07/26/1977 .:~ .':~f~~~~~1t1~i:~~,~;(:~~gq~~L.)~ ':~:I~ '...,.~lo~,:<:;:', . ~ ,f:~' ;.~ (', \. i, .~. "";"0"':-\; . \ " ~ '-.. > '."," ',' fl~)~ / \ , . . . ,July 25, 1':)77 Total Cash on Hand Checking Account Bank of Savings Account First National Savings Account Bdnk of $ 18,793 .69 4,957.83 ll,086.86 2,749.00 Clearwater Dank: Cledrwater:- Receipts received Tax Receipts to Tax 'rotal month 0 E J'une Date 3,612.15 50,005.01 Spent _. Salaries Printing Telephone Rent Supplies Office 1.nsurance Property APpraiser Dues Answering service Tax Collector Internal Revenue Service Promotion Postage 1,533.32 72.67 65.13 160.00 100.00 325.00 219.37 100.00 19.00 10.31 234.40 16.70 53 .00 Total Operating Expenses $ 2,908.90 , .'1. : ~"': !..' '. , . "., .\ ,. -,,;.j - ,.-.- .-...-.-' ..... '. "--"-- , ." ',">,~ '.~ ',1'1,::'.' _ < . " .' \, , .\....t._,. '.' ,;:,;:", I ,~.....;'~';~,." <I{ ~'.:f' , ... July 25, 1977 Hand Bank of First National Bank of $ 18,793.69 4,957.83 11,086.86 2,749.00 Total Cash on Checking Account savings Account Savings Account Clearwater Bank Clearwater Tax Receipts received Total Tax Receipts to monthof June Date 3,612.15 50,085.01 Spent . Salaries printing Telephone Rent supplies Office Insurance Property APpraiser Dues Answering service Tax Collector Internal Revenue service Promotion Postage 1,533.32 72.67 65.13 160.00 100.00 325.00 219.37 100.00 19.00 10.31 234.40 16.70 53.00 Total Operating Expenses $ 2,908.90 , ':l,f'" .1 -. . . '.':"J.:...: . t: . ~~. . ~.~.. .'''''t,' . "" ".. ,'.,. . ,:', '. '\:..',. . I" ~":":";-n' . . . ,..-l. " " . , .".'.~,,' ~:' :. " , ' '. ; '1 , ,'. " ".' ',\ .' . 'I J' . ' . . ~~f WlIW.ml III t . Clearwater Downtown Development Board Minutes of Meeting - July 26, 1977 Members in attendance: Rose Phifer William Nunamaker Bronson Thayer Aaron Bi1gore Leon Hammock Perce Powell Sam Casella~ Execu- tive Director The meeting was called to order at 3:05 P.M~ by Rose Phifer~ Chairwoman. The invocation was given by M~. Tom Brown. Motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. MOTION CARRIED. A statement was made by Sam Casella regarding improvi,ng, the relationship between the Downtown Board and the Clearwater Chamber of Commerce. \... . Mr. Parks Duncan, president, and Mr. George Tice~ President- elect, of the Clearwater Chamber of Commerce were introduced by Sam Casella. Mr. Duncan gave a statement on the need for closer coopera- tion and working relations between the Chamber and the Downtown Development Board~ feeling that an exchange of ideas WOUld be bene- ficial to both organizations and eliminate areas of disagreement. He requested that the Chairman, or another Board member designee~ become a member of the l30ard of Governors of the Chamber. Thi s would give the Downtown Development Board the resources and energies of their 1000 members and will enable them to get help from the Chamber of Commerce when needed. This could be effective as of October 1, 1977 and will require action by the Chamber of Commerce to change its by-laws. Motion by Aaron Bilgore~ seconded by Perce Powell, to approve the Cnairman, or designee of the Chairman, to sit as a full member of the Board of Governors of the Clearwater Chamber of Commerce at such time as they designate. MOTION CARRIED. Rose Phifer thanked the members of the Chamber of Commerce and their representatives. . Sam Casella then introduced Mr. Robert Stiff, President of the Sparkling City Jaycees, who outlined some of their plans to improve downtown Clearwater. Mr. Stiff stated that, although the Jaycees feel it is primarily up to the merchants to make peop1e wa~t to come downtown, the Jaycees are planning the following programsa (1) find out who owns the vacant stores and get them to agree to window exhi- bits, (2) art shows and exhibits in the old Lerner storefront, (3) encourage repainting and possibly enme new murals, (4~ Sparkling city Fall Festival on October 5, 1977, (6) botanical gardens on the Bluff. Their primary purpose is to rejuvenate down- town Clearwater and bring new businesses to the area. ,,' ,-.:.:..' ',l' .' , . ~I . : i l' I:' j. ".,' . -'" -. .. ",. . . '.' '.' :;,";,':';,,' <',:, --,'. ..,,"tlJii:~:~'~:. ~~~iJ~ tts1&lcP.