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February 28, 1978
Leon Hammock, Chairman
Aaron Bilgore, Vice-Chairman
Rose Phifer
William Nunamaker
Bronson Thayer
Dale Warren
Sam Casella, Executive Director
Mr. & Mrs. Arlos Ogg
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Bie
John Chesnut
Tom Brown
William MacKenzie
Harrison Robertson
Lin Howard
Ann Greigg
Mayor Gabriel Cazares
Darwin Frank
Charles Finton
Wi 11 i am Kravas
Annette Baker
The monthly meeting of the Clearwater Downtown Development Board was
called to order at 3:00 p.m. by Chairman Leon Hammock who welcomed the
members and guests in attendance.
The invocation was given by Mr. John Chesnut.
Chairman Hammock called for introduction of guests. Mr. Chesnut intro-
duced Mr. Harrison Robertson of Baltimore, a Downtown property owner.
Mr. Nunamaker introduced Annette Baker of Island Estates.
Mr. Hammock invited Mayor Cazares to address the Board. Mayor Cazares
praised the Board for its efforts and good work and thanked the Board
on behalf of the citizens of Clearwater for those efforts and he urged
the Board to continue moving ahead.
Mr. Hammock asked if anyone wished to speak on matters not on the Agenda.
Mr. Bi1gore invited Board members to the movie opening at the Carib Theatre
on March 18, 1978, and the party to follow atop the Bank of Clearwater,
a benefit for the Girls Club of Pine11as County.
Mrs. Phifer requested that, in the future, space be provided on the Agenda
for unfinished business and correspondence yeceived by the Board.
Mr. Hammock asked Mr. Thayer to give a report on his trip to Atlanta with
Mr. Casella two weeks ago. Mr. Thayer reported that he visited Mr. Bill
Johnson of Johnson Properties, owners of Holiday Inns. Mr. Thayer said that
the visit was very encouraging and that Johnson Properties expressed a
continuing interest in a hotel facility. Mr. Thayer said several other
groups have also expressed interest in the Downtown Clearwater area
and wish to be kept abreast of developments.
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Mr. Darwin Frank stated that the Downtown Development Board should
endorse or rein~urse the efforts of the Friends of the Library to have
a new main library built.
Mr. Hal111lock asked Mr. Casella ,to report on the visit to Clearwater of
Mr. Ted Baker of U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Mr.
Casella said that Mr. Baker visited Clearwater at the invitation of the
Downtown Development Board to consider possible designation of Downtown
Clearwater as a new town in town. Mr. Casella explained that the new
communities program has been under a moratorium for several years, but it
is believed that the moratorium will soon be lifted. Mr. Casella said
that he introduced Mr. Baker to Mr. Hammock, Mr. Bilgore and Mr. Shoemaker,
the City Manager. Mr. Casella said that, if the moratorium is lifted and
the new communities program is reactivated, then Clearwater is in a posi-
tion to be considered because of the existence of the Plan for Downtown
Clearwater and it is possible that Federal help could be forthcoming to
implement the Plan.
Mr. Hammock advised the members of the Board that meetings of the Board
and Workshop Sessions are taped and we have approximately six months of
used tape. The Board Members agreed that tapes can be reused after they
have been transcribed and are three months old.
Mr. Hal111lock moved to Item #7 on the Agenda and introduced Mr. William
MacKenzie to the Board. Mr. MacKenzie, an attorney, represents the First
Church of Christ Scientist which has been experiencing problems with un-
authorized use of its parking lot. Mr. MacKenzie said that property owners
can call a towing service to remove the unauthorized vehicle from the
premises but the property owner will have to pay to have it towed away. He
advised that he is requesting the City to adopt an ordinance making it
illegal to park in reserved space in an rmauthorized manner. Mr. Hamnock
introduced Mrs. Ann Greigg of ~he Pinellas Citizens Dispute Center and Mr.
Hammock stated that the Center might be helpful in solving the problem.
Mrs. Greigg said the Citizens Dispute Center has been set up to handle
claims as mediators and might be able to help. Mrs. Greigg stated that the
Center has forms similar in appearance to a court notice which could be
placed on the unauthorized vehicles. Mr. MacKenzie thanked Mrs. Greigg but
stated that he believes the Dispute Center is best able to solve disputes
where the parties know each other and that he feels a City Ordinance would
be a better solution. Mr. MacKenzie said that he intends to keep prodding
the City and asked for the Board's support.
Mr. Bilgore moved that the Bo~rd write to the City Manager and Mayor re-
questing that they endorse the concept of the proposal set forth by Mr.
MacKenzie to permit the Police Department to ticket cars parked in spaces
reserved by the property owner for his own use.
Mrs. Phifer seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed.
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Mrs. Phifer requested that Mr. MacKenzie's matter be placed on the next
City Commission Agenda. Mr. Nunamaker said he would ask to have this
matter placed on the City Commission Agenda either in March or April.
Mr. Hammock asked that the Minutes of the Meeting of January 31, 1978, be
approved. Mr. Thayer moved to approve the minutes. Mr. Bi1gore seconded
the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed.
Mr. Hammock asked for approval of the Financial Statement for the month
of February, 1978. Mr. Bi1gore moved to approve the Financial Statement.
Mr. Thayer seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed.
