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March 28, 1978
Leon Hammock, Chairman
Aaron Bilgore, Vice-Chai~an
Rose Phifer
William Nunamaker
Dale Warren
Sam Casella, Executive Director
Tom Brown
Warren Renando
Bill Reed
Chuck Albury st. Pete Times
Dom Minotti
Marie Griner, Chick Smith Ford
Howard Groth
Charles Finton
John Chesnut
Mr. & Mrs. Arlos Ogg
Bill Kravas
The monthly
meeting of
order at 3:00 p. m. by
guests in attendance.
the Clearwater Downtown Development Board was called
Chairman Leon Hammock who welcomed the members
The invocation was given by Mr. Tom Brown.
Mr. Hammock asked if anyone wished to speak on matters not on the Agenda,
and there were none.
The minutes for meetings held on February 23,
were approved,
on a Motion made by Mr.
1978 and February 28, 1978
Bilgore and seconded by Mr. Warren.
Chairman Hammock called for any questions or discussion regarding the
financial statement, which was then approved on a Motion made by Mr. Bilgore
and seconded by Mr. Nunamaker.
Mr. Hammock asked Torn Brown to give a report relative to SR 60.
Mr. Brown reported that he had received word
of Transportation (FDOT)
which are needed to move
from the Florida Department
that they wished to participate in the drawings
the traffic off Cleveland Street to Drew Street.
He then read a letter from Mr. Bruce Downs of FOOT giving their schedule
and the composition of the consultant selection committee. Mr. Brown
announced that the State Road 60 Committee would meet Friday, April 7 at
7:30 p. m. at City Hall. Mr. Brown said that it will be necessary to
explain this program to the community.
Chairman Hammock called upon Mr. Bilgore to give his report on the Chamber
of Commerce. Mr. Bilgore reported that the Chamber Meeting was a regular one
with nothing pertinent to the Downtown area except relative to Bronson
Thayer's Objectives '88, which is a five and ten year goals program for the
development of Clearwater.
The Chairman asked for the Executive Director's report. Mr. Casella re-
ported that pursuant to the Board's direction at a previous work session,
a brochure which would explain something about the Downtown Plan and also
about the Downtown Development Board had been developed in sketch fonn.
Mr. Casella introduced Mr. Bill Reed, who had prepared the sketch. Mr.
Casella explained the content of the proposed brochure using the sample
sketch. Mr. Casella said that there was a proposal from Mr. Reed,.and the
estimated cost of design and production of a one color folder utilizing
existing photographs and line art including copy, layout, topography,
negatives, positive photostats, mechanical art work and printing would
be as follows:
@ $625.00
@ $695.00
@ $815.00
Mr. Casella stated that Mr. Reed was in attendance if the members wished
to address any questions to him. Rose Phifer asked if the difference as
given was $70.00 and would the brochure be in color. Mr. Reed confirmed the
$70.00 difference for 1,000 copies and suggested green for a combination
of black print on green background. Mr. Reed indicated that the weight
was one-half ounce for mailing purposes. Mr. Bilgore asked Mr. Casella how
many he would anticipate sending out. Mr. Casella stated that this would
depend somewhat on what the policy was in terms of who the Board wished
to send it to. Mr. Bi1gore asked who Mr. Casella would like it sent to.
Mr. Casella suggested it be sent to all of the taxpayers in the district,
merchants in the Downtown area who are participating in free parking,
real estate people, architects, local governmental agencies, persons who
express an interest in Downtown Clearwater and civic and community groups.
Mr. Bilgore estimated that this would total 1,000. Rose Phifer indicated
that she would like to know what it would say. Mr. Hammock replied that
the brochure would have a very condensed outline of the Plan including all
of the salient points and space will limit what it will say. Ms.Phifer
remarked that the wording was very important and therefore wished to see
the wording before approval. Mr. Hammock indicated that the Board could
see a copy before printing. Mr. Bilgore asked if the brochure would have
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any appeal in promoting Downtown Clearwater in Cities such as Montreal,
New York, Toronto, etc. for developers in those areas. Mr. Casella stated
that the brochure was intended to have that use. Mr. Bilgore asked if
the members decided that the brochure did have value as a publicity tool,
how many would be needed. Mr. Casella replied that once you get into a
discretionary distribution of this brochure, you will find that there are
lots of groups that will come to mind, for example, a group such as
the Chamber of Commerce Objectives '88 might wish these brochures at their
meeting on April 15, which would require 100. Mr. Casella suggested that
if the Board wished we could have a mailing for distribution of the brochure
to developers in other cities. Mr. Bilgore indicated that that was what
he had in mind. Rose Phifer asked how many developers of significant
size would be impressed by a brochure like that. Mr. Hammock stated that
the brochure would whet their appetite and they could contact the Board for
further information. Mr. Bilgore asked if Mr. Casella had such a list.
