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APRIL 29, 1980
A. Bronson Thayer, Chairman
Aaron Bi1gore, Vice Chairman
Mayor Charles LeCher
Rose Phifer
Robert H. Stiff, Jr.
Dale Warren
Sam Casella, Executive Director
J. D. Shee1 er
Charles H. Finton
Norton Chervitz
Bi 11 Kravas
Joe Greenwald
Mr. & Mrs. Ar10s Ogg
Me1 inda Hoppe
The regular meeting of the Clearwater Downtown Development Board was
called to order at 3:00 p.m. by Chairman, Mr. Thayer, at the Chamber
of Commerce Building. The meeting began with an invocation by Mr.
Ar10s Ogg. The Chairman introduced the guests.
Ken Hawkins
Marion Hawkins
Rita Garvey
Don Lindsay
John Chesnut
Tom Brown
George Mall ory
Mr. Don Main, who is on the Publicity Promotions Committee for the
Downtown Clearwater Association spoke on the festival which is to take
place October 24 thru November 11th entitled "Clearwater Jazz Holiday"
for the main purpose of attracting European visitors as well as the
local cOlllTlunity.
The next item on the agenda was the SR 60 Committee report. Mrs. Phifer
read a letter sent to Mr. Tony Shoemaker by Mr. Perc Powell outlining
two recommendations as follows:
1) The State Road 60 follow as far West as East Avenue
2) That traffic from and to the beach come through one
lane each way to East Avenue, according to Plan 7
of the Feasibility Study
Mrs. Phifer has replaced Mr. Perc Powell as Committee Chairman for SR 60.
Mr. Perc Powell has resigned as Chairman but will remain an active
member of the Committee.
The next item concerned a discussion by Mr. Norton Chervitz, Manager
of Peltz Shoes, regarding free parking in conjunction with Lot #6.
Mr. Chervitz felt that long-term parking meters were out of place
on Lot #6 and that that the parking facilities there should be for
customer use only and not for employees. By installing long-term
parking meters, it defeats. the purpose of customer parking.
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Mr. Chervitz cited support from the Downtown Clearwater Association
and said they agreed that long-term parking meters would be put on
any other lot except Lot #6. Mr. Bilgore made a motion to send a
letter to Mr. Keith Crawford requesting that he bring this matter to
the attention of the City Manager and officials in charge for
reconsideration. The motion was seconded by Mr. Warren, a vote
was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
A motion was made by Mr. Warren for approval of amendment permitting
Farmer's Market year-round and seconded by Mr. Bilgore. A vote
was taken and the motion was passed unanimously.
Pertaining to the matter of zoning, Mr. Casella reported that Mr.
David Healey, Planning Director, said that the Resource Developnent
Committee was given until April 29th to make recommendations concerning
the zoning ordinance. Mr. Casella said Mr. Healey stated that he
expects to get those responses today and when he has them, he will put
together his recommendation to the City Commission and that recommendation
will be made available to the Board. Mayor LeCher suggested that
a re-study of parking garage feasibility be taken into consideration
and to hold off conclusions on the off-street parking section of the
zoning ordinance. In order to reach a compromise, Mr. Bilgore
suggested that a work session be held in order to weigh out the City
Planning Director's view and the Board's view.
Mrs. Phifer made a motion that the Downtown Development Board contribute
an amount of $4,900.00 as a show of good faith towards the Parking
Study in order for this study to be put to work immediately. The
motion waS' seconded by Mayor LeCher. Mr. Casella suggested that
in addition to this motion, that this contribution be put in the
budget in order not to go over budget. A vote was taken and the
motion was passed unanimously.
The next topic of discussion was Parking Feasibility. Mr. Casella
reported that the City Manager recommended to the City Commission
that the City continue its Phase II study and in this study, the
consultant will get into the details of additional parking facilities
that will be needed to handle the demand and the demand that is pro-
jected. This was discussed by the City Commission on Monday, April
28th, and will be considered by the City Commission on Thursday
morning, May 1st.
Mr. Casella reported that the Florida Department of Community Affairs
and the International Downtown Executives Association have requested
that Clearwater be the host city for a meeting sponsured by DCA, IDEA
together with a third sponsor, FDDA on "Smaller City Downtown Develop-
ment". Thi s is schedul ed to take place about June 12th or 13th wi th
approximately 125 people in attendance who will be spending in the
neighborhood of about $15,000.00 while here in Clearwater. Mr.
Warren made a motion for approval but with limited expenditures up
to $100.00. Motion was seconded by Mr. Bilgore. A vote was taken
and passed unanimously.
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Mr. Casella read a memorandum on the status of governmental facilities
in downtown Clearwater. He stated that by acquiring property located
in the block bounded by Osceola, Pierce, Ft. Harrison and Court
Street, it would make it possible for City Hall to remain in the
government center area as recommended by RTKL and would provide
expansion of parking. Mr. Bilgore made a motion that this matter
be tabled until such time as the Board deems it necessary to re-
activate it. The motion was seconded by Mr. Warren. A vote was
taken and the majority voted in favor. Mr. Stiff opposed.
Mrs. Phifer made a motion for approval of minutes of March 25th and
was seconded by Mr. Warren. A vote was taken and passed unanimously.
Mr. Casella presented the financial statement of March 31, 1980.
A total of $46,499 was received during fiscal year in which $1,307
was during the month of March and expenditures for the fiscal year
reached a total of $27,731 and $2,339 was spent in re-imbursable
Ceta expenditures. Mr. Casella further stated that two expenditures
needed to be added to the budget. One was the expenditure of $500.00
to close out the contract with Ad/Image on the Sign Program and the
other was the expenditure of $1,409.76 which is the final total on
expenditures for the January seminar. The reason for these additions
was that since the money was already authorized as an expenditure,
the budget would otherwise appear to be in deficit. Mrs. Phifer
suggested an adjustment be made to the 1979-80 revenue balance to read
$16,303.53 and that the seminar budget should be included in Public
Relations at the amount of $659.76 net. Mr. Thayer suggested to
break out seminar altogether and also show the actual cost, and
add contribution to Parking Study and to Sign Program to budget.
Mr. Bilgore made a motion to approve Financial Statement as amended.
Motion was seconded by Mrs. Phifer, a vote was taken and motion was
passed unanimously.
The next item on the agenda was correspondence and Mr. Casella
reviewed the following corresrondence:
1. A letter from Mr. Harrison Robertson concerning off-street parking.
2. A letter from Mr. Tony Shoemaker regarding zoning - will follow
progress of zoning ordinance.
3. A letter from Mr. Tony Shoemaker regarding void which exists in the
downtown area for a grocery store. Mr. Casella sent 30 letters
out to various grocery stores and chains and has received replies.
He will attempt to assist them in trying to find a location in
downtown Clearwater.
4. A letter from Mr. Tom Mills, Secretary-Treasurer of FDDA thanking the
COOS for the supplemental contribution of $300.00 together with the
original $200.00 for a total of $500.00
5. A letter from Mr. Tom Mills thanking Maas Bros. for their contribution
of $50.00 towards litigation of Tax Increment Financing.
6. A memo from Mr. Tom Mills - Bradenton Downtown Development Authority -
reporting Bradenton City Council vote of 5-0 - approval of ordinance
to appoint the DDA as the Bradenton Co~nunity Redevelopment Agency to
implement Tax Increment Financing.
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