06/24/1985 .. ',!,i: '~.' ~.~'~. '.'~,-' ,~:~..t.'~"::~'~:\':,,-';~"..i',1.':';':'~"'>~;.:::':'I"., ....', ,,';;~':.;.,:;~_ . ~'. . ," . ~' ",' -.', . CLEARWATER DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT BOARD MINUTES JUNE 24, 1985 5:15 P.M. MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE Bill 0 I Ma 11 ey L ill ian Trickel Rose Phifer Tom Brown Charlie Nichols STAFF IN ATTENDANCE Jim Carpenter Lou Aldrich NON-MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE Norman Bie, Jr. Charlie Finton Cappy Bie Wa 1 ton Bya rs Rita Garvey Bob Bickerstaffe Chuck Albury Ri ta Diehl Herta Scha fer Leslye Kelbaugh Pete Woodham Ludwig Alpers Bi 11 Matson Bob Mallett Joe McFate Mr. & Mrs. Ogg Deborah Larned Al an Boms tei n "The meeting was called to order at 5:15 P.M. by Board member Tom Brown. The approval of the Minutes of the meeting of May 20, 1985 was on the floor. Rose Phifer made a motion to approve the Minutes and the motion was seconded by Lillian Trickel. There was a unanimous approval by the Board members. The approval of the Financial Statement of May 30, 1985 was next on the agenda. Lillian Trickel made a motion to approve the statement and it was seconded by Charlie Nichols. All Board members approved. Norman Bie, Jr. presented to the Board members and the guests his plan for a building to be constructed on his property on the bayfront. At the conclusion of his presentation, Rose Phifer made a motion that the Board approve his plan in concept. It was seconded by Charlie Nichols, and approved by all members. Jim Carpenter reported that the tapes from the goals meeting that was conducted with the City Commissioners and City Manager were available in our office. It was expressed at the goals meeting by the Commission that they would be interested in meeting with the D.D.B. members to hear the Board's goals & objectives for downtown Clearwater. Bill O'Malley suggested that all the members could have a copy of these tapes. The Board members agreed. .:.::Rita Garvey suggested that before a joint Commissioners & Board members meeting ...1..1. Wl~lillll~"1 !U'!;II~lllllmw Clearwater Downtown Development Board ......'':.'.: : .. . , 'J' .', -:,' .1" .. . ,;'7: ~. ',. ~ "", . ...." . "\ . " , ..\ ",1'. , , '~, " " ,'. (:' "-:' i";' j': . " . , ,~',.' 71.. , " !', , ',.. '" '. I, ,1., '" ,.... ' . . . . .: '.'. :",'. -, :,. (.:. ',. ., ~,' > ~".' < 'J ", ,',,. , . ~'~~.l~~NI'K'%m~~~~ ' , takesp1ace, that the Board members meet first and define their goals & objectives in writing so that:,uhe Commissioners can have a direction. It was suggested that the joint meeting take place after the RTKt update consultants are here. It was suggested by the Chairman that the Board members be giving some thought to their goal statements before a date is set for that meeting. Jim Carpenter requested a response from the Board members regarding his correnspondence with the City Manager and Florida Power to increase the power in the downtown district. Rose Phifer made a motion for him to pursue this action, Lillian Trickel seconded the motion and all members approved. Jim Carpenter reported that it is budget time and that the members that were on the Finance Committee would be contacted for their input in the fiscal year 1905/86 budget. Lillian Trickel commented that she has spent several days in contact with the Chief of Police in Clearwater and Keith Crawford, Traffic Director on the existing problem of speeders on Cleveland Street. The outcome of her efforts is that signs will be placed indicati'ng the thirty-five mile per hour speed limit. It was suggested by Rose Phifer that her work be reinforced by the continuing efforts of,the Board to monitor this action. Bill O'Malley expressed his thanks and that of the Board's for her successful efforts and outcome of the speeding cars problem on Cleveland Street. Bill O'Malley commented on the meeting that was held last week regarding the issue of strengthening the DCA. He suggested that to facilitate communications among the people who are interested in downtown it might be a good idea to think about the possibilities of expanding the composition of the DDB to include persons who are not only property owners but who are involved in the downtown through other means. Also, he said the primary thing he wants the DDB to think about and talk about constructively is what obligation the DDB feels it has towards strenghtening the DCA. Mr. O'Malley stated further that if the Board could expand to include a representative from the Chamber, the City, and the DCA then we would be assured of having the input from these other areas and information could be carried back to these other areas. Rose Phifer commented that anyone who works in the downtown district, not just pnoperty owners, is eligible to be a Board member. Jim ,Carpenter suggested as ex-officio members people such as Joe McFate, Bob Bell, Dave Zabel and the likes as what he had in mind in regards to expanding the Board. Rose Phifer said that she thought the composition of the Board worked fine but that we need to get the word out as to all the people who can be eligible to be a Board member. She feels that many people are not aware of this. Rose stated that the property owners should, in the event any changes are proposed for the composition of the Board, be advised of these proposed changes and their input requested. She also stated that she felt that the individual property owners were never notified of the change of the DDB to a City Ordinance. Bill O'Malley announced the formation of the Finance Committee and the Parking Committee. Charlie Nichols, Chairman, Rose Phifer, committee member of Finance Committee and Bob Stiff, Chairman, Rose Phifer, committee member of Parking Committee. Rita Garvey commented that it could be advantageous to expand the Board to include the other interest groups and also to impose an absenteeism rule for the members. Pete Woodham suggested possib11y in lieu of ,expanding the Board, the Board might want to con- sider having an advisory board .comprised of the different interest groups. The meeting was adjourned with no further comments for discussion at 7:05 P.M. :dU:h irhl I ~111,illll!~, IIIIHIW Clearwater Downtown Develooment Board ..;. ," ", , ..... '/ . ;,.... .:, \' :-;.~. ,~",,'. " -'J',\-