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FEBRUARY 23, 1978
Leon Hammock, Chairman
Aaron Bilgore, Vice Chairman
William Nunamaker
Rose Phifer
Dale Warren
Sam Casella, Executive Director
Nonnan Bi e
Darwin Frank
Warren Renando
Arlos Ogg
Bill Kravas
Chuck Albury
Lewis Homer
Mr. Hammock called the Work Session to order at 3:00 p.m. Mr. Hammock
announced that the Work Session Agenda included: 1) Do~ntowr. Zoning and
2) Goals for 1978. Mr. Hammock suggested that the Board begin discussing
goals until the arrival of Mr. Renando.
Mr. Hammock said that, at the last meeting on January 31, 1978, the Board
determined that its #1 major priority would be to promote development of a
multi-purpose community center and asked the members if this item should be
reconsidered. There was general consensus that the multi-purpose center
should be reconsidered and classified as a long range goal.
Mr. Bilgore said that in his opinion, the #1 priority should be formation
of a Redevelopment Corporation (Goal #21).
Mr. Hammock suggested that the goals be categorized as current, ongoing,
long range or deferred, and that the current goals should then be given
a number of priority.
Mr. Frank suggested that the Board should make it a short term priority to
assist the Friends of the Library who feel they will have enough signatures
by April to influence the City Commission. Mr. Frank also suggested review-
ing plans to build a Civic Center on a super-block in Downtown Clearwater.
The Board considered the goal of developing a long range parking plan with
the City of Clearwater to include a plan for financing parking. Mrs. Phifer
suggested that the goal should include l~eference to a parking authority. Mr.
Bilgore suggested that the goal should include reference to a redevelopment
corporation and that this goal be tied in with Goal #21 - formation of a
Redevelopnent Corporation. Mr. Casella suggested that the words, "By a
Parking Authority or Development Corporation" be added to the goal. Mr.
Hammock stated that this goal should be considered a current goal.
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Mr. Hammock stated that the following three goals should be considered
ongoing goals:
1) Promote ind4stria1 development in Downtown Clearwater
2) Make use of available Government funding programs whenever
possible in pursuance of these goals
3) Promote additional Government offices in Downtown Clearwater.
Mr. Hammock said that the goal of incorporating in the City budget the
public works projects scheduled in the Plan for Downtown Clearwater should
be an ongoing goal. Mrs. Phifer suggested that a letter should be written
to the City Manager expressing interest in providing funds for implementation
of the Plan during the mid-year budget review process.
Mr. Hammock said that the goal of. promoting use of vacant structures, par-
ticularly vacant stores. by establishing direct contact with the owners to
gather infonmation and then determine the best course of action in each
case should be an ongoing goal. Mr. Casella said that he agreed but wished to
make it clear that, in his opinion, the Board would do best at providing
planning assistance'and could not really compete with realtors who update
their information weekly. Mr. Bilgore suggested that property owners be
asked. in the monthly newsletter, to give us details concerning vacancies and
that information be made available to prospects.
The next goal considered was to revise the Zoning Ordinance in accordance
with the Downtown Plan. Mr. Hammock said that this should be considered a
current goal. Mr. Hammock suggested that this would be a good point to
digress and discuss the Downtown zoning proposals.
Mr. Casella referre~ the Board Members to his Memorandum for the Meeting of
February 28 on the subject of Downtown Zoning. Mr. Casella said it was his
recanmendation that additional consideration be given to the proposed Down-
town Redevelopment District Ordinance before it is given to the City Commission.
Mr. Casella referred to his Memorandum which listed ten areas needing further
consideration in the zoning ordinance. Mr. Bilgore suggested that Mr. Renando
indicate which of the ten points he agrees with and which he disagrees with.
Mr. Renando said that he agreed with the first point that additional consider-
ation should bs given to shared parking.
Mr. Renando said that he agreed that additional consideration should be given
to the role of pUblic parking lots in the total parking supply.
Mr. Renando 'said he agreed that additional consideration should be given to the
number of spaces required.
Mr. Renando said that he agreed that additional consideration should be given
to encouragement of mass transit and pedestrian access by taking into account
pedestrian. transit and landscaped spac~s when arriving at the required
pa rid tl9.
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Mr. Renando said that he does not agree that additional consideration
should be given to establishment of a Downtown Parking Authority. Mr.
