the merchants in promoting downtown. It was decided that each candidate would address the main topics and then have a question and answer period to ask the candidates these additional questions. Bill O'Malley also suggested that the question should .:1':. .. l~!l!m!l .::lli:.. .::::.. :i!:IUi'li: I:il:::::: ....1.. ,.. t" f:. .r..:........:.. .. ::': ': :1::::: '::1:::::&::'::::::::;: .::: i:liillmi:il'Ii:lliiblii'liiUlii:l:m:mmi .2:......Z..: .. ....... ....,..: t...:....:... ':::.:..;:::.::.n:;;I!;:::::::::: '!.!.!!!:':::h::':' Clearwater Downtown Development Board ... '.,' ... ..' .'.'.. ,.,}.~}i1'(,1'~;;'~4~0i;~:I~;ir; ,. " ',' .."~"..",,.,.,...l..' , .. ... . ,.., ....,..; . .... "i:;i:~"n;;';,:\:;;ir~~~1~: " 'I :, t. .,' ... -.... '" . ,: ,', ~ ':. : . ". . .' ,_ '. I r. " " ! '! .; ~'" l' I", :'.: J. "''f~: I ,I " " , .. , ,", ~J""l, ',",. .., " "'t,' ", , " "';", '!,':\', ':~,; ":", :..',6';-"."';:"': ~ " .' ';:, " .'.' " · '..' .., ii'''' ... ... .; ',;.x,U :,,'<; " ,',', .,,': "',;.' ',>;,X:: :?:';i:'::;".',,;:<::, , ' :,'," ',,' "",:,,, '.,":;' i " . "':"'::'i:\:";, '::, " ',,: "', "" ,',' , ..' ." 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Ms. Garvey said that she is favor of the money spent on the Coachman Park with TIF funds because it makes a statement of the downtown on the bayfront and that she would not favor selling any of the bayfront property, which is publiCly owned now, to private enterprise and that she has no problem with not spendin~ CRA funds on the tennis courts and even if the tennis courts would be removed, the land stlll, in her opinion, remain public land for public use. She is opposed to selling City Hall to private enterprise and believes it should remain publicly owned. She also has no problem with eliminating the percentages of retail/office mix - however, she believes the downtown should follow guidelines for retail on the ground floor. On setbacks, she said she would be willing to listen to any changes regarding that issue. On re-routing SR 60 - Ms. Garvey believes that it would be so costly and time-consuming that she feels it is not a priority along with the new bri~ge. She would rather work on a strong retail/office market than worry about the bridge or SR 60. She has no problem with using the Transp. Impact Fees for downtown improvements instead of TIF funds. )\ :~i''': ~~~) t'~ ''I' :1:\ , " ~ '; -t.'i. ",' ~,., , . '" , ,.' . " ,:'., .\:.... Mr. LeCher stated that he did not approve of these statements in question in the Redevelopment Plan. He does not agree with percentages and restrictive uses, does not favor TIF funds for the rehab of Tennis Complex, says that setbacks should be within reason, such as major corners, etc., he favors re-routing SR 60 if that is what the DDB favors, perhaps along with a new bridge, and also favors the Impact Fees to be used for projects downtown. Ms. Nixon is opposed to the restricted & percentage uses of buildings, says that setbacks are only necessary such as a major project, would like to see tennis courts removed and land used for other public usage, probably opposed to SR 60 being rerouting to Drew St. because of having it overpass Coachman Park: but would consider other options, opposed to the use of TIF funds for street improvements, instead use Transportation Fees, opposed also to the use of TIF funds for the Coachman Park improvements, favors the Florida Aquarium to be located in the downtown area, does not favor having to pay city policeman $18 per hour for promotional activities and would like to see the existing City Hall used for a public use. Mr. Voege stated that there is overregulation in the downtown district as opposed to Hwy. 19 for example., opposes. a new bridge, favors the Bayfront for the public, opposed to percentages of retail/office space, and does not think it feasible to reroute SR 60. Mr. Bickerstaffe is opposed to restricted uses, opposed to tennis courts on the Bayfront and moved to a more central area, opposed to setbacks on certain streets, Impact Fees should be used for street improvements, and