11/25/1980 .' J """ '\t~ :. ;" ".,', .', ,'. t. . I .1,.._ .71 , \ . t ' I '.: ~ .1". .j. .' :......;';: :). .. , , I " /,', " to 1f7,,1lI ~W~f . HUM ~__ f f - f r r' J~ CLEARWATER DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT BOARD J~ \;jJ MEETING NOVEMBER 25, 1980 MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE A. Bronson Thayer, Chairman Aaron Bilgoret Vice Chairman Leon Hammock Rose Phifer Mayor Charles LeCher NON-MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE Sam Casella, Executive Director J. Michael Daily, CPA Jim Sheeler Raymond L. Parri Charles Finton Chuc k Albury Alan Bomstein Joe Greenwald Don Li ndsay David Zabel Tom Brown Albert Rophie Pat Yage1 Don Lindsay Bill Matson George Buhmeyer The regular meeting of the Clearwater Downtown Development Board was called to order by Chairman, Mr. Thayer. The meeting began with an invocation by Mr. Brown and the introduction of guests. eo' t~ Mr. George Buhmeyer, Fire Marshall, gave a presentation on the standards that exist on vacant buildings and what is being done to rectify the situation. The first item on the agenda was the committee reports, the appointment of a Teller's Committee. Mr. Bi1gore made a motion to appoint Marie Meginley as Chairman of this committee. The motion was seconded by Mr. Hammock. A vote was taken and the motion was passed unanimously. The next item on the agenda was the Executive Director reports: a) Mr. Michael Dailey, CPA, presented the. annual financial audit. Mr. Bilgore made a motion to approve the report as is, which was seconded by Mrs. Phifer. A vote was taken and the motion was passed unanimously. Mr. Brown presented his views on the free parking program. He felt that the Downtown Development Board should contribute $50.00 to $100.00 per month to aid towards the success of this program. Mr. Rophie suggested sending a strong letter to the merchants every other week. Mr. Lindsay, on the other hand, suggested approaching the City to decrease the amount paid to them. Mr. Bi1gore and Mr. Hammock both felt that this program is an excellent one, but that it is not the Downtown Development Board's place to contribute. It was finally decided that the free parking would be put on the December agenda. In the meantime, Mr. Thayer will meet with Mrs. Phifer for further discussions. . " '. .. ,I .~ : ,;" '.. 'f <. '., . ': ',; , .' ll~: I.. ~".~I~,:/..I~.',"",..2". .'...... >> , '. :', ' ..,,") ,',': ; " \ .1'" " :",::,[;.,:, '" ,,(," . .... '.'<." ,',:' ,', ',. .':" '. '," ":' ~. '" \ ','. .. )" . .. ""t . ' . .\ ,-;::) '., . to" Co,. ' . . ,p...' . c...:. ~~~~_tW"JM.J . ."...~,.,.,.. r/-.w~~~.~'~":' '. ", November 25, 1980 -2- . b) Preliminary report on alternatives for downtown landscaping: According to Mr. Casella, City staff felt that it was important to have a plan for street landscaping in order to guide the actions they would then follow. Along those lines,the Planning Department volunteered to do some checking to what would be involved in a landscaping plan. Mr. Sheeler presented his report on the 400 block. Mr. Sheeler suggested that the Downtown Development Board contribute $2 to $3 thousand dollars along with a similar amount from the City. Plants will be provided by private and public input. Mrs. Phifer felt that if property owners are to contribute, that an approximation of cost should be procured before approaching the property owners. Mr. Sheeler felt that if the planning is solid, there would be some City participation. There wi" be a report concerning this matter at the next monthly meeting. . c) Report on result of contact with University of Florida in the matter of the Chick Smith property: Mr. Casella reported that Professor Winarsky will be making a decision shortly and is very enthusiastic about this project. If it is a class project, it will get done quickly; if it is a thesis, it will take 6 months and will be commenced immediately. d) Report on millage roll-back: According to the Property Appraiser, certification is now $64,000,000, which means that in order to collect the same amount of money, the millage is rolled back to .94. Mr. Casella drafted a letter to the Property Appraiser indicating a protest. The County Attorney stated that there isn't much that could be done about it. The board decided against further action. The next item on the agenda was the approval of minutes of October 28, 1980. Mr. Bilgore made a motion for approval which was seconded by Mrs. Phifer. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously. A motion was placed on the floor by Mr. Bilgore for approval of the October 31, 1980 monthly financial statement. Motion was seconded by Mrs. Phifer. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously. According to the City Manager regarding drainage impact fees, the impact fee would only apply to drainage requirements under existing City policy which has not been changed. Only the additional run-off must be ponded or paid for. If there is a demolition, it is required that a demolition and new construction be under one permit and then only the additional run-off is considered. Mr. Bilgore recommended that a special work session be scheduled on this project to take place Tuesday, December 9th at 8:00 a.m. at the Chamber of Commerce. Regarding response of the City Manager concerning alley in the 500 block of Cleveland Street, Mrs. Phifer suggested sending a letter to Mr. Shoemaker asking him of his findings. Response of Ronald Teevan concerning Oak Bluffs tax exemption - matter should be pursued - no other property should come off the tax roll. Mrs. Phifer made a nlotion to write a letter to the City Manager on this. Motion was seconded by l.eon Hammock. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously. Mr. Casella presented other correspondence. Meeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.m. . SC/as ~espectfully~~mitt~~, ,-'-~ ~'^---- Sam Casella, Executive Director ..... " ~ 'j'j : ",:. 10..... ' ; " i t