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Meeting of Downtown Development Board of Directors on November 24, 1986
@ the Chamber of Commerce Meeting Room, 128 N. Osceola Ave., Clearwater
Members in Attendance
Staff in Attendance
Non-Members in Attendance
Tom Brown, Chairman
Ed Armstrong III, Vice Chairman
Lillian Trickel
Rose Phifer
Bill 0 ' Ma 11 ey
Chuck Finegan
Jim Carpenter, Exec. Dir.
Jacquelyn Smith,Exec. Asst.-
Board Secy.
Ludwig Alpers
Eleanora Cordes
Dora Toumouloti
Steven Hobbs
Pete Woodham
Bi 11 Humphri es
Susan Daniels
Bi 11 Crown
Bob Strom
Bill Matson
r~r. & Mrs. Ogg
Paula Harvey
Tom Thompson
Wilma Norton
The meeting was brought to order at 5:15 P.M. by the Chairman, Tom Brown. The
invocation was given by Chairman Brown. The first order of business was the approval of
the minutes of October 27, 1986. Lillian Trickel made a motion to approve the minutes as
submitted, Ed Armstrong III seconded the motion and the Board unanimously approved. The
second order of business was the approval of the financial statement of October 31, 1986.
Chuck Finegan made a motion to approve the statement as submitted, Ed Armstrong III
seconded the motion, and the Board unanimously approved.
The next item on the agenda was a presentation by Bill Crown regarding the
curvent status of the Florida Aquarium. Mr. Crown told the Board that at the present time
the Florida Aquarium does not have a location, but that he is being approached by several
other cities to locate it there. He also stressed his desire to have the Aquarium be
located in Clearwater and the need for city support as well as community support. Bill
O'Malley stated his support to Mr. Crown and The Florida Aquarium for its location in
Clearwater, particularly downtown. Chuck Finegan made a motion that (1) the DDB support
in principle the Florida Aquarium concept, (2) we support the value of the Florida Aquarium
to be located in downtown Clearwater, (3) we support the location of The Florida Aquarium
in the downtown area because of the synergism to be supplied toward the resolution of the
traffic and parking problems which are peripheral in downtown Clearwater, t1emorial Causeway,
and Clearwater Beach and recognition of the fact that Florida Aquarium indicated when they
first talked to us, that we were not going to become ~part of the traffic problem but a
solution to the traffic problem, and finally (4) we support the Florida Aquarium because
of the potenti~l value of accelerating the redevelopment of downtown Clearwater. This
motion was seconded by Bill O'Malley. The motion was then changed to include the support
of the Clearwater Marine Sci~nce Center in part (1) of the motion. The Board gave their
unanimous approval of the motion. Chuck Finegan stated that he hopes that this support
will motivate the support of other groups, organizations and the city government.
The next item on the agenda was a brief presentation from Bill Humphries on the
upcoming bicycle race to take place on March 15th. through downtown Clearwater. The
Chairman;hanked Mr. Humphries for showi'ng the video on the race and giving an update report.
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Page: 2 Minutes of meeting on 11-24-86.
The next order of business was a presentation by city planning director, Ms.
Paula Harvey. She was asked to give the Board an overview of the revised "Plan for
Downtown Clearwater". She emphasized that this document is a first draft only and
prepared by the staff of the planning department. She stated that the consultants were
asked to re-do some of their recommendations from their first report and with these new
recommendations, the staff drafted this initial document. She indicated that the Board
members will be given a copy of this draft as soon as they are printed and then will be
given an opportunity to put into writing their suggestions or changes for presentation
to the City Commission. Mr. Carpenter thanked Ms. Harvey for her presentation but felt
that the DDB should have an input at the formative stage of this document. Rose Phifer
made a motion that the Board members submit in writing their individual remarks regarding
the document, Lillian Trickel seconded the motion and the Board approved unanimously.
Paula Harvey was thanked by the Board for her presentation.
Ed Armstrong III announced that the Tally Committee will count the ballots
on Tuesday, December 2, 1986 at 4:00 P.M. and the winners will be announced the next day.
Rose Phifer stated that she did not want the DDB to present her with a plaque
next month and that she wanted to remain on the mailing list for one year. Lillian Trickel
made a motion that the Board accept her request. Chuck Finegan seconded the motion with
the change not to include the absence of a plaque and the Board all approved the motion.
Rose Phifer stated her feelings regarding the Board's involvement in participating
more closely with the D.C.A. and the Board's actions in attracting new merchants downtown.
Lillian Trickel made a motion that the DDB move their meetings back to the
First Florida Bank Building Board Room. Ed Armstrong III seconded the motion. Rose
Phifer suggested to add to the motion to change the time of the meetings to 5:30 P.M.
A vote was taken and the motion passed with the Board's approval.
Chairman Brown stated that the lease on Mr. Carpenter's car is at a renewal
stage. Chuck Finegan and Ed Armstrong III reviewed the contract for the new lease of
a vehicle and Ed reported that he was in favor of the new lease for $233.00 per month
with a $10.00 per month added warranty fee against major mechanical defects. A vote was
taken, and all the Board members approved the new lease contract for the vehicle.
Jim Carpenter reported that the Park & Shop signs would be in place according
to Keith Crawford, in the next few weeks. He also said that the ballots that have been
returned so far is approximately 40%.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:15 P.M.
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ClearUJater Downtown
Development Board
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