Mr. Casella indicated that he could obtain a list. Mr. Bilgore asked if
the list would be very extensive. Mr. Casella replied that the list would
probably be in the hundreds, because it is difficult to know who is a likely
prospect in looking at a list. Mr. Hammock suggested that these brochures
would be useful if circulated to industries looking into relocating in the
area. Ms. Phifer asked if they could be made so that they did not have to
be enclosed in an envelope. Mr. Reed said it would be more effective
enclosed in an envelope. Mr. Hammock asked what action the Board would like
to take. He suggested that if the concept was approved, Mr. Reed could get
started with it. '. : I
Mr. Nunamaker asked Mr. Renando if he could bring the members up to date
on the zoning situation in the Downtown area. He felt that before going
ahead with the brochure, they should have more information relative to what
was taking place in zoning Downtown. Mr.Renando stated that he believed
that the zoning for Downtown w~uld be RD which is Redevelopment District,
and the precise nature of that would probably be a zone without height
limitations, without density limitations, etc. Mr. Renando said there
may be parking restrictions very much as we have in the present code and
the code is being revised right now and we can get together again to discuss
that. Mr. Renando indi.cated that at the most conservative, his opinion was
that the parking restrictions would remain as they are now and alternatively,
the most liberal is that we will not have any parking restrictions at all
and that it will be most likely be in between those alternatives.
Mr. Hammock asked if he would like to have input from the Parking Committee
before going ahead. Mr. Renando indicated that he had not planned to
proceed until such time as he had input from the Committee. Chairman
Hammock asked Mr. Casella to call Mr. Homer and ask him for the input from
this Committee as soon as possible. outside the core area, Mr. Renando
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stated would remain as it is zoned at present, that is commercially. Mr.
Renando stated that under his proposal a residentail high-rise would be
acceptable, or any combination of uses. He cited an example of an interested
party who wished to put in a high-rise for the elderly and indicated that
parking for the elderly is less proportionately ~han for others. Ms. Phifer
stated that the everyday parking is ona of the biggest problems. She asked
that the Director get in touch with Mr. Homer ana Mr. Frank and that we
have them at the Work Session. This should be done prior to the brochure
being printed. Mr. Hammock felt that this information would not bear on
the brochure and would not be contained in it. Ms. Phifer suggested
waiting another month until this infoDmation was presented.
Mr. Bilgore made a motion that subject
brochure, that they go ahead with it.
taken and the motion passed.
to the approval of the text of the
Mr. Warren seconded it. A vote was
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The Chairman then moved to the next item on the Agenda: Traffic :\gn Design
Program. Mr. Casella reported that he has advertised for consultant services
to do the Traffic Design Program as had been recommended in the Downtown
Development Plan and consistent with the Scope of Services outline which
was distributed to the Board earlier. The Scope of Services was also
distributed to the FOOT and the City Traffic Engineer to get their input.
Mr. Casella said the City Traffic Engineer recommended some minor
changes in the outline which were made. Mr. Casella said he would
get direction from the Board today on which 'procedure it wishes to
select a consultant. Mr. Casella mentioned several options:
1) The Board could review the proposals by consultants and chose a consultant.
2) The Chairman of the Board could form a Cmmnittee to review the proposals
which are made and to recommend a consultant.
