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JUNE 29, 1982
3:00 P.M.
Robert H. Stiff, Jr.~ Chairman
Alan Bomstein~ Vice Chairman
Aaron Bilgore
Rose Phifer
David Carley
Jim Calderbank
Sam Casellas Executive Director
Tim Johnson
Bill Prescott
Perc Powell
Chuck Albury
Jeff Butler
Jack Wice
Charles Finton
Chris Papandreas
Jeff Tolrud
The meeting was called to order by Chairman~ Mr. Stiff, at 3:00 P.M. The
meeting began with an invocation by Mr. Finton and the introduction of guests.
Mr. Tim johnson presented his views on Metro Development~ a project which
he represents. He is concerned about the Downtown Development Board's attitude
of opposition regarding this project. After considerable discussion~ Mr. Bomstein
made a motion, which was seconded by Mr. Carley, that the Downtown Development
Board not pursue any further action on Metro Development and not offer any
testimony in opposition to this project. A vote was taken and the motion
passed with Mr. Bomstein~ Mrs. Phifer, Mr. Carley, and Mr. Calderbank voting
"yes" and Mr. Bilgore opposed.
Miss Papandreas gave an update report on the Streetscape Project. They are
approximately two-thirds of the way with the contributions. Mr. Calderbank,
who is Chairman of the Tree Thoughts Program, will write a letter to the
Chamber of Commerce to raise funds to purchase the trees. This in-kind
contribution will defray the cost of the trees.
Next, Mr. Jeff Butler presented a progress report on the parking plans. Mr.
Butler stated that there are four sources of subsidies: 1) existing parking
fund surplus; 2) parking revenues generated through a rate increase outside
the project; 3) Tax Increment Financing; 4) some direct form of contribution
to the project from a private developer. Mr. Butler said that without a
major building such as the Radnor project~ the garage cannot go forward unless
revenues are found.
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