favors bringing residential living to the downtown. Ms. Calderbank favors as a first priority the construction of a new bridge, rental apartments in the downtown area, convert the existing City Hall into an arts center, opposed to having so many meters in the downtown area, opposed to developing the Bayfront, and opposed to setbacks. Ilmmill .::. .::: :ii:iiii: ::iiiiihi ...:. .. ...1 ......... .1....1 + 1..11.......:.... .... .. : ::::1 :: :::' .:: .: .:' '!I: : I::: 1U11:::I"ll" : 'ill: :..::: .::. ::u~. . ..... ...: .11...1:":1'''1':/1' ....... .... .......,..... ... r: ! -t Z:~'... [Iearwater Downtown Develooment Board " "I - '7,~..,..~~.:.-:..,....:.'i:'~.,~,~.~,; ;,".'.;,.);'( - ta:.-,:~:..:, ',' -. .... ..,:~..: '.' .' .!,.:,~#,'",~.., .. , . . 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Mr. Winner says that in order for redevelopment to take place in downtown the community needs to be supportive and understand that this is a source of an additional tax base to the community and a beautification of the downtown area, does not favor restricted uses, only guidelines to prevent undesirables from located here, would not object to the removal of the tennis courts but would object to private development there, would favor tennis courts being on top of buildings, opposed to dictating percentages of retail/office use, does not favor side or rear setbacks and does not think it is possible for front set- backs unless it is a major project, such as Clearwater Square, favors rerouting SR 60 to eliminate the fast and heavy traffic from the downtown area but a10w traffic to and from the beach, and thinks the staff, CRA and DDB should sit down and decide what the TIF funds should be used for. Mr. Campbell opposes restricted uses and percentages of retail/office space being dictated to the property owners, thinks the tennis courts should be studied carefully before any action is taken, setbacks need to be decided on an individual basis for large projects generally, rerouting SR 60 should be included in the overall study of the general trans- portation congestion in the area, the DDS and the City should decide the best use of the Impact Fees, says if downtown Clearwater does not prosper then all of Clearwater will not Mr. Nunamaker says he has in the past been a downtown promoter, developers need to have a good relationship with the city, opposed to building on the Bayfront because it just won't work, opposed to almost all of the statements that have to do with restrictions setbacks out of the plan and need cooperation with staff and the property owners. Thinks that the Florida Aquarium would be a boost for the downtown area. Mr. Ogg, a downtown property owner, stated that the downtown needs a convention center & hotel in order to revitalize and attract other businesses. Chuck Finegan brought the Board's attention to a letter to the editor in the newspaper regarding the location of the Florida Aquarium in the downtown area and said that he wanted to make a resolution that the DDB does actively support the location of the Florida Aquarium in the downtown area and that the DDB will do every thing possible to see that this is accomplished. He put this in the form of a motion, Bill O'Malley seconded the motion, and all approved the motion. Bill O'Malley asked for a report on his proposal at last month's meeting regarding the legality with the Florida Real Estate Commission. Tom Thompson said that he had not 'looked into the matter and that he would. !!im~pa i:~l11an Arms trong as ked for a moti on of ~~!, M.!lti,imlm~~:H~~~! .~rconded the mati on, all approved Il'!ll:l!!illllllll h! II 1111:!li!!hii!!!i! .:1. .I:!!. 1:. t! ..II' ! i.n. !!ml:!:. Clearwater Downtown Develooment Board ," 0':,:. . \- r~ , adjournment. Tom Thompson made the motion and the meeting adjourned at 7:28 P.M. '",l, , . t. ....,:. ,~ ,. ~ ,. . . " ,-.., . r. ~. ,. ",- ~ " ',', """ ,'" .,,' ',' ;,,;i., ",", ,:' ," '"L ~,,:,,", ';""',:",.~,'.~,,':..':,~, ,"r'",', :,',',,' ,i , , ,\::, - -' ,;,~ ,~,:;,:;(.:,,, ':':;:';:f.::~~f~:lf:,P/,~'::;\~1~: