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January 30, 1984
5:15 P. M.
Alan Bomstein, Chairman
David Carley, Vice-Chairman
Robert H. Stiff, Jr.
Richard Cope
James Berfield
David Zabel
James C. Carpenter, Executive Director
Robert B. Roberts, Jr.
Bill Matson (Sun)
Kate Wallace (Times)
Janis Coker
Chris Papandreas
Jim Sheeler
Rick MacAuley
Bob Love
Mark Klein
Sal'ah Little
Mr. & Mrs. Ogg
Dr. & Mrs. Paul Brown
Tom Brown
The meeting was called to order at 5:15 p.m. by Chairman, Mr. Bomstein. The
meeting began with the introduction of guests.
The first item on the agenda was the presentation of a certificate to Mr. David
Zabel, who just completed a three-year term, as an expression of appreciation for
his dedication and contribution as a member of the Clearwater Downtown Development
Next was the approval of the minutes of December 5, 8, and 13, and the financial
statements of November 30 and December 31. Mr. Stiff made a motion, which was
seconded by Mr. Carley, to approve both the minutes and financial statements. A
vote was taken and motion passed unanimously.
Elections for Chairman and Vice-Chainman was the next order of business. Mr.
Alan Bomstein and Mr. David Carley were re-elected Chairman and Vice-Chairman
respectively, to serve another year.
Mr. Robert Roberts, who represents Oliver Realty as a leasing agent for J. K.
Financial Corp. (Clearwater Square), presented a status report on what has
transpired to-date. Plans call for a May ground-breaking and Park Bank is among
those who have committed to space in Clearwater Square.
Mr. Bomstein and Mr. Carpenter gave update reports on the Comprehensive Long
Range Waterfront Committee. Mr. Carpenter stated that he and Mr. Bomstein have
met with this committee several times and have identified the issues, goals,
timetable and implementation of strategy. This committee wants to bring their
proposal to the Commission as a first step necessary to have their proposal for
consideration in September for the elections at that time.
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January 30, 1984
the agenda was the discussion of the
of the Downtown Development Board
Tom Brown, a property owner in the
be distributed to all the property
was a preliminary report, it would
document with the 350 property
assume this role, the Board would
and a mailing list. Mr.
summarized in the monthly
Next on
The cOl1111ents
Downtown Property Standards Ordinance.
was reviewed and approved. Mr.
downtown area, felt that the ordinancp. should
owners, but the Board decided that since this
be premature to coordinate the review of this
owners at this time. If Mr. Brown wanted to
furnish him with a copy of the proposed ordinance
Bomstein stated that the ordinance would also be
area. Mr.
of parking,
Clearwater Downtown
possible funding
this matter with
associated with parking in the downtown
no improvements in the availability
difficulty in retaining current tenants in his
his position. It was suggested that the
Development Board study the parking problem and investigate
City officials. Mr. Carpenter will pursue
a report to the Board.
strategies with
the City and
The meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
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xecutive Director
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