10/31/1983 '. ."'.r- ,i,' ," , i ~ ',to'" '."\' '.'". 7.'1>'-: 1 .;.' , ,.', " . . t ~.i : . :". , ", ' " ,'\ . '~,< '.' ,.' ',,\. '. V : '1'" ",'. .:,., .' . .".. t.. .; , L, ',I \ ' > ,',1, .. . . ' , " " , . " . .' " . ..~ '," . " ...., , ~ '/fill CLEARWATER DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT BOARD MINUTES October 31, 1983 5:15 P. M. I, MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE ~- Alan Bomstein, Chairman David Carley, Vice-Chairman Rose Phifer Robert H. Stiff, Jr. David Zabel James Berfield NON-MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE . Don Markwood Chuck Albury Janis Coker Dave Healey Bi 11 Matson Sara Little Tony Shcmidt Marge Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. Ogg Jay Anthony Bob Love Sarah B. Charles Ken Burrell Gene Anderson Gary Grossman Jim Sheeler Charles Finton T. Nugent Walsh The meeting was called to order by Chairman, Mr. Bomstein, at 5:15 p.m. The meeting began with the introduction of guests. Mr. Carley made a motion, which was seconded by Mr. Stiff, to approve both the minutes of September 26, 1983 and the financial statement of September 30,1983. A vote was taken and motion passed unanimously. Mr. Bomstein outlined the recommendations of the Long Range Waterfront Planning Committee as it pertains to downtown. These recommendations have not been voted upon as yet, and Mr. Bomstein will get out the full text to the Board members as soon as available. . Comments from citizens and the Board was next on the agenda. Mrs. Phifer brought up the parking on Cleveland Street and when it will go into effect. Mr. Bomstein spoke to Mr. Keith Crawford regarding this and it will take approximately 6 to 8 weeks for implementation. Mr. Bomstein will follow-up and keep the Board informed. Mrs. Phifer also brought up the subject of the Minimum Property Standards Ordinance. Mr. Healey stated that it will be on the next work session agenda in two weeks, at which time an outline will be layed out in preparation for a full-fledged draft. Progress will be shared with the Board. i.. li:a~~i~i..~r~f~1~;!!'4\'t('.,..-rt~' +;..~,i;:~:,~~:t~~~f;~'t>:,!;:~ ~~': . ,',- :~ '~-:,. ;~~~l!t,;~J.o('r:)~{}~.''';;>'''t:'i,,.~ '.-4.~..t"It"'St-':,Y,1't!J."J!.."" '.', '" ~~~/~\~r?tJI!'~~:tr :. ;_~~"f ' ,;::.:({~~I :> .t'>!J<~',,",,~;s,..;:~~: ~ ~/,rf''t, ::"r ':::'. j, " ;, ...' <, . ,', ',' :"':':~}?+:l?f~:.i,'i,:: -'"-r~ '<.'&,....." "..' '..... ," ,..., ~:'.._-_.. ", I, ' ,) , ;,', ~~, ~~~1II~_\~1..* -2- October 31, 1983 .'" -j,'",. , '-f};' Mr. Robert Love, President of the Downtown Clearwater Association, spoke on behalf of the Association. He stated that they will be attending every DDB meeting and will be working closely with the Board in order to expedite progress. Mrs. Phifer requested that the minutes of the Board be sent to Mr.Love. 82' ' ,', Mr. Gary Grossman felt the merchants should be contacted for contributions to the bandshell. Mrs. Phifer suggested that a letter be sent to all the property owners soliciting their support. Mr. Bomstein announced that on April 13, 1984, a bronze plaque will be unveiled in Coachman Park honoring supporters of the bandshell. Mr. Healey gave his report on the IDEA Conference in Miami. Mr. Bomstein asked the Board if they would like to join with the Clearwater Chamber of Commerce and the City Commission pertaining to the opposition to the use of Tourist Development funds for the construction of a stadium in downtown St. Petersburg, unless an equitable distribution for Tourist Development funds is conceived. After considerable discussion, Mrs. Phifer made a motion, which was seconded by Mr. Carley, to oppose the use of Tourist Development funds for the construction of a stadium in downtown St. Petersburg. A vote was taken and motion passed unanimously. Next was Executive Director discussion. Of all the resumes received to-date, Mr. James Carpenter of Chicago was a unanimous out-of-town choice. Mr. Bomstein suggested bringing Mr. Carpenter in for an interview, and at the same time, interview some of the local people. Mr. Carley made a motion, which was seconded by Mr. Stiff, to continue these discussions on Monday, November 14, 1983, at which time there will be a further review of resumes and a possibility of some interviews. Meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, . ~ ,;/~ Ann Skordelis, Secretary AS " ',. . ~ . ,~ . .. ," ~ ,;", ," ,.,." l' .";." . ....,. . \"';< - .:": ,~ ,,'.. .' - , J~.. ~..., ...-".....-.,--., .'...' ,. ". ;~",.. " ,---., ,,'... ." _--,. .' "'_, ',' \ ", ,( 'd '. / '..' ;.' , r' . ' ',' 'I, 71 ,.', 'I I " J ' ' .' , ' ", t'-,,":, , B "'\ . ~ '. ' , . ,f