The Executive Director could review the proposals which are made and
recommend at least three for the Board's consideration and the Board
then chose a consultant.
like to
use to
Mr. Warren raised the question of indicating the amount budgeted for this
project at the outset. Mr. Hammock did not think it a good idea to let
them know this initially. Mr. Casella said the general procedure would be
to chose the best consultant in the order of priority selecting number one
and see if you can come to an agreement with him. If not, then te~inate
those negotiations and go on to your second choice. Mr. Warren made a motion
for the Director to select the three most qualified consultants for this
project. Mr. Bilgore seconded. Mr. Hammock asked for discussion. Rose
Phifer asked Mr. Casella if he had heard anything about the National
Endowment grant. Mr. Casella replied that he had,a letter from the National
Endowment of the Arts and we did not get that grant. Mr. Casella asked
was it the consensus to inform the consultants at the outset what the
budgeted amount was. It was agreed that this was the best way to proceed.
A vote was taken and the motion passed.
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The Chairman proceeded to the next item on the agenda, the Farmer's
Market. Mr. Casella made an announcement that the opening date would be
April 8, and weekly thereafter. He reported that the County Commission
had voted to waive any fee for peddlers' licenses. In response to
questions from Mrs. Phifer, Mr. Casella said 1) that at the moment
there were approximately 10 who had expressed interest in participating,
2) most were selling arts and crafts, but some would be selling produce,
3) the Committee had done a poster, which was donated by the Clearwater
Sun and the Pinellas Press, and 4) the Board was welcome and invited to
In response to a question from Mrs. Phifer concerning the free parking
system, Mr. Casella reported that to date $1,500 had been collected this month
toward their goal of $1,575. Ms. Phifer raised the issue of signs directing
traffic to the new lot that was opened up. She said that there were no
signs that she could find. She said that in order to justify the sum being
paid for the lot's use signs indicating its existence were essential. Mr.
Casella indicated that the sign program being worked on was intended for that
purpose, however, for more imme~iate action he would contact the Traffic
Engineer. Mr. Hammock asked why we had opened the lot initially. Mrs.
Phifer said that the merchants applied pressure that they would pay more
dues if the lot was opened. Mrs. Phifer said if the dues were falling off
and we were going into arrears, we should not keep up the lot. Mrs. Phifer
said that she would like the Board to act before going into debt in this
regard. Mr. Hammock indicated that the Board did not have any financial
liability in this regard and that he opposed taking any funds out of the
Board's budget. Mr. Hammock said that if the dues are not paid, the
agreement was that the lots would not be kept open. He felt that it was not
the Board's function to dun those who are not contributing. It was the
responsibility of the merchants. Mrs. Phifer asked the Director if he had
a list of the people who do not pay each month. Mr. Casella said we. did.
, Mr. Hammock sa~d that
we were doing everything that we can without having to go out and collect
the funds. Mr. Bilgore praised the Board for its efforts on behalf of
Downtown Clearwater.
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The Chairman introduced the next item of business, New Business. Mr.
Casella reported that he had met in Bartow with Bruce Downs, the District
Operations Engineer, accompanied by Keith Crawford, Clearwater's Traffic
Engineer and Frank Bush, Pinellas County Planning Department, in response
to FOOT's invitation after FOOT decided to participate in the SR 60 study
as Tom Brown reported. Mr. Casella reported that the participants discussed
the sources of data for the consultants use, and Mr. Crawford gave Mr.
Downs a copy of the Scope of Services which he had prepared earlier and
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submitted to the SR 60 Committee. Mr. Casella reported that he had received
a letter from Mr. Downs stating that the consultant would be interviewed by
the first week in May and that the Clearwater Downtown Development Board
would be represented on the selection Committee. Mr. Casella asked for
direction as to who would represent the Board on the selection committee.
Finally, Mr. Downs sent a Scope of Services outline drawn up by FOOT which in-
dicates that the study is to determine the feasibility of re-routing SR 60
around the central business district.
Mr. Hammock asked if anyone would like to indicate their desire to serve
in this capacity or would the Board like Mr. Casella to represent the
Board. Mrs. Phifer asked if the letter stated that there would be a
representative from the SR 60 Committee on it. Mr. Hammock replied that it
did. Mr. Hammock then asked Mr. Casella to serve in this capacity since
he was so close to the situation. Mr. Casella agreed to serve.
