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OCTOBER 25, 1977
Rose Phifer, Chairman
Aaron Bi1gore, Vice Chairman
Leon Harrunock.
Perce Powell
Dale Warren
A. Bronson Thayer
Sam Casella, Executive Director
Charles H. Finton
Howard G. Groth
A1 Love
N. J. Birthright
Tom Brown, Jr.
Dam Minotti
John Chestnut
Mr. & Mrs. J. ArIas Ogg
Chuck Albury
Jil1 Greer
William C. Kravas
Darwin Frank
Warren Renando
Lewis Homer
The meeting of the Clearwater
called to order by Rose Phifer,
Downtown Development Board was
Chairman, at 3:05 P.M.
The invocation was given by Tom Brown.
A motion was made by Aaron Bilgore to approve the minutes af
September 27, 1977. seconded by Leon Hammock, motion carried.
Under discussion of items not on the agenda, Perce Powell moved
that the Downtown Development Board have a work session once a
month previous to the regular monthly meeting to discuss items
to come before the Board that we do not 'have time to discuss at
our regular monthly meeting, seconded by Aaron Bilgore.
Chairman Phifer stated that according to the
Attorney Jody Wolfe work sessions could be held
notices to the freeholders as long as the press
no decisions are made at the work session.
legal opinion of
without sending
is notified and
Sam Case11a said that he wished the
opinion the law as
regular meeting or a special meeting we must send out
all property owners and it must be sent out five days
The law as it is written does not mention the word work session
and according to a strict interpretation of the law
send out a notice for any meeting even if it were a
and no action was taken just the same as if it were a special
meeting or a regular meeting. He wished the Board to know his
viewpoint on this matter.
it is written says that whether we
Board to know that in his
have a
notices to
in advance.
we would
work session
The Board, however, felt that notices need not
a work. session as long as the press is notified,
sion was scheduled for TueSday, November 1, 1977,
the office of the DOvntown Development Board.
be sent out
a work. ses-
4&00 P.M. at
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October 25, 1977
There being no further discussion of the matter, the motion was
then passed unanimously.
Lewis Homer, Chairman, NOEinating committee.
Mr. Horner presented the names of the following nominees:
NiCk Karay, Rose Phifer, Dale Warren and Gene Wathey.
Mrs. Phifer thanked the Nominating Committee and then asked for
nominations from the floor. Mr. Perce Powell nominated William
Kravas of Kravas Realty. The nomination was accepted.
There being no further nominations, a motion was made by Leon
Hammock and seconded by Perce Powell to close and accept the
nominations as presented, the motion was carried.
Mr. Bill Nunamaker was not present to report on the Marina.
Free Parking Report: Mr. Casella reported that he had conferred
with city staff and with the Clearwater Downtown Association and
a draft addendum to the memorandum of understanding has been pre-
pared by the city staff. If it meets with the Board's approval
and the City'S approval a 4th lot would be added to the free
parking in the downtown area at a cost of $460.00 per month. The
Clearwater Downtown Association appointed a committee at their
last meeting to get commitments from their membership of the
business community in the downtown area to pay for the difference.
That committee has given a list of commitments, in the form of
pledges, to Sam Casella which when added to the regular contri-
butions already being received would prOduce $1572.00 which we
would need to make the monthly payments under the new agreement.
Sam Casella recommended that the Board enter into this addendum
to the agreement for a 4th lot and also authorize him to sign
the addendum to be forwarded to City staff so they can forward
it to the City commission for their consideration. The lot under
consideration is located at South Garden Avenue and Park Street
between Park Street and pierce Street and consists of 100 spaces.
Dale Warren moved that the addendum to the memorandum of under-
standing to the city to include Lot #6 be approved, seconded by
Aaron Bilgore, motion carried.
