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MARCH 25, 1980
A. Bronson Thayer, Chairman
Aaron Bilgore, Vice Chairman
Mayor Charles LeCher
Rose Phifer
Robert H. Stiff, Jr.
Leon Hammock
Dale Warren
Sam Casella, Executive Director
Dr. & Mrs. Paul C. Brown
Steve Kaylor
Mr. & Mrs. Arlos Ogg
J. D. Sheeler
John Chesnut
Harrison Robertson
Charles Finton
Tom Brown
Rich Leiby
The regular meeting of the Clearwater Downtown Development Board was
called to order at 3:00 p.m. by Vice Chairman, Aaron Bilgore in the
temporary absence of A. Bronson Thayer, Chairman. The meeting began
with an invocation by Mr. Tom Brown. The Vice Chairman introduced
the guests.
Vice Chairman, Aaron Bilgore, asked for a motion for approval of the
minutes dated 2/26, 3/4, 3/11/80. The motion was made by Dale
Warren and seconded by Bob Stiff. A vote was called and the m.:>ti\.,m
was approved.
The next item on the agenda was correspondence and Mr. Casella reviewed
the following correspondence:
1. A brochure from IDA announcing their Executive Development Institute
will be held in Alexandria, Va. April 20th thru the 22nd.
2. A letter from the city, for the July 4th concert, stating that
the park will be available for that purpose.
3. Letters from Jack Watson, Asst. to the President and Robert T. Hall,
Asst. Secretary of Economic Development in reply to correspondence the
Board sent out concerning the Community Conservation Guidance.
4. Federal Highway Administration, Robert E. Connor, Chief of Traffic
Control, informed us that our request for changes to the Manual on
Uniform Traffic Control Devices has been pUblished in the Federal Register.
5. A letter from Keith Crawford concerning street signs in reply to the
Board's letter. The first question was whether old street signs on
lamp posts will remain, and secondly, if there were any plans to paint
the galvanized posts. Mr. Crawford' s reply to the first question was
that it was the intent to use existing signs elsewhere, and to the second
question, that galvanized posts were to be used to eliminate a need for
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6. A letter from Perc Powell which provides a background report on
the SR 60 Committee. A letter from Dave Healey indicating he has sent
copies of the SR 60 report to the SR 60 conunittee, but not to the DDB.
7. A letter from Carl Hesseler regarding the Seminar of January 26.
8. A letter from the Harborview Club inviting Mr. Casella to become an
honorary member.
The next item on the agenda was the discussion of the financial state-
ment. A motion was put on the floor by Leon Hammock and seconded by
Dale Warren to approve the financial statement. After discussion of
the expenses of the January 26th seminar, a vote was taken on the
motion to approve and not to modify the financial statement. The
motion was approved.
There was a discussion and comments on the Ralph Burke & Associates
parking draft. It was decided that copies of the draft would be made
and distributed to all Board members.
The next item was zoning. A letter was received from Dave Healey
on March 11, 1980 regarding the Downtown Development ordinance. In
respect to clarification of language, Section 24.04, the words
"consistent wi'l:h the plan for downtown Clearwater" means that it
does refer to the overall mix of uses rather than a block to block
plan of such uses. He also stated that consideration will be
given to the inclusion of provision for parking credit privileges
in connection with any payment made in lieu of providing parking
spaces ,and consideration will be given to include areas west of
Osceola Avenue in the district. In reference to Certificates of
Occupancy being dependent on satisfactory lease arrangements, that
will continue to be the case. Finally, he stated that the proposed
Downtown Development ordinance was reviewed by the city's Resource
Development Committee on March 14th and they have asked for 45
days to assess its impact. A motion was made by Aaron Bilgore and
seconded by Dale Warren that we forward a letter to the City Manager
asking him to have the Resource Development Committee expedite its
investigation on the rezoning inasmuch as the matter is of such
vital importance and not to delay the investigation. A vote was
taken and the motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Casella info~ed the Board that FDDA had requested an additional
contribution to its legal expenses for Tax Increment Financing. Mrs.
Phifer suggested that the expenditure for the July 4th concert approved
last month be allocated to the FDDA and not towards the July 4th band
expenditure. A motion, was made by Dale Warren and seconded by Rose
Phifer to rescind the appropriation of $400.00 for band eKpenditure and
apply $300.00 of it to the FDDA for tax increment legal expenses.
Mr. Casella reviewed a letter from Mrs. Lewis Homer of the Clearwater
Historical Society asking for support of its plan to sponsor historical
tours in the downtown area. Mr. Casella read a letter of support and
there being no objection, it was signed by Mr. Thayer. The Chairman announced
that there being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
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Respectfully Submitto.;i, ~
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Sam Casella, ,.,-~~
Executive Director
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