Mr. Hammock asked for a report from Mr. Bi1gore on the activities of the
Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Bi1gore gave the floor to Mr. Thayer. Mr. Thayer
advised that on April 15, 1978, there will be a future planning retreat to
identify 10-year goals of the Clearwater community and th~t it is hoped to
get approximately 75 people from various fields to participate. Mr. Thayer
said that he expects Downtown Clearwater will get a good hearing from the
future planning task force.
Mr. Hammock moved to the next item on the' Agenda, the proposed zoning ordi-
nance. Mr. Nunamaker said he would like some input from the Board and
asked if the Board favors the concept of rezoning and asked what items the
Board is not in favor of.
Mr. Hammock said the Board is in favor of the general concept but that
Mr. Renando is still working on the ordinance and it would be about 3
months before the specifics would be known.
Mr. Bilgore said he would like to have this matter put on the Work Session
Agenda and to discuss Nos. 5, 6, 7, 9 and 10 on Mr. Casella's memorandum.
Mr. Norman Bie requested that the opinion of property owners be solicited on
the question of zoning amendments.
Mr. Hammock said that property ownel~S are advised of the meetings and could
attend our meetings to make their input and suggested the possibility of
moving all the meetings to the Chamber of Commerce building to allow more
sitting space.
Mrs. Phifer said that the Board should send out-of-town property owners a
notice that rezoning is being considered and get their input before the Board
goes into discussion.
Mr. Bi1gore said he does not agree and believes the Board should first de-
termine what the proposed ordinance is and then gather input from property
Mr. Hammock stated that the zoning matter would be considered at the Workshop
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Mr. Hammock introduced Mr. Tom Brown to report on State Road 60. Mr.
Brown stated that he is expecting a response of the Florida Department of
Transportation momentarily.
Mr. Hammock moved to the next Agenda item, adoption of goals. Mr. Hammock
said that discussion of goals would continue at the Workshop Session. Mr.
Bilgore suggested that Mr. Casella arrange the goals in order of priority for
discussion at the Workshop Session.
Mr. Hammock asked Mr . Casella to report on ongoing matters. Mr. Casella
reported that the Downtown Clearwater Association voted to sponsor the
Farmer's Market and that matter will be on the City Commission agenda on
March 2.
Mr. Casella reported that the City of Clearwater has submitted three elements
of its Comprehensive Plan to the Pinellas Planning Council. Mr. Casella
said that the Land Use Plan submitted by the City contained a statement that
the entire Plan for Downtown Clearwater was being submitted to the Pinellas
Planning Council as an appendix to the Land Use Plan. Mr. Casella said that,
in fact, only 30 pages of the entire Plan was included. Mr. Casella said
that he believed that the Pinellas Plannlng Council would prefer to receive
the entire Plan for Downtown Clearwater and that he had written to the City
Manager so stating.
Mrs. Phifer raised the question of whether the Board wished to implement the
Plan for Downtown Clearwater exactly as RTKL did it, or whether modifications
would be necessary. Mrs. Phifer raised a question concerning relationship
between the Plan and the Zoning Ordinance. Mr. Casella stated that, in his
opinion, it is critically important that the Plan for Downtown Clearwater be
adopted. Mr. Casella said concerning the relationship of the Plan to the
Zoning Ordinance, that the City is required by law to submit elements of
its Comprehensive Plan to the Pinellas Planning Council and to the Department
of State Planning. Mr. Casella said that the Pinellas Planning Council and
the Department of State Planning have the responsibility to hold a hearing
and to make input concerning their recommendation to the City of Clearwater.
The City then has the responsibility of adopting the Comprehensive Plan.
Mr. Casella further explained that all regulations, such as a zoning ordinance,
must be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan as adopted. Mr. Casella
pointed out that any plan is necessarily a guide, but any ordinance is neces-
sarily very specific and very clear as to exactly what ;s and what is not
permitted. Mr. Casella suggested that the Board Members review Page 43 of
the Plan for Downtown Clearwater which is the Land Use map and be prepared
to discuss it at the next Work Session. Mr. Hammock stated that this matter
would be the prime subject at the next Work Session.
Mr. Casella advised the Board that he had been visited by Mr. William Turnbull
of the Florida Downtown Development Association and had been advised that
tax increment-tax gbatement financing had been approved by the Constitutional
Revision Commission and would be on the ballot for inclusion in the new Consti-
tution. Mr. Casella advised the Board that, according to the Supervisor of
Elections office, the last time tax increment-tax abatement financing was on
the ballot in November, 1976, as a Constitutional Amendment, Pinellas County
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voters approved of the amendment by a vote of 102~870
Casella said he had also been advised by Mr.
Downtown Development Association is planning a
relationship between Downtown development and historic
Casella said that Mr. Turnbull had asked for his participation as a
of the panel and also asked for a wide representation of the
governmental cornm~nity at the seminar which will be held in
date to be announced later.
to 79,994. Mr.
Turnb~ll that the Florida
seminar to highlight the
preservation. Mr.
business and
Orlando at a
In response to a question by Mrs. Phifer, Mr.
request that the City Commission assign a box in City Hall
of provid~ng information to the Downtown Development Board
City Commission Agenda.
Nunamaker said that he would
for the p~rpose
concerning the
at 3: 00 p.m.
at 3:00 p.m.
Hammock stated that the next Work Session will
and that the next regular meeting will
be on Friday, March 10
be on Tuesday, March 28
The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Sam ca~xecut;ve Director
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