Farmers Markets Sam Casella reported that he had been working
closely with the Clearwater Downtown Association and its President,
Bob LOve. A committee was formed, of which Mr. Casella is a mem-
ber, to look into how a Farmers Market could be done. Mr. Casella
received correspondence from Charlotte, North Carolina, (copy of
which was sent to Board members) and also corresponded with City
staff and with other officials in the county who would have juris-
diction over other aspects. A letter has been prepared to the
city staff which includes suggestions how a Farmers Market could
be accomplished and suggested rules and regUlations. At this
time Mr. Casella was recommending that the letter be sent to the
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city staff for their input, and when it is put in final form
it will then be brought back to the Board for approval. The
basic rule for the Farmers Market would be that you must grow
or make ~hat you sell. The proposed rules and regulations were
read for the Board's information. The question of responsibility
was raised and Rose Phifer stressed that we would want the city
attorney to give us assurance that we will not be held responsible.
Dale Warren moved that Sam Casella be authorized to continue
preliminary discussion on the Farmers Market, seconded by Leon
Hammock, motion carried.
with regard to the proposed hours the Market would be open
(8:00 A.M. to 11:00 A.M.) it was the consensus that if the demand
warranted~ the hours could be expanded.
The next item to be discussed was the Resolution with regard to
the establishment of the ICMA Retirement Plan. A number of
questions were raised such as amount, appendixes, when it is
to be paid, etc. Also concern was expressed whether or not
the Board would be locked into putting another employee into the
retirement plan if it should add another employee in the future?
It was agreed that this matter be discussed at the work session.
Dale Warren moved that we refer these legal agreements to legal
counsel for his review so we may have it available for the work
session, seconded by Perce Powell, motion carried.
The Financial Report was then made. It was pointed out that
$655.41 had been received from the tax collector as excess fees
and $75.00 had been received as reimbursement from expenses re
the IDEA conference. The Financial Report will be changed be-
ginning next month to reflect the budget amount~ expenditures
and balances.
Aaron Bilgore moved that the financial report be accepted, seconded
by Perce Powell, motion carried.
Sam Casella reported to the Board that a grant application had
been submitted to the National Endoy~ent for the Arts under the
Livable cities program in the amount of $3500.00 for the down-
town signing program. copy of the apPlication had been forwarded
to the Board members. He noted that the application had to be
submitted by October 14th and the Chairman and Vice Chairman~agreed
that we shou1d seno it and would 1ike the Board's approval at this
Leon Hanmock moved that the Board approve the application, seconded
by Dale Warren, motion carried.
Re the RTKL Plan~ the City commission at their last meeting ap-
proved certain amendments and revisions to the plan as proposed
by RTKL with certain additional amendments as proposed by city
staff. Sam Casella reviewed the changes in the RTKL report ap-
proved by the city commission and recommended approval of the plan
as amended by the city commission.
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October 25, 1977
Aaron Bilgore moved that we concur with and accept the reco~
mendations that were approved by the city commission on
October 20th with regard to the changes that they made in the
RTKL Plan, seconded by Perce Powell, motion carried.
After a brief discussion regarding purchase of a new IBM type-
writer for the office, A. Bronson Thayer moved that we approve
purchase of the typewriter in the amount of $702.00 along with
a service contract, seconded by Aaron Bilgore, motion carried.
The next item on the agenda was bench advertisements. Mrs.
Phifer stated that at the recent city commission meeting the
City approved the placing of benches in the city with advertising
on them across the back and front. Mrs. Phifer expressed dis-
pleasure at this method of advertising. Perce Powell also said
that he waS very much against it and will bring it up to the
Downtown Business Association on November 9th. Warren Renando
reported that the Parks & Recreation Board approved it on a
split vote and the Beautification Committee of the city also
approved it. Mrs. Phifer further pointed out that in the
literature distributed to the Board members regarding this
matter it says that the downtown core could be exempt, it does
not say it will be exempt. We should also, look at all the areas
that this could affect. The proposal as it is written raises a
number of questionable issues such as how many benches, costs,
payment to the Jaycees, continual renewals of the contract, etc.
therefore the Chairman recommends that a letter be sent to the
city saying that the DOwntown Development Board does not approve
of it.