~~~:l~ml'J!!iIJ,"" , , , Clearwater Downtown Development Board Minutes of Meeting - July 26, 1977 Page Two f ~ Mr. Pau1 Hatchett, C1earwater Federal Savings & Loan Associa- tion, gave a report of his special committee on central versus divided court and jai1 facilities. At the next meeting he would 1iRe to have a resolution passed in support of his recommendations. Sam Case1la gave a report on the city-county Garage Task Force which has been working di1igent1y. The Task Force will make their announcement as to their progress in the next few days. Sam Case1la gave a report on recent Florida legislation, in- cluding the Tax Increment Financing Law, the Pinellas Sundown Act and the Tourist Development Act. He exp1ained the principal fea- tures of each. He stated that Tax Increment Financing can be an important too1 for large-scale redevelopment, particu1ar1y for housing. He described the SUl'ldown Act as potentially very good for Clearwater if we make implementation of the Downtown Plan the test of what we do. In response to suggestions from Mr. Bilgore and Mr. Nunamaker, Mr. Casella said he would attend a seminar on Tax Incre- ment Financing in Miami and wou1d n~ke a further report to the Board next month. L . ~ Mr. Case11a recommended approval of the RTKL Plan, subject to the amendments made by the city commission. These amendments would (1) move the marina to the north side of the Causeway, (2) insert 1anguage to committing the city to 10cate city offices downtown near city Ha11 and encouraging other governmental units to do 1ikewise, and, (3) give ~ssurance that Drew street connector wi1l form a loop system SR 60. Motion by Mr. Bilgore, seconded by Mr. Hammock, to approve the p1an as presented to the commission with such changes made as amended by the city commission. MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Case1la announced he wi1l be re-eva1uating the free parking experiment and asked for input from everyone on how this experiment has functioned in the past six or eight months. The experiment was started 1ast November and will run for twelve months. Mr. Powell suggested that an analysis of a11 parking revenues be inc1uded in the re-eva1uationo Mr. Tom Brown. Chairman of the SR 60 Conmdttee, gave an update of progress on that matter and reported that progress is continuing and that he hopes everyone will be happy with the SR 60 committee'S efforts to satisfy all the merchants on Cleve1and Street, both east and west. Mr. Case1la noted that redesignation has now tEen studied by the Pinellas Area Transportation Study (PATS)~ which fu1fi11s the request made by the Florida Department of Transportation in February for such approval. Mrs. Phifer stated that a letter was received this morning from the City Manager answering questions put by Mr. Bilgore last month concerning the Civic Center. As ~~~i#'~~~}.~\:~fYh'~+?\~,.~'\t/,~:t';~~::Y:.1Gt;r:;::':::~~,;':i::,,_ ,~ .'. '. ,~'" '.. .,..,,'. " " '.' .- .4,.. . -, ~ . ';..' '.~~J ._.. ,-,., ., '''...;;,:' ,{ ~. 'r:' . ." I", . ,', Ci'....) , r..'., 1",#1'1,. -, I '....'j I , \. ,. , I . ..:' J, " ~ ;", .'-': ,r,'~. .~. ' .~ i ~, ~ r.. ' ; ".' : .,. 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Clearwater Minutes of Page Three Downtown Meeting Development Board July 26, 1977 the Board Mrs. Phifer item. members will need suggested that time to receive and the Board move on to study the letter. the next agenda Mr. Hammock estimated J.ate pointed month. reported that there was and actual income, accounted payment penalties and out that there were for postage ($200.00) and Estimated revenues for next year a $4200.00 surplus, a 7.3% differential between for by pre-payment discount, modifications in appraisalS, Mr. Hammock adjustments to the budget presented last janitor service ($200.00). are $51,800.00, which provides for Motion approve the was made budget. by Mr. Thayer, seconded MOTION CARRIED. by Mr. Bilgore. to Mrs. is paying Mr. Powell asked Phifer replied the City on how the that they time. monthly parking fees are coming in very well are coming and the in. Board L . Mr. the Motion was made by Mr. CaselJ.a authorization to Board. (Two signatures Bilgore, seconded by be a signatory on are required on checks.) Mr. Thayer. to give checks written by ~OTION CARRIED. Motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 4:30 P. M. CARRIED. MOTION The next meeting will in the Chamber of Commerce be TueSday, Conference August Room. 30, 1977, at 3:00 P.M. J '; . ',. i i'" t :;.( . {, '.' !' '., ".. ~. ('. J ',J. , I ,,\,~r :-,;;;..':.. ";::)J~:~:.~~~r,t'::,;.: !,,:;, _,:1.. .'..' . .~ ,.' .;1:-:" ".