The Chairman then asked for the Director's report on the Regional capital
Improvements Technical Advisory Meeting. Mr. Casella reported that several
months ago, he was chosen to serve in this capacity and to report back to the
Boaro. At a meeting held in St. Petersburg, the Advisory Committee discussed
what criteria they would use to determine what is a capital ~provement of
regional significance. Mr. Casella said the Tampa ~ay Regional Planning
Commission (TBRPC) will turn out a Regional Capital 'Improvement document which
will pull together all of the capital ~provements throughout the region
that are of regional significance including Pinellas 'County, Hillsborough
County, and Pasco County. ,This document will be advisory in nature and
distributed to the governmental units in the area so they are informed of what
their neighbors are doing. Mr. Casella suggested that there were a number
of Downtown projects which should be included in that capital improvements
program, such as SR 60 and so indicated to the Advisory Committee. Mr.
Casella indicated that he did not think that he would be spending any more
t~e an that project since it was unlikely that they would meet again. Mrs.
Phifer asked if they also came up with where the money will come from for
these ~provements. Mr. Casella said that TBRPC used documents which were
submitted by other local governments and in so far as those local capital
improvements programs indicate where the money is going to come from, funding
is clear. Mr. Casella said there are also projects which are not fully
developed with funding sources yet. Mrs. Phifer asked if Mr. Casella had any
luck in the Board's attempt to have Downtown considered in the City mid-year
budget review. Mr. Casella said he had some correspondence and would report
on this when they had reached correspondence on the agenda.
Mr.. Hammock asked for questions on this subject. There being none, the
Chai~an moved to the next item of business.
He asked the Director to report on the Exemption from the Bench Advertising
Program. Mr. Casella reported that he had been informed by the Administrative
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Assistant to the City Manager that the agreement which the City of
Clearwater has with the Clearwater Jaycees to allow advertising on benches
provides that areas requesting it may be exempted. Mr. Casella said that
he was also informed that some people at Clearwater Beach were expected to
ask for such an exemption and if the Clearwater Downtown Development Board
also wished an exemption, that would be entertained by the City Commission.
Mrs. Phifer commented that she was unhappy that the ordinance had been passed
and felt that the Board should have been represented at that Commission
meeting to change the wording of the ordinance. The ordinance, she said,
does not contain any reference to the exemption. She then read the ordinance.
She felt that with the changes on the Commission every year, it would be
necessary to have this in writing. Mr. Hammock stated that that was included
in the copy of the ordinance received by the Board earlier. Mr. Casella
stated that the language that pertains to possible exemptions is not in the
ordinance itself. It is in the proposal which was passed and signed by the
Mayor, City Manager, representatives of the Jaycees and Metropolitan Systems,
which is the organization which actually builds the benches. Mrs. Phifer
asked when the Board had been sent that correspondence. Mr. Casella replied
that it was March 21st. Mrs. Phifer said that that was after the fact.
Mr. Nunamaker indicated he thought the exemption language was contained
in the ordinance. Mrs. Phifer showed the ordinance to Mr. Nunamaker.
Mr. Bilgore stated that he recalled being given specific assurances upon
his objections that if the Board did not want signed benqhes in the Downtown
area, they would not be put there. Mrs. Phifer pointed put that it was not in
writing in the ordinance. Dale Warren proppsed, inquiring whether there was
any desire in the community 'to have these bench signs. Mrs. Phifer replied
that any signs would be contrary to their RTKL study.
Mr. Bilgore made a motion to send a letter to the City Commission stating that
the Clearwater Downtown Development Board vehemently opposes the installation
of any benches carrying advertising on any street in its district. Mr.
Warren seconded the motion. The Chairman called for discussion. There
being none, a vote was taken and the motion passed.
The Chairman asked for the Director's report on correspondence. Mr. Casella
reported that on March 6, 1978, notification had been received from Paul
Bergman, Executive Director of the Pine lIas Planning Council that the City of
Clearwater is withdrawing from review the comprehensive plan elements that
were scheduled for March 8th, and the public hearing of March 15th. Mr.
Casella said he believed that the City would resubmit these elements to the
Pinellas Planning Council at a later date.
Mr. Casella read a letter received from Mr. Perce Powell, indicating he must
resign from the Board of Directors. The Chairman called for a motion. Mrs.
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Phifer made a motion to accept the resignation with regrets.
was seconded by Mr. Bilgore. Mrs.
