10/28/1985 .-,~ .';\'.' ...' ~',~ ,~" ',:. .r.';; , i,. d'; '.:.:.".'\' ..... ;,'1,.\1" .'., .,' .,...l " "'1't"" \:!., ", . ,'-;,., ...'1:;. . .."~' .... ...... ........ ......... :::::::::: .::. .......... ...... .......... .......... ... .......... .......... ..::::: ::. 5!!!5!55ii...iiE:i::15!.. ....... ....... ..............1..1..1.. I" :::::::.,':::::: :::::::::::1:::::: ::..: :: .. ....... I... ..1..1:.....::.:.:..... :.1.'1_ '1" ................. ..... .. ...... . .. .. .. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::U: ::1::.:: :: -:.........l!'.......!::=~!... ....... ..~:I::'..:.iI r.-:learwater Downtown ~OeveloDment Beard 600 CLEVELAND STREET SUITE 1100 CLEARWATER, FLORIDA 33515 (813) 461-9318 James J. Carpenter, Executive Director Lou Aldrich, Executive Assistant - Board Secretary Board of Directors William P. O'Malley, Chairman Robert H. Stiff, Jr., Vice-Chairman Rose Phifer Charles Nichols Lillian Trickel Tom Brown NINUTES OCTOBER 28, 1985 5 : 1 5 P. ~1. 1'1EI,1BERS IN ATTENDANCE William 0'Ma1ley, Chairman Rose Phifer Lillian Trickel Charles Nichols STAFF Jim Carpenter Lou Aldrich NON-r-1Ef'1BERS IN ATTENTANCE Pete Woodham Char li e Fenton Les1ye Kelbaugh Rita Garvey Bill ;\latson Gil Chirinos :1rs. Chirinos Ray Korzenoski David Carley Lee Arnold Alan Bomstein Joe McFate Paula Harvey Ed Armstrong Rita Di eh 1 Helen Wheelis Carol Horne Bob Bickerstaffe Eleonora Cordes Mr. & t.1rs. Ogg Carl Tressemer Chuck Albury Jim Calderbank Tom Mathison Mary Ann Slash Keith Crawford Richard Keeley The meeting was called to order by William O'Ma1ley at 5:15 P.M. The first order of business was to approve the minutes and financial statement from the September meeting. Rose Phifer made a motion that corrections be made to the Sept. 30th minutes. The first change 'is acceptance of Bob Stiff's resignation to a postponement of his resignation for bvo ~^,eeks from that date and the second change concerned the word concluded ill the last paragraph. The motion was made to change it to continued to in place of concluded at. Lillian Trickel seconded the motion and all approved the motion for the changes in the motion. Lillian Trickel made a motion to approve the financial statement for September, Charlie Nichols seconded the motion, and it was approved by all Board members. "'~.!~"" ,. - '.'j\.'/~;t'tl~';' "_ /',.,', 4w,;',' 'y:..; "","~"i"'~4f"~';Ml\ell1l'{ ,,~,. ";}~~trf;'~;':,,,:,~ ~t!.;~r':~"1\,!{!;: '. "" , : ',.. i :'::' ~ ~: f ~..: 'I,~~I' .:. : ' ,; t, ;':. "'~:r:PJ,",:;.f.' ',n I , '~'" 'J" .'. ,;: :' , , ' ',~""', ' '," ,F'.'h . ,_ ~I 'I' ,. " . ',"/'" ;'1"-" ,. ,',_:'1:",,1,;,": : ,... '" 'I " " " ',., .' ;:! ,.'" , "," '.; .: .',.' :/, ''> ,. .' 1",' , .. I ,"","\ I' .', , ,,;'.... . , ';,' _: '.: :"'.~ I.,'.~ I ' " ,'. .: ."',, ..' , ~.. , , , .. ""."; " '.''';'" ) '. William O'Malley expressed his thanks to the nominating committee and then read the names of the nominees that were selected by the committee. They are as follows: 'Tom Brown, Brown Brothers, Ed Armstrong, Johnson, Blakley & Pope, Richard Jordan, Barnett Bank.land Chuck Fennigan, Havco Paints. Chairman O'Malley asked for any nominations from the floor. Lee Arnold nominated Bruce Coury, Clearwater Sun publisher, and Alan Bomstein seconded his motion. There being no further nominations, Lillian Trickel made a motion that the nominations be closed, Charlie Nichols seconded her motion and the Board approved. Ed Armstrong was introduced to the Board by Lee Arnold. Rose Phifer expressed her belief that anyone interested in running for the Board membership should attend the meetings. It was stated by Lee Arnold that he was unaware that the nominees were expected to attend. Alan Bomstein stated that the trust of the selection of the nominees should lie with the nominating committee. Tom l"'a thi son gave a report of the Busi ness Image sub-commi ttee of the Chamber of Commerce. He told the DDB about the project which they are undertaking to encourage businesses to up-grade their building and in turn indentifing the Chamber members who would be able to assist them. They are working on a questionaire and a booklet on the up-grading process. Jim Ca1derbank gave a talk regarding the Board's action or inaction. He stressed that the Clearwater Downtown Development Board must have a renassaince. Each member must work hard at their "job". The Board can and should be the point group between the City and the developer. If the challenge is not met, the task will fall to some other group through neglect and the Downtown will lose an advocate and money to help development. He said that the Board should lead, follow, or get out of the way. Keith Crawford and Richard Keeley gave a presentation regarding the proposed fees for the new parking garages and the meters in the downtown district. There was :some discussion and questions following his remarks which lead to a motion being made by Rose Phifer to ask the city to consider twenty-five cent parking. Lillian Trickel seconded the motion, and Charlie Nichols voted for the motion. The vote was 3 - 1 in favor of the motion. Jim Carpenter reported on current events with a report that the consultants will be in town within the next few days for a schedule of meetings. He also asked the Board for direction as to what action the Board could take regarding the Gray Moss Inn. The Board advised him to take no action until such time as the official report is completed. The meeting was adjourned at 7:15 P.M. .... 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