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September 29, 1981
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Aaron Bi1gore, Chairman
Robert H. Stiff, Jr., Vice Chairman
David Zabel
Leon Hanmock
Rose Phifer
Jim Ca1derbank
Sam Casella, Executive Director
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Mr. & Mrs. Ar10s Ogg
Bruce Griffin
Bruce Williams
Scott Trundle
Perc Powe 11
Robert Kinney
Marie Megin1ey
Bob Campagna
Charles Finton
J. D. Sheeler
Jerry Tubbs
Chuck Albury
Charles Le Cher
Rita Garvey
Bruce Taylor
A1 Benecik
Joe Taggert
Ron Moore
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Chairman Bi1gore called the meeting to order at 3 p.m. The Chairman
introduced Bruce Taylor to make an announcement. Mr. Taylor announced
that his real estate finn had brokered a sale of the Coachman property on
Cleveland Street at Ft. Harrison Avenue and he introduced Mr. Joe Taggert
and Mr. Ron Moore. Mr. Taggert announced that his firm which has ~een active
in restoring buildings in downtown Tampa will restore the Coachman building
for office space. He expressed confidence in the future of downtown Clearwater
and said that he would return in three to four weeks with architectural
renderings of the proposed restoration.
After congratulating Mr. Taylor and Mr. Moore, the Chairman moved the agenda
to the Nominating Committee which consisted of Mr. Bob Crosby, Mr. Charles
Galloway and Mrs. Marie Megin1ey. Mr. Crosby announced that the nominees
are Alan Bomstein, David Carley, Robert Kinney and Paul Wade. Mr. Crosby
said the nominees have all accepted nomination. The Chairman thanked the
nominating Committee and asked for a motion to accept the nominations. Mr.
Hammock made a motion to accept the slate of nominees. The motion was
seconded ~y Mr. Stiff. The Chairman called for a vote and the motion was
approved unanimously.
The Chairman moved the agenda to the Executive Director Reports. Mr. Casella
reported that contributions to the free parking account now make it necessary
to pay the City at the end of the month rather than at the beginning of the
month. Mr. Bi1gore suggested sending a letter to the Downtown Clearwater
Association asking for stronger efforts to raise contributions and asking if
they wish to continue the free parking system. Mr. Bi1gore appointed Rose
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September 29, 1981
- 2 -
Phifer and Jim Calderbank to meet with the Downtown Clearwater Association and
the City and gave them 60 days from October 1st to report to the Board.
Mr. Casella reported that the City Manager expressed a preference not to change
the boundaries of the DDB at this time and Mr. Bilgore suggested that a letter
be sent to the property owners who suggested expanding the boundaries, to
inform them of the City's position.
Mr. Casella reported on the seminar on tax increment financing held this
month in Tallahassee.
Mr. Casella reported that the Board has contributed $700 to the Streetscape
j program and distributed to each member a copy of the City Commission agenda
memorandum which will be considered by the Commission on October 1,1981.
Mr. Casella read a letter from the City Manager thanking the Board for its
offer of $13,000 towards construction of a Coachman Park Bandshell. Mr.
Bi1gore reported that he has set the fund-raising effort in motion. Mr.
Bi1gore said that he did not feel at liberty to speak further on the fund-
raising efforts at this time, however, the Executive Director would provide
information to the Board members at a later date.
Mr. Bi1gore asked Mr. Trundle if he would report on the Clearwater Improvement
Corporation. Mr. Trundle reported that he and Mr. Casella had met wit"
approximately 30 individuals and he was confident that the Imp~ovement
Corporation would be starting operations within the month.
Mr. Casella reported that a letter had been received from the City Manager
thanking the Board for approving participation in a $300,000 Federal Grant to
enable the housing authority to build on the Winn-Dixie site. Mr. Casella
said that the amended application is currently awaiting HUD approval.
Mrs. Phifer suggested that a letter be sent to the City Manager concerning
the Central Pinel1as Transit Authority's purchase of the Park Street terminal.
It was decided that the letter would be sent reminding the City Manager that
the monies derived from the sale will be used for parking improvements in the
downtown area.
Mr. Stiff made a motion that the minutes of August 25, 1981 be approved. Mrs.
Phifer made a second and the motion was approved.
Mr. Stiff made a motion that the financial statement of August 31, 1981 be
approved. Mr. Calderbank made a second and the motion was approved.
Mr. Casella read the month's correspondence. It was decided that a letter
would be sent to our Congressman pointing out the Florida criteria on industrial
development bonds are adequate and do not need to be superceded by Federal
criteria in House Bill H.R. 4420.
Mr. Stiff suggested that the Board send a letter to State and National downtown
development organizations urging that technical corrections be made to the
Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981 to continue existing tax credits for building
Mr. Stiff suggested that the Board establish a budget for retail promotional
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