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JULY 27, 1982
3 : 00 P. M .
Robert H. Stiff, Jr., Chairman
Alan Bomstein, Vice Chairman
Aaron Bilgore
Rose Phifer
David Zabel
Jim Calderbank
Sam Casella, Executive Director
Charles Finton
Bill Prescott
Chuck Albury
Jim Sheeler
Mr. & Mrs. Arlos Ogg
Barry Cohen
The meeting was called to order by Chairman, Mr. Stiff, at 3:00 p.m.
The meeting began with an invocation by Mr. Finton and the introduction
of guests.
The first item on the agenda was the Radnor update. Mr. Casella gave a
report on its progress. A request for proposals will be advertised to
solicit formal proposals for an office/retail center. The ad will be
submitted to the CRA on August 5, 1982 by the City Manager for CRA
approval. Mr. Bomstein made a motion, which was seconded by Mrs. Phifer,
to ask the City Manager to include the Wall Street Journal as one of the
advertising media. If the City Manager does not accept this request,
the Board will assume the responsibility. A vote was taken and motion
passed unanimously.
Next was Mr. Sheeler's update on the Redevelopment Trust Agreement. Mr.
Bilgore made a motion, which was seconded by Mrs. Phifer, that a letter
be written to the City Manager informing him that the Board is reluctant
to accept the last sentence on page 5, paragraph 3. A vote was taken and
motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Sheeler reported on't~e Streetscape Project. To-date, $9,820 has been
collected from six of-the eleven property owners.
Next was the rehabilitation and maintenance ordinance modeled after Mobile,
Alabama. Mr. Bilgore made a motion, which was seconded by Mrs. Phifer, to
table this item until November or December. After considerable discussion,
Mr. Bilgore and Mrs. Phifer withdrew their motion. Mr. Calderbank then made
a motion, which was seconded by Mr. Bilgore, that a letter be sent to the
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July 27, 1982
City Manager specifying the goals of the Board and requesting that a
draft be prepared for a downtown standards ordinance using Mobile,
and any other available ordinances, as a guideline to achieve those
goals conducive to the downtown Clearwater area. A vote was taken and
motion passed unanimously.
Discussion of Design Review Regulations was next on the agenda. Mr.
Casella gave a report on this in accordance with his letter to the Board
dated July 15, 1982. The Chairman appointed Alan Bomstein to draft a set
of design goals to be sent to the City Manager.
Concerning the budget and millage, a first public hearing date was set for
Tuesday, September 14, 1982 at 5:15 p.m. and a second hearing on Tuesday,
September 28, 1982 at 5:15 p.m.
Mrs. Phifer made a motion, which was seconded by Mr. Bomstein, to reduce the
1 mill levy to a 1/2 mill. A vote was taken and motion failed. Mrs. Phifer
voted for, and the remaining Board voted against.
Mr. Bomstein made a motion, which was seconded by Mrs. Phifer, to take $15,000
from cash reserves and reduce the required tax levy, and then adjust the
millage rate accordingly.' A vote was taken and motion passed unanimously.
Eachitem on the proposed expenditure budget was discussed and several
adjustments made. A copy of the proposed budget is attached.
The Board approved the attendance of Mr. Casella at the IDEA conference in
New Orleans in September, with the exception of Mrs. Phifer, who wanted it
to go on record that she opposed it.
The Board approved the minutes of June 29 and July 13, 1982 and the financial
statement of June 30, 1982.
The Executive Director and secretary then left the room in order for the Board
to discuss their salaries.
The Chairman later reported that the Board approved a 5% increase in salary
and benefits. The Executive Director's salary becomes $30,975 with
benefits of $4,200. The secretary's salary becomes $10,763.
Respectfully submitted,
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..--'- Sam Casell a, AICP
Executive Director
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