Renando said he does not believe it is pOlitically feasible and should
be done later. Mr. Casella said that, even though a separate ordinance
may be required, it should be done simultaneously with the zoning ordi-
nance, since development depends on it.
Mr. Renando said that he agrees that additional consideration should be
given to a pay-as-you-go shared parking system but he was unsure about
the reception it would receive and was unsure about its relevance to the
zoning ordinance. Mr. Renando said he feels close to agreement but it is
questionable. Mr. Casella noted that the purpose of an authority or
corporation would be to help make development more feasible.
Mr. Renando said that he does not agree that additional consideration
should be given to making shared responsibility for parking incumbent
upon all properties within walking distance of parking. Mr. Casella said
that he believes responsibility should be shared and should fall upon all
properties within walking distance of the parking facility and not just
upon those who happen to request a Building Permit. Mr. Casella said
that, under current conditions, both the responsibility and needs of
existing buildings are being ignored. Mr. Renando said that he will have
to study this further, as there are legal implications which would require
an attorney's assistance. Mr. Casella said that precedent for shared
parking responSibility exists and cited cities which have assessed proper-
ty owners who are directly affected for such improvements as malls.
Mr. Renando said that he agrees that additional consideration should be
given to how the zoning ordinance can be used to help accomplish the
parking plan outlined in the Plan for Downtown Clearwater.
Mr. Renando said that he disagrees that additional consideration should be
given to the s:~e plan review requirement. Mr. Casella pointed out that
the Plan for, Downtown Clearwater recommends site plan review for all develop-
ment, regardless of size. Mr. Casella said the Plan also recommends that the
review process should include both Planning Commission and the Downtown
Development Board staff to assist the developer prior to final plan submittal.
Mr. Casella said the Plan further recommends that new development be sub-
mitted for urban design review. Mr. Renando said that he does not agree
that the Oowntown Development Board should be involved with site plan review
and acknowledged that he is protecting his own turf. Mrs. Phifer said that
she does not agree with the necessity for site plan review.
Mr. Renando said that he does not agree that additional consideration should
be given to more proscriptive land uses. Mr. Casella said that, although
the Plan for Downtown Clearwater advances a mixed-use concept, it also
indicates that certain areas need to hang together. Mr. Casella cited the
retail frontage on Cleveland Street as a space shich should be maintained for re-
tailor other pedestrian-oriented land uses and should avoid "dead spots."
Mr. Casella said that, at the same time, upper stories on Cleveland Street
could be mixed useB'such as office or residential. Mr, Casella said that
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where the Plan is flexible, the ordinance should be permissive and
where the Plan is rigid, the ordinance should be proscriptive.
Mr. Renando said that further work would be done on the zoning ordinance
and would take about three months.
Mr. Hammock directed the Board's attention back to the list of goals and
began by stating that revision of the zoning ordinance ,would be considered
a current goal. Mr. Homer said that he is interested in serving on a
parking committee. Mr. Hammock said that he intends to reactivate the
Parking and Traffic Committee and that he is appointing Mr. Homer as
Chairman of that committee. Mr. Homer accepted and said that he would
place emphasis on parking.
Mr. Hammock stated that completion of a design study of the Downtown
Traffic Signing Program would be considered a current goal.
Mr. Hammock asked the Board to consider the goal of producing a brochure
based on the Plan for Downtown Clearwater. Mr. Casella displayed a layout
of a Summary of Excerpts from the Plan for Downtown Clearwater. Mr. Casella
said that it would cost $742.85 to print 3,000 copies. Mrs. Phifer suggested
that 1,000 or 2,000 copies might be sufficient and asked for estimates of
cost for 1,000 or 2,000 copies. Mr. Warren stated that he would like to see
the brochure be more of an advertising brochure and that he would like to
see 'some addition to the brochure explaining the Downtown Development Board
to the public. Mr. Casella said that he would get estimates for 1,000 and
2,000 copies of the Plan Summary and an estimate of the cost of retaining
an advertising agency to prepare an advertising brochure. Mr. Nunamaker
said that he believes there is a need for more explanation concerning the
formation of the Board and he said he does not think the public realizes
that a City Commissioner is appointed to sit on the Board.
Mr. Hammock adjourned the meeting at 5:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Sam c~a, Executive Director
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