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DECEMBER 31, 1980
A. Bronson Thayer, Chairman
Aaron Bilgore, Vice Chairman
Rose Phifer
Leon Hanmock
David Zabel
Sam Casella, Executive Director
Chuck Albury
Don Mains
Mr. & Mrs. Arlos Ogg
Jim Fisher
The meeting was called to order by Chairman, Mr. Thayer. The meeting
began with an invocation by Mr. Ogg.
Mr. Casella read a letter from Marie Meginley, Chainman of the Teller's
Committee, in uhich she submitted the results of the 1980 election of the
Downtown Development Board in which Rose Phifer and David Zabel were
elected. A motion was put on the floor by Mr. Bilgore to accept the
report of the Teller's Committee, which was seconded by Mrs. Phifer. A
vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously. Mr. Thayer congratulated
Mrs. Phifer and welcomed Mr. Zabel to the Board.
Mrs. Phifer brought forth the subject of the unsightly condition of the
Lerner Building and the fact that vagrants were occupying these premises as
sleeping quarters, etc. Mr. Bilgore felt this to be a police matter and that
it was not the function of the Board to get involved in situations of this
nature. Mr. Casella suggested the use of condemnation through tax
increment financing as another approach. Mr. Ogg suggested that a letter
be written to City officials with a copy to the City Commissioners. Mr.
Thayer suggested that individual letters be drafted by all concerned
citizens plus Board members.
Mr. Mains presented the new visitor's guide posters to the Board. Mr.
Thayer left the meeting and Mr. Bilgore assumed the Chair.
The next item on the agenda was the Executive Director's reports. The
following reports were presented:
a) Supreme Court decision on tax increment financing.
b) Office Space Absorption Report.
c) Approval of office lease renewal.
Mr. Hammock moved that a new lease be approved at rent of up to $230.00
per month. The motion was seconded by Mr. Zabel, and upon a vote being
called, the motion passed.
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