Mr. Powell. The Chairman called for further discussion.
a vote was taken and the motion carried.
The motion
Phifer asked that a letter be sent to
There being none,
Mr. Casella then read a letter from Mr. Nunamaker stating that he was
resigning effective April 1, 1978. Mr. Hammock stated that since Mr. Powell
did not include any effective date, the Board would use April 1st also. Mrs.
Phifer made a motion to accept Mr. Nunamaker's resignation with regrets.
Mr. Warren seconded the motion. The Chairman called for discussion. There
being none, a vote was taken and passed.
Mr. Casella said the next item was a letter received from the City Manager
in'response to our earlier letter asking what progress was being made on
implementing the Downtown Plan. In addition we had sent another letter to
the City Manager later, indicating our concern with the mid-year 'budget
process and the possibility of the Plan being accelerated by that process.
Mr. Casella read the City Manager's reply dated March 14, 1978. Mr. Casella
told the Board that the City Commission will be considering waterfront park
plans on April 3rd and April 6th.
Mr. Casella read another letter received from the City Manager on March 14, 1978,
thanking us for the letter we sent on March 3rd relative 'to curb ramps on
Cleveland Street and Ft. Harrison Avenue.
Mr. Casella said he had received another letter dated March 14, 1978, from
the City Commission thanking Chairman Leon Hammock for his letter of March 3,
1978, requesting that the City pass an ordinance concerning ticketing of
vehicles parked in unauthorized parking spaces and it was read to the Board.
Mr. Bilgore suggested a copy of the letter be sent to Mr. MacKenzie who
brought the matter to the attention of the Board. Mrs. Phifer asked if
the City Manager had indicated whether Downtown would get any money allocated
in the budget. Mr. Casella indicated the City Manager had not.
Mr. Casella reported that a letter was received
stating that it was holding a meeting at 5 p.m.
Council and members were invited to attend.
from the Chamber of Commerce
today of its Beautification
The Chairman called for discussion.
be made regarding the curb ramps.
Mr. Bilgore asked for a follow-up to
Mrs. Phifer asked about Mr. Nunamaker's recommendation to have a box at City
Hall to obtain agendas. Mr. Nunamaker said that all City Commission information
was available to be picked up.
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Mrs. Phifer ,requested that a
of the Work Session of March
the necessity of the
correction be made of the minutes on page 3
23, 1978, to read that she does not agree with
site plan review by the Clearwater Downtown Development
The Chairman proceeded
Coromi t t.ee aJ;:J;:ointment.
to the next item on the agenda,
Mr. Hammock stated that he had
to Chair the Nominating Committee and he had agreed to do so
fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Mr. Powell. Mr. Hammock
indicated that he would be meeting with Mr. Homer in this regard.
Phifer asked if the Chairman would entertain recommendations from the
Mr. Hammock indicated that the nominations would be open to the Board at
the May meeting. Mr. Hammock suggested that any recommendations could be
g~7en to Mr. Homer for consideration.
the Nominating
asked Lewis Homer
in order to
The Chairman
appointment. Mr .
would Chair this Committee
the Non-Profit Development Corporation
he would be meeting with Mr. Thayer in
moved to the
next item, the
stated that
and he has
Economic Development Committee
he had asked Bronson Thayer if he
agreed to do so and also to handle
project. Mr. Hammock stated that
this regard.
The next item,
Chairman. Mr.
remain as such
moved that
the date of the next Work Session, was
Hammock asked whether the Board wished
introduced by the
the Work Session to
or to allow action to be taken at Work Sessions. Mr. Bilgore
the Work Sessions of the Downtown Development Board when held
legally in accord with the rules and regulations of the Sunshine Act be
so constituted that, if necessary, action of the Board can be taken. Mr. Warren
seconded the motion. The Chair called for questions. After discussion, a
vote ''las taken and the motion passed.
The Chairman a!;',ked when the members wCluld like
next Work Ses~ion. Monday, April 10, 1978, at
to set
3 p.m.
the date for the
was agreed upon.
The Chairman announced he would be out of town for the next regular meeting
and asked Mr. Aaron Bilgore to Chair the meeting.
Mr. Bilgore replied that he would be delighted to do so.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Sam Casella, AIP
Executive Director
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