10/13/1981 ';"',~~: \ " ''''''".;,',.,1 ',,'1-.'.' ,'.. ,~, .' .o, I '. .:.1\4,' '.'.,~. . .;:..~ i~~i::,< , "-:, ..~, ,', .. '~ ',:\' , ..:, 1 /'t..~:" ;,1 ':.,"" , ,..~" I.: :,I~I u': ',"':,.." " " ""." ,J c , . ~~\ '. ; , 'I' " ~ ,~" ;" ~ ;:1 ~: .",- ,.,. \ ,~: ,'.r., "'~ ..',~, . ")' .. '1;::- ~.. ,'1:'; ...} ; ~, '~.; "': " ! 'y., ,;\ '. ! .:1 \(, , /, ,c ..;. '!;?'~'''~'1:~,::; " FY FY Increase % Increase Expenditures 1982 1981 (Decrease) (Decrease) . Printing/Postage 2750 2200 550 25 '~R/NeWslett~r 3000 2400 600 25 Supplies 900 800 100 12.5 Salaries 39s750 34s652 5,098 14.7 Employee Benefits 4000 3865 135 3.5 Rent 2956 2700 256 9.5 Insurance 400 450 (50) (11.1) Telephone 2135 1200 935 77.9 Audit 525 475 50 10.5 ., Legal 1500 1500 0 0 Travel 1800 1500 300 20 Tax Collector 2276 1734 542 31.3 Property Appraiser 1229 1339 (110) (8.2) :"'lies & Subscriptions 900 800 100 12.5 Equipment 400 300 100 33.3 Office Awards .100 100 0 0 Sub-Total Operating Expenditures $64s621 15.4 $56s015 $8s606 Project Fund $13s100 NA $13,100 o Contingency Fund $ (69.1) $ 1,760 $( 1,216) 544 Cash Flow Budget $78s265 $57,775 $20s490 35.5 Taxes Levied but Collection Doubtful $ 8s947 $ 3,039 $ 5s908 194.4 ~r. " '-! . .- TOTAL BUDGET $87,212 $60,814 $26,398 43.4 c. i ,l~~"if#,'~,\j;t::f1fj*~r~~~;;;"r .,. :,,"t. ". :,',;",; ... ..,\.:, .... ',..-, .: ~:::~~:'~ '..:::.~.~ ,:;~t'::',-:; ~. ., . ':'~l , , ! " , . \' ;, .,.1,' ",, ";.''i';' f, I' f,: t ,> , : ,~ . '7]' \' , ,. (. I : ~, ' , , '. " 1, ,:' . ' , ~ '! ',\ . ,; -, ,j; ", ,'C ,c' .', - . ,: ~. '1111......'.". MINUTES OF THE MEETING . OF TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1981 5 :05 P. M. MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE Aaron Bilgore, Chairman Robert H. Stiff, Jr., Vice Chairman Leon Hammock Rose Phifer A. Bronson Thayer Jim Calderbank Sam Casella, Executive Director NON-MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE Alan Bomstein Jim Sheeler Chuck Albury Bi 11 Matson Charles Finton Betty McGraw . The meeting began at 5:05 p.m. The Chairman brought the public hearing to order and asked if there was any public comment on the Downtown Development Board's 1982 budget and millage. There being none, the Chairman asked for a motion to adopt the 1982 budget. Mr. Calderbank made a motion to adopt the 1982 budget and the motion received a second from Mr. Thayer. The Chairman called for a vote and the motion was adopted unanimously. The Chairman called for action to adopt the 1982 millage rate of one mill. A motion was made by Mr. Hammock to adopt the 1982 millage at the rate of one mill. The motion received a second from Mr. Stiff. The Chairman called for a vote and the motion was adopted unanimously. Mr. Casella distributed copies of the Community Redevelopment Plan which had been received from the City Planning Department. At the Chairman's request, Mr. Casella outlined the contents of the redevelopment plan. Following some discussion of the effect of the redevelopment plan on the recently adopted zoning ordinance, Mrs. Phifer suggested that the meeting be continued on ,Thursday morning so that the Board members could read the redevelopment plan and discuss it before the City Commission receives the plan on Thursday evening. The Chairman announced that the meeting would be continued on Thursday morning at 7:30 a.m. at the Harborview Club for purposes of continuing discussion of the redevelopment plan. After a recess, the meeting continued on ThurSday, October 15 at 7:43 a.m. Those in attendance included Mr. Bilgore, Mr. Calderbank, Mrs. Phifer, Mr. Casella, Mr. Sheeler, Mr. Matson, Mr. Bomstein, and Chris Papandreas of the City Planning Department. :.;. ' 'c ( '. . ~ .j ~~.~',.~~." '.:'~~,:{~' ....." /. . , .,. _ ',}, ":n' ' , 11' . >' ,. y .- 'I ~ '... ,', " ,~ ~~ - , c l""",,r:u**~~~~..1lJJ~.tSlitDI ....~'IoIi~Ut7th..U -2- October 13, 1981 .' ''. Mr. Bilgore stated that after review of the redevelopment plan, he found it on the whole acceptable if several refinements were made to it. Miss Papandreas made a presentation of the contents of the redevelopment plan and there was discussion of the effect of the redevelopment policies on page 91 and page 92 and the redevelopment map on page 93. It was agreed that several changes in the wording of page 91 and page 92 would resolve the questions which had been raised. Mr. Calderbank left the meeting at 9:27 a.m. The following revisions were agreed to by all of those present: Page 91, paragraph 1 - add, liThe redevelopment plan is to be used as a flexible guideline to direct the implementation of the Downtown Development Ordinance" . Page 91, paragraph 4 - amend second sentence to read, lilt is desirable for the development of parcels one acre or more in size to be consistent with the overall downtown land use plan, included as a guide in this text." Page 91, paragraph 5 - amend sentence #4 to read, IIIf project is located in a priority redevelopment area, the City will consider actively assisting in the redevelopment process.1I . Page 92, paragraph B - amend second sentence to read, liTo the maximum extent feasible, public assistance will be provided to encourage the retention of such structures; no public assistance will be provided for projects which would t'esult in the demolition or substantial external alteration of these structures unless no feasible renovation alternatives exist." Page 92, paragraph F - amend paragraph to read, liOn the Cleveland Street and Fort Harrison Avenue frontages in the retail core, the intent is to provide retail and other pedestrian oriented spaces. Upper levels of multi-story buildings are encouraged to be developed for other useage.1I Page 92, paragraph G - amend sentence #2 to read, "Approximately 5% of the lot area of such parcel s shall be devoted to such purposes. II Page 92, add paragraph K to read, "Restaurant/entertainment establishments shall be considered retail use for purposes of interpreting the downtown redevelopment plan.1I Page 93, correct location of eastern anchor. It was agreed that the Planning Department would incorporate these revisions into its presentation to the City Commission later in the day, and that the Downtown Development Board, as represented by those present, was in agreement. The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 a.m. Respectfully submitted, ~?~ /:-) Jv /' ~ ~/ Sam Casella, AICP . Executive Director SC/as '. " .if,"~~~~~f:~E:i,,'*'tkij;;ij:;i;,::.. 'j" " .<. , ' . ,.: '. ":'~" ;.:~"~,:}:i'~~ .:.. . '.,;,. 7, ,:,::.. ,', .. .', I..: , .:/ '\ , ',' J" '* .., """t"- ' ,c, '~ ..~ I I I I , ~ " : ' , ,;( ,I 'I J