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Clearwater Downtown
Dervelooment Board 600 CLEVELAND STREET 4th FLOOR
James J. Carpenter, Executive Director
J. Lou Smith, Executive Assistant - Board Secretary
Tom Brown, Chairman
Ed Armstrong III, Vice Chairman
Rose Phifer
Bill 0 I Ma 11 ey
Lillian Trickel
Chuck Finegan
CLEARWATER, FLORIDA33515 (813) 461-9318
Board of Directors
Tom Brown, Chairman
E. D. Armstrong, III, Vice-Chairman
Rose Phifer
Lillian Trickel
William P. O'Malley
Charles Finegan
July 28, 1986
Jim Carpenter, Executive Director
Jacquelyn L. Smith, Exec. Assist.jBoard Secy.
Mr. & Mrs. Ogg
Tony Doris
Bill Matson
Ludwig Alpers
Howard Groth
Paula Harvey
Tom Thompson
The meeting of the Board of Directors
was called to order at 5:15 P.M. by the
approve the minutes, Chuck Finegan seconded
the motion. Chuck Finegan made a motion
June 30, 1986, Ed Armstrong III seconded
of the DowntownllDeve1opment Board
Chairman. Lillian Trickel made a motion to
the motion, and the Board all approved
to approve the Financial Statement of
the motion, and the Board all approved the
The first item on the Agenda was a
a new booklet that his committee, Business Image,
owners and merchants as to where and from whom to
their businesses.
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brief talk from Tom
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Page: 2
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A report on the Cleveland Street parking was given by both Brown and
Carpenter. Jim Carpenter reported that he, Brown and Crawford will be speaking to
the D.O.T. the next day in hopes of starting the wheels moving towards this goal.
There was discussion about the signs to be erected informing the public of the
parking garages and lots. Jim Carpenter was assigned to report on the exact size of
the signs, the wording, etc. from the information he receives from Keith Crawford at
the next D.D.B. meeting.
There was a discussion that ensued regarding the new Marine Science Center
and its location that is presently proposed with the parking in downtown and a shuttle
across to the Island Estates. It was decided that it would be a good idea to invite
William Crown to our next meeting to discuss the possibility of considering a re-
location of the new Marine Science Center over here on the bayfront.
There was a motion made by Lillian Trickel regarding the Cleveland Street
parking saying that the Clearwater Downtown Development Board diligently pursue to
the best of their efforts, obtain parking on Cleveland Street in downtown Clearwater
from Osceola Avenue to Myrtle Avenue. Ed Armstrong seconded the. motion, and the
Board unanimously approved.
Chariman Brown announced a nominating committee to select possible candidates
for the upcoming election. The committee will consist of Carroll Na1l, A1 Rophie and
Lillian Trickel.
Ed Armstrong reported that a downtown D.R.I. would not be required for downtown
Clearwater. It is unlikely that a building size of 300,000 sq. ft. would.be built .downtown.
Therefore, the expense of a downtown D.R.I. would not be beneficial, nor necessary now.
Jim Carpenter reported on his trip to Tahal1assee and the good response he
received there and will continue the dialogue along with any requests from the city.
There was discussion regarding the Ft. Harrison/Cleveland intersection and in particularly
the John Baldwin bUilding that is in dire need of repair. The staff will attempt to
contact Mr. Baldwin again for a progress report on his repairs. Jim Carpenter also spoke
regarding the allocation of the T.I.F. funds and requested direction from the board as
to our position. Chuck Finegan made a motion that we, the D.D.B. are opposed to the
expenditures of C.R.A. funds for the improvement of the tennis courts on the premise
and on the basis that they are not cost effective from the point of view of revitalizing
downtown. Rose Phifer seconded the motion, and the board approved unanimously.
Howard Groth reported that the Clearwater Housing Authority is involved in
a potential development of a housing project to be built over the drainage pond on
Prospect Avenue. This would be a 100 units for the e1ederly and is now in the talking
stage only.
Paula Harvey reported that Jim Carpenter has been requested by city staff to
be the liaison with the city and the state for the future location of the state's
facilities in downtown Clearwater. Chuck Finegan made a motion that the D.D.B. is pleased
to have its Executive Director be the lead liaison person with the state regarding the
state office building and that he work very closely with the city regarding the refine-
ment of Commissioner Regulski's plan. Rose Phifer seconded the motion, and the Board
approved",,~nanimously .
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Clearwater Downtown
Develooment Board
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Page: 3
The next item on the agenda was the review of the 1986/1987 proposed
budget. Chuck Finegan presented the budget first in explanation of the revenues
and then on a per line basis. Rose Phifer suggested that we look into the possibility
of using a postage meter in the office for cost efficiency. The budget committee
chairman, Chuck Finegan, after initiating discussions and explanations on various
items from the board members, completed his proposed budget presentation and proceeded
to make a motion that the board adopt the proposed budget, Ed Armstrong seconded the
motion, and the Board members all approved.
The meeting adjourned at 7:45 P.M.
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Clearwater Downtown
Develooment Board
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