Mr. Casella agreed with the Chairman's recommendation and noted
that the contract had been sent to the city Attorney for his
review. Mr. Casella went on to say that a letter should be sent
to the City commission indicating that we are not in favor of
this bench program and that if the city commission continues to
approve of it that they specifically indicate that the DOwntown
Development District shall be excluded. We should ask the city
commission to reconsider and not sign the contract.
Aaron Bilgore moved that the Downtown Development Board write a
letter to the City commission of Clearwater stating its strong
and negative view on this matter of placing benches on which
signs, advertising or anything are placed, in the downtown area
particularly, and indicating its displeasure at their being placed
in any area of the City, and to further indicate that we would ask
the city Commission to restudy its position on this matter and
come up with a negative position alsoo The motion was seconded
by Perce Powell and carried unanimously.
Chairman Phifer asked the Board if they wished to change the
December meeting from the schedu1ed date of December 27th to
December 20th due to the fact that it was Christmas week and also.
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October 251 1977
Aaron Bilgore moved that ve concur with and accept the recom-
mendations that vere approved by the city commission on
October 20th with regard to the changes that they made in the
RTKL Plan, seconded by Perce Powell, motion carried.
After a brief discussion regarding purchase of a new IBM type-
writer for the office, A. Bronson Thayer moved that ve approve
purchase of the typewriter in the amount of $702.00 along with
a service contract, seconded by Aaron Bilgore. motion carried.
The next item on the agenda was bench advertisements. Mrs.
Phifer stated that at the recent city co~ssion meeting the
City approved the Placing of benches in the city with advertising
on them across the back and front. Mrs. Phifer expressed dis-
pleasure at this method of advertising. Perce Powell also said
that he was very much against it and will bring it up to the
Downtown Business Association on November 9th. Warren Renando
reported that the Parks & Recreation Board approved it on a
split vote and the Beautification committee of the city also
approved it. Mrs. Phifer further pointed out that in the
literature distributed to the Board members regarding this
matter it says that the downtown core could be exempt, it does
not say it will be exempt. We should also look at all the areas
that this could affect. The proposal as it is written raises a
number of questionable issues such as how many benches, costs,
payment to the Jaycees. continual renewals of the contract, etc.
therefore the Chairman recommends that a letter be sent to the
city saying that the Downtown Development Board does not approve
of it.
Mr. Casella agreed with tne Chairman's recommendation and noted
that the contract had been sent to the city Attorney for his
review. Mr. Casella went on to say that a letter should be sent
to the city commission indicating that ve are not in favor of
this bench program and that if the city commission continues to
approve of it that they specifically indicate that the DOvntown
Development District shall be excluded. We should ask the city
co~ssion to reconsider and not sign the contract.
Aaron Bilgore moved that the Downtown Development Board write a
letter to the city commission of Clearwater stating its strong
and negative view on this matter of placing benches on which
signs, advertising or anything are placed, in the downtown area
particularly, and indicating its displeasure at their being placed
in any area of the city, and to further indicate that we vould ask
the city Co~ssion to restudy its position on this matter and
come up with a negative position also. The motion was seconded
by Perce Powell and carried unanimously.
Chairman Phifer asked the Board if they wished to change the
December meeting from the scheduled date of December 27th to
recember 20th due to the fact t.hat it was Christmas week and also .
that Mr. Casella had planned to take some vacation time that week. m
The Board agreed that they would meet on December 27th as scheduled
and although the Chairman said it would not be necessary for Mr.
Casella to attend the meeting, he stated he would change his plans
in order to be there.
Dale Warren moved to 'adjourn the meeting at 4:30 P.M., seconded by
Leon Hammock, motion carried.
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