07/29/1985 f.,. . , :. r'.-./: ~, ,.. .. < .. ,., ',' '. :,~!': /' ~ , : " :'" .. ....,.. '" , ',. "', . . ' , " > t" CLEARWATER DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT BOARD MINUTES JULY 29, 1985 5:15 P.M. MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE William O'Malley, Chairman Lillian Trickel Tom Brown Robert Sti ff STAFF IN ATTENDAN~t Jim Carpenter, Exec. Director Lou Aldrich, Exec. Asst. NON-MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE Bob Bickerstaffe Deborah Larned Betty Brown Chris Papandreas Mauriel McKay Rita Diehl Herta Schaffer Leslye Kelbaugh Janis Coker Mr. & Mrs. Ogg Chuck Albury Helen Wheelis Gary Schoemaker Joe McFate Charles Fenton Nick K1asne George Huffman, HNTB Carl Geupe1, Halcyon Paula Harvey Mr. & Mrs. Tullis At 5:10 P.M. Mr. 0lMal1ey introduced the two consultants who were invited to the meeting to have the opportunity to hear the suggestions of the update of the plan from the D.D.B. members. Bob Stiff mentioned that the infrastructure & road structure hinders getting around the downtown. The retail cannot survive without the office people. It is real difficult to arrive and depart to downtown. A better access to downtown would be ideal but also it would be great to make it easier to get around town, such as one way streets, etc. Parking always is a problem. The parking problem will improve greatly with the garages, but we will still be short of parking facilities. Bill O'Malley mentioned the possibility of returning parking on Cleveland Street and relocating SR 60. Tom Brown said it is a traffic problem. The fast speeds through the downtown area is ai,major problem. Lillian Trickel said that we need to really work to relocate SR 60. Bill O'Malley expressed his belief in strengthening the Merchants Associations and asked if this update would address this situation. The consul tants stated that "an image" should be established for downtown. It was said that the downtown is now basically a place for working people due greatly to our government center. Lillian Trickel stated that we could use housing, hotel, convention center and many speciality shops. Theaters .:liii:. riUiiu: .::::. '~illlllliIHlI.!I~I~lllijll"W [Iearwater Downtown Develooment Board . ".,,' .~. """1"_,' ...;_~.t:.~ ~?_':H~":_'.T~:~,t::l'J~'-_"':';j: '~l...-::.,.......-t.-:'!;~"'::,:!;;.rAc.":,,,,,,':,,::,:,:,,~,; .,~ ,-"~",;';lf- ':-,i:"'.> '" '. -:'i~4;r:~:~j:i.~/~~{:~:~~!'>: ~ <;(: ';,; " . ~ .,' . .:' ,... . , :' .":'~>'!''', 'iJ";,': ,~~ ~ '. ,., ,,'" '. :' . " "' ~ , .. ,;. ! ".. , " I" , ! ,'J,. " ''- , , , " ; /' ,>' . -""-'''1 : 'j-' .. ',\.' ..' ':". . '; . and entertainment centers are needed in downtown. Housing should be structured to attract the younger generations. The 400 block was menti'oned as a success story, however, it appears as a success story and in essence it 1's not. The parking problem was stated as the reason for th;-s. It was mentioned that along with the perceived notions of downtown that the presence of the Scientologists was not an asset and could very well have a negative effect. One of our main assets is our waterfront in the downtown area and the bluff also our land prices are now much lower than other locations. Jazz Holiday is also an asset. The fact that Clearwater is the county seat is also a plus. The conversations with the consultants concluded at 6:00 P,M. The regular meeting of the D.D.B. began at 6:00 P.M. Mr. O'Malley called the meeting to order. Tom Brown made a motion to approve the Financial Statement of June 30, Lillian Trickel seconded the motion, and alJ the membersapprov~d. Tom Brown made a motion to accept the minutes of the June meeting, Lillian Trickel seconded, and the members all approved the minutes. Jim Carpenter talked about the advandages of the O.O.B. office being located in the space in the new parking garage upon completion. The Board members approved the conc~pt and encouraged Mr. Carpenter to pursue this avenue. The board approved to have the D.O.B. office mail out a copy of Article IV of the Laws of Florida, Ch. 70-635 whereby the State Legislature turned the Special Act into an ordinance of the City of Clearwater. Thi's will be mailed along wi'tn the speci.al mailing of the Notice of public hearings for the propesed budget no later than August 19th. Jim Carpenter discussed his concept of the Board expansion. He stated a suggestion to include as ex-officio members the Chamber of Commerce, D.C.A. representative and a representative of the City of Clearwater, These ex-offi~io voting members would not be voting on the budgetary' matters but would vote on all other matters. There was much discussion regarding the advantages of this concept. He suggested that if we cross over our organizations 1 ines it would strengthen the existing organi'zation.. It was stated by Mr. Carpenter that he did not expect any action tonight but that the board members coul d contact him if they want to discuss it further. It was dec tded to tab.l e thi s discussion for now. Bob Stiff stated that it could have great advantages and perh~ps this proposal should be submitted to the prop~rty owners during the next election for thei ri approva 1 . The Board gave their approval to sign the contract for next years audit with Crawford & Jones for the amount of $1,000.00. Mr. Carpenter reviewed the schedule of meetings upcoming for the budget adoption beginning with the meeting on August 14th for the Board review. Mr. O'Malley complimented Rita Diehl on a great job with the ads in the Suncoast News and the D.C.A. in carrying it through. There was discussion of the need for directional signs indicating parking. Charlie Nichols & Rose Phifer are the parking committee and they will be contacted for their input in this matter. It was also suggested that bulletin boards be placed in city parks to announce events of downtown. The City of Clearwater was given a compliment on the construction and completion of the trash container covers. An Arts Festival is being planned, a Strassenfest and other activities including children for th:..near fu!ur~. Mr. O'Malley also told the board that the Tampa Bay Chamber of Commerce ll!i'l!l:' .:11. 1S ln the.process of developing.a promotional video and that possibly we 'I::!ii '., l'lill i ~ould be lncluded for an approxlmate amount of $500-7'50 in the near future. I.::: IIII I ,'UII lllli n I I I hL The meeti ng adjorned at 7: 00 P.M. Clearwater Downtown Development Board ,- .,.':; ':':;"~i::~!~~~:{;{L~;:'::'~';;~i1e:~:,f0~k;:~~;~f.i: .;~;;~:~)r/:tn~~-~::~}~trt'f1:~Y~j: I . '