11/30/1982 -'II" ."'~'5~,~f'" :','," , , '~ . -\'- CLEARWATER DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT BOARD MINUTES ~ .... November 30, 1982 3:00 P.M. MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE Robert H. Stiff, Jr., Chairman Alan Bomstein, Vice-Chairman Rose Phifer David Zabel Sam Casella, Executive Director NON-MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE Anthony Schmidt Pa t Hamil ton Keith Crawford Jim Sheel er A1 Rophie Charles Nichols Steve Girardi Timothy Denham . The meeting was called to order by Chairman, meeting began with an invocation by Mr. guests. Jr. Stiff, Casella and the at 3:00 p.m. introduction The of The first item on the agenda was the report of the tellers committee. Mr. Casella read a letter received from Tellers Committee Chairman, Mr. Tim Johnson, Jr., reporting that Mr. Stiff and Mr. Cope were elected by the fo 11 owi ng tally: Mr. Robert H. Stiff, Jr. 90 votes Mr. Richard Cope 86 votes Mr. Al fred Hoffman 74 votes Mr. William Atteberry 68 votes Mr. Marvi n Pel tz 2 votes (write-in) Mr. Tom Brown 2 votes (write-in) Next, Mr. Tim Denham, President of the Downtown Clearwater Association, reported on free parking. Mr. Denham stated that free parking is $3,000 in arrears. He felt that the City should absorb 70% of City Hall parking Lot #10 inasmuch as the employees and clientele of the City are using 70% of the parking time in Lot #10, whereas customers and merchants are using only 30%. Based on expected monthly contributions of $1,260, Mr, Denham felt it would take about two years to make up this deficit. . Mrs. Phifer made a motion, which was seconded by Mr. Bomstein, to contact the City Manager and request that the City Manager authorize allowing the City to contribute as a user. A vote was taken and motion passed unanimously. Mr. Casella is to draft this letter to the City Manager. ~ ~: ,;... ',> '. '. , '..; j., , , I' ','j.. " ., . -2- November 30, 1982 .-::,. ,. Mr. Denham, together with the downtown merchants, felt that if the time of the Downtown Development Board meetings was changed from 3:00 p.m. to 5:45 p.m., it would enable the merchants to attend. Mrs. Phifer moved to accept this time change. Motion was seconded by Mr. Bomstein. Discussion followed. Mrs. Phifer amended her motion that the meeting should commence at 5:15 p.m., on the last Monday of the month, starting January, to be re-evaluated in July. Mr. Bomstein seconded the motion. A vote was taken and motion passed unanimously. Mr. Sheeler presented an update on the streetscape program. Next, Mr. Casella gave a progress report on the office building project. JK Financial Corporation has begun working on the necessary details of financing, acquisition, parking and design, and by January 20, 1983, the development agreement will be prepared. Discussion of plans to produce promotional materials was next on the agenda. It was decided that Mr. Casella and Mr. Bomstein would meet with Mr, Charles Bohart and Mr. Tim Johnson to discuss a video program by Vision Cable. Mr. Casella also suggested that a rental brochure be prepared for subscription by interested property owners. Mr. Bomstein made a motion that the Board allocate up to $300.00, to work with an ad agency on a preliminary design concept for the rental brochure and to use that concept to raise subscriptions, Mrs. Phifer seconded the motion. A vote was taken and motion passed unanimously. Mr. Casella read a letter from Mr. John Orwig, Vice-President of ESCO, Inc. outlining his company's willingness to participate in a residential demand survey in connection with the Expandominium prototype. After considerable discussion, Mr. Bomstein suggested that a study should be conducted and that letters be sent out to solicit contributions for this purpose. Mr. Bomstein made a motion, which was seconded by Mrs. Phifer, to approve minutes of October 26, 1982. A vote was taken and motion passed unanimously. Mr. Bomstein made a motion, which was seconded by Mrs. Phifer,to approve financial statement of October 31, 1982. A vote was taken and motion passed unanimous ly. Mr. Casella presented the correspondence. Mr. Casella reported on his recent meeting with Mr. Dick Isel, President of Sterile Design. The Board expressed support for getting Mr. Isel involved actively, possibly as a participant in an economic development "cavalry". It was unanimously agreed that Mr. Isel be invited to the next Board meeting. Pertaining to Mr. McNulty, "Partners for Liveable Places", Mr. Bomstein suggested that the Board join this organization and to call on Mr. McNulty from time to time. Membership information will be presented at the December meeting. It, was also suggested that murals be placed in empty stores to give the downtown area a more aesthetic look. The Arts Council will be contacted about this. Mr. Bomstein suggested that the Board, about three at one time, donate several hours a month to walk up and down the downtown blocks to look for eye-sores, deteriorating buildings, etc.. and take notes. One such structure/shelter is located on the southeast corner of Court and Myrtle; another is the Ritz Theater. . . "j!,;,;,:~~~t~~~~~~ti~~X~~~~~~f:~~f?0ji:~~~~~{:1;:~~~l:;.;.:\;'\::.,:;~.;.:,' ",~", " ..,.," ':. ".,' 1".~'" '. ",'/" "', "'- :;.\:~:;~;~~iiJ:.',,;,;t '" - L" ','.! ' - \.-, ,.., . ':" .~ .-....., ,...--- ._~_.~ ,- ; :'1' '. ' , , '. ,:';.1' '. ',;-' "~ ' 'I J, . #' "," . - , .. ,.~. .- ~", ~~.. , .._..~... 1~~:1'" '" '..'..' <~~'{;'I, :;i f 1$'">- " .1, , i; I ' I ; i .f , I, ( . ~ ; : i : . , ) .1' ;,. ) ~ , ." F C -r 1 , ~ i ,'. lJ;A:~ '.l.J.f. T' ":, ,.<.'- ' ,:.,-i. - I ,,', l:>. f .. ~ , ~ '". t. 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',;;C : .' ;' '.,',- r,~t):~w{~~~L:!:_,: ,:'; -3- November 30,1982 The property owners should be notified, and if that is not successful, the City should be contacted to help shape up the downtown area. Mr. Casella will set up a schedule of assignments and to map out what blocks are to be inspected. Meeting adjourned at 5:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, .J. \....\.- -- Sam Casella, AICP Executive Director SC/as d:. " '" '..., " ::.~:~i,~<.S~,'r".....oI(": ~~,;",. ~1;~:~:~~W~~~l[~:it~,~~ ~r:{~;~~;,:ift1l~};J~f.~#~~I;\~;h)t~;',:",: r~,Wf~~~:~~~~1~A~~*~~1\~~~., i'!: ','. I'~~.p.. ~F~, . , r)'~, . -,. "",! '. . " ,1: , i '.<...~f~..;.(""., ; ....i.~' ~r",',-,,~~,;>~::{~:~!'l~~' '\ ,!/;~}r, ,......f:;~:'..1, "l' .t- '.1.:.-;-:.:.:.: ::",,,) ... ~;~. 4> ',d' ~~;~ ,p .. ~. l:j~ ,"~ ~ ~: ~ ~!,. J ,/'. ~? ""1 ,'-1 {~ )," 1 .~.!. 'i i ""1 :,~ ~: r,: l: , i "~ 1 1 , '\ \". . ':'1 , j " ., '.1 ''\ ., :.t j "'" ::~ ) "' .. 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