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February 27, 1984
5:15 P. M.
Alan Bomstein, Chairman
David Carley, Vice Chairman
Robert H. Stiff, Jr.
Alfred Hoffman, Jr.
Rose Phifer
James J. Carpenter, Executive Director
Bill Matson
Janis Coker
Chuck Albury
John A. Campbell
Chri s Papandreas
Rick MacAuley
Sophia LaPolla
John W. Welch, Jr.
Charles Finton
Tom Brown
Harry Koontz
James C. Rembert
Jim Sheeler
Charles and May Glenn
Vern Deinzer
Nick Karay
David Legault
Dr. Paul Brown
Sara Little
George Catanzaro
Micky Hall
Muriel McKay
Amez Dervish
Carroll Nall
Chester Buettner
Frank Quesada
W. Thompson Thorn
Dr. Gilbert Jannelli
Betty McGraw
Tony & Marge Schmidt
Harold & Martha Lamphear
Homer and Frances Alderman
Logan Tate
G. Albrecht
R. Thompson, Jr.
Raymond H. Center
The meeting was called to order at 5:15 p.m. by Chairman, Mr. Bomstein.
meeting began with the introduction of guests.
The first item on the agenda was the approval
1984 and the financial statement of January 31,
which was seconded by Mrs. Phifer,
statement. A vote was taken
of the minutes of January 30,
1984. Mr. Stiff made a motion,
to approve both the minutes and financial
and motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Carpenter gave an update
Waterfront Planning Study.
on this study. These fi~ms
representing civic and downtown business
further consideration. The study should
City Corrmissioners by approximately
proposed improvements can be considered
status report on the Comprehensive Long Range
Eighteen firms responded to the invitation to bid
were narrowed down to five finms. A committee,
leaders, will select two firms for
be completed for presentation to the
July 15, in order that funding for the
for a bond referendum at the September
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February 27, 1984
Mr. Bomstein gave an update on the parking garage. Material is being
gathered pertaining to construction and operating cost. Owners and tenants
in the area of the garage are being surveyed regarding their potential
use of thts facil ity. A recommendation will be proposed at the next Board
Mr. Hoffman, Chairman of Clearwater Progress, Inc., gave a presentation on
this non-profit private organization. Mr. Hoffman stated that this organization
is designed to tap private sources to improve Clearwater's downtown.
Mr. Carpenter presented his report to date as follows:
1. To continue involvement in the areas of promoting improvements to the
physical environment of downtown Clearwater.
2. To increase effectiveness in being the source of information needed to
answer inquiries from potential developers and tenants.
3. To concentrate on contacting, meeting, and presenting the Board's views
of the advantages of downtown Clearwater to national developers and
potential tenants.
4. To develop programs of promotional and potential redevelopment of existing
buildings and to work closely with property owners.
5. To develop and strengthen contacts at the county and state level.
6. To develop better communications between property owners and the Board,
Downtown Property Standards Ordinance was next on the agenda. Mr. Bomstein
outlined the background of this ordinance. Ms Papandreas, acting City Planner~
stated that revisions have been instituted and more will be instituted before
the final draft. Many of the property owners present aired their views - pro
and con. Mr. Bomstein stated that it was not the intent of this ordinance '
to put a hardship on any property owner. The property owners will be ijdv;-sed
when a revised draft will be available at the Downtown Development Board
office for their review.
It was suggested that the minutes be inserted in the newsletter.
The meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
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Executive Director
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