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Page: 2
Jim Carpenter reported on the Downtown Property Standards Ordinance status.
The compliance committee needs representation from the D.D.B. and to get
involved in this before the new ordinance is put into effect in order to
have some input on the notification of the property owners for violations.
Chairman O'Malley asked if anyone present was willing to fulfill that function.
There was a discussion of the change in the ordinance regarding the time
frame of complYing with the code. It is the consensus of the Board that
we would like to see the date for compliance as reasonable short as possible
and would like to know before the second, reading of the ordinance:.on Feb. 7th.
Commissioner Garvey stated that the D.D.B. and the D.C.A. need to decide how
we want to handle the procedural aspect of the time frame for compliance.
The Clearwater Square project was reported to be on schedule.
Jim Carpenter reported that the city was going to experiment with applying
a designed concrete surface :to a section of the sidewalk on Cleveland St.
This will be a part of the original Streetscape project. Hopefully, one day
all the streets could be the same motif.
Jim Carpenter reported that Tony Marsh, a designer, had submitted a design
for the trash container covers and that he has authorized Mr. Marsh to pro-
ceed with the construction of one. The cost will be $200.
Jim Carpenter addressed the debt of the D.D.B. to the City of Clearwater
for the balance due on the construction of the Coach~n Park bandshe1l. He
reported that a $1,000 contribution from G.T.E. was disbursed to the city
to reduce this balance. An additional $5,000 is being pledged to the D.D.B. .
from G.T.E. for 1985. Mr. Carpenter suggested to the Board that they pay
this $5,000 to the city and request the balance thereafter to be handled
in terms of retirement in any way appropriate for the city. The alternative
would be to set up a repayment schedule and IIpass the hatll for contributions.
The motion to approach the city was made by Rose Phifer and seconded by Lillian
Trickel. Commissioner Garvey stated that it is necessary for D.D.B. to
designate the method of repaying the debt. Mr. Carpenter stated that he
would suggest that if the city chooses to use T.I.F. funds, it would be
agreeable to the the Board. The Board agreed to the suggestion.
Mr. Carpenter stated that many questions need to be answered regarding the
T.I.F. funding and that he would ask Joe McFate to explain how it works
to the Board at the next meeting.
The Main Street Center approach was brought up for discussion as to the
submission of the Letter of Intent and the subsequent submission of the
application, which has a deadline of March 1, 1985. After much discussion,
Charlie Nichols made a motion that the Letter of Intent be sent by the
D.D.B. office and fund commitments pursued and material collected necessary
to complete the application. Paula Harvey and Commissioner Calderbank
offered the assistance of the City Planning Deptartment to complete all the
data for the application. The motion was carried by a unanimous vote of the
Board members.
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Page: 3
D.D.B.ls position on the new Land Development Code was discussed with the
reading of Jim Carpenter's letter and the general consensus of the Board
me~ers is that the zonning code that we are presently operating by should
remain the code for now and delay the restrictions of the proposed code
to a possible five-year time frame. The motion was made and carried on
the position of the 0.0.8.
The motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Mr. OIMalley _ the motion
was carried.
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