05/24/1977 ",':: , "\', ..~ /:1/ "'~" . ;t:J.',l,: ",' ~". ': ,': :',.,. ',I, I. ' " . --~. ~... -- iiiII1 . JlI'o.: " ., 'r-=-' .-.. .~..~.. '''JJ.~y' .I"' .'., :..' . ~ -, , ' ,', ,,' , , \',;1' ".. ~ ":,::' .:..: ~ . CLEARWATER OOWN'roWN DEVElOPMENT lOARD MEETING :3.00 P.M. May 24, 1977 ~, KEMBEBS IN ATl'ENDAN<E. Rose M. phifer, Chairman Kr. Aaron BUgore, Vice Chairman Kr. Leon HaJImock, Treasurer Mr. Mr. Dale Warren Perce powell SPBCIAL GUESTS, Mr. Lewis HOlier, Past Chairman Mr. Darwin Frank. Past Chairman Mr. Mr. ~.' 1,. Jody Woife, A.t~o~ey Paul Hatchett ' The regula.J: meeting of 'rhe Clearwater Downtown Development Board was caJ.led to order by Chairman Rose M. Phifer. at :3100 P.M. Mr. TOil Brown, Jr. presented the invocation at the mquest of the Chain.an. The ~raan v.lee.eel the members and guests present and invi~ed co_ents on pert5,unt .tters not on the agenda. No comments. :-: '. -: /a The Cha1nan expressed the Boards :regret that Mr. William Nunaaaker, ,Cit;r Ooa-. 1I1..1oner, neWly appointed to the Board, in lien of Mayor Gabriel': Ca~s, was out of to~ a.nd could not attend the meeting, and reported that & letter ot 1Ie1- · co.. bid been maUed to Mr. N1Ulq)aker. The Chai:man, also, expreased regret that th. preSBUD of other matters had prevented Ma.yor Cazares troll being aore active on the Board. ,. "WI , S1D.ee a copy of the Jdnutes of the previous meeting had been deli vexed to "each !oN'4 . Meaber their reading was duly dispensed 111 th. ': ' Mr. Leon H8.IDIlock, Treasurer presented the Financial Report which vas approved as subldtted. The payment of $15,000.00 due the B.T.K.L., as ~r contxact, V&8 duly app:roved by the Board. ,. J4r. Je-tf Butler, Assistant City Manaser was invited to dlscuss the' contents ot the ief'.nndUll for the $15,000.00 Bond Issue, recently authorized by the City Cou1sslon. He ~.sed. his -.egret that this 1nf'oraa:tion W&8 not yet avaUa.ble as it wu stUl belDg developed by the City. Staff'.. He called attention to a .eeting scheduled tor 7.30 P.!I. MaY' 31, 1977 at the City Hall, a.t which such _tters would be discussed. Mr. Dale Warren, referring to the City CoJl1ll1ssioJlS recent choice ot an uptown slte ~or :t;.be CiVic Center, urged those present to give serious thought to other facUlt1es adapt.abl. to the Downtown Core Area wbich the Clt1 CoJPl1ssion aigbt be urged to con- a1d,er 111 1'urthera.nce of the B. T.K.L. &t.wiJ. ". ,., ! , 1 -.."., .....",,~ ~ 'k"":-- ~-.. _~. . ..n J . .~~~~u~ ~ 411 ".:.'.' !'ii...... . t .". '". ~ . .. ~ :::.. . ". ". \ '. I " . . ! . . .~ ~m.-I~' Page 2 He stated that only a CuJ:tuxe Center and a JIluseum :remained on his list. He ea}1baa1zea. niu \l.Msrstand1ng that the City has made a commit JI18Ht to stress development, in the coxe area, and asked "How are they going to follow it up? What are they going t.o do?" Mr. Darwin Frank noted that the CoW1i.y Commission is gravely concerned about the lack of adequate parking facilities in the downtown core area and he ex- pressed an interest in proceeding jointly with the C1 ty Commission in procurring a feasibility study or a proposa.l to exect a. high level parking facility. It would a.ppear to be in the lnte:resi. of the Downtown Development Boam to wr1 te to both Commissions urging immediate action, the feasibility study, and an early construction of the parking ~acility. should the study disclose a present need or a. probable need within the near future. Mr. Frank, aslo, noted that the R.T.K.L. had, in earlier :proposals, favored a Marina in the Bay Front Area. The City Commission was not :receptive at tha.t time, however. Dr. Heywood MatthewB, in a recent appearance befo:re the CoJllll\ission, on other matters, had stated. publicly stated tha.t the Bay Front Area, between Pierce 100 a.nd Sand Piper, is ecologically dead that its optimum use would be at,. a Marina.. He suggested tnat the Downtown Development Boaxd accept the fact that the Referendum will go forward and con- centrate their efforts toward the development of a high level parking facility and Ear Front Marina in the downtown axea. A motion was made that a letter be sani. to the City and County urging the early construction of a parking faclli ty to alleViate tha parking shortage in the down- town area. The motion was seconded and 'P~v8d. Fo1low1ng the discussion of a Committee to work with the City and the County on the paxking facility, Mr. Paul Ha.tchet was highly recommended and after due consideration a.ccept.ed the Chairmanship. The l3oa.:J:d is f'ortunate to have hiB services. Mr. Tom Brown" Jr. reJ?Orted on the progress of efforts to ha.ve Route 60 tmf'f'lc ROVed. f:roJl Cleveland Street. He re:ported that deepi te many road blocks along the way he noW teels ~nat approval is onJ.y one report removed and that this report shoLlld be a.va.Uable very shortly. M1'. Dale Warren as.ked Mr. Sam Ca.sella. how the ~ should proceed in eliCiting the C1 ty CoJDJll1ss1ons coope:ra tion ill the development of the pre. rosals contained in the B.T.K.L. Report. Mr. Casella 3uggeSted. Ilhat a letter be sent. to the Task Force, seeting forth the matters to be OOII,S,i..ddred, with copies qent 'tot' the Oi ty CoJJlJlission a.nd 'to the R.T.K.L. Ii. was moved a.nd seconded that sucr a. letcpr be written by the Board and the m.otion 'Was a.pproved. Mr. Sa.m Casella reported ti)a.t he will t.erminate his employment with the City the end of June and commence his new du~ies with the Downtown ~evelopment Board on JulY 1, 1977. The news was warmly welcomed. The Cba11~ stated tha.t the nex~ meeting would be held &1, ).00 P.M. June 28, 1911, a.t the same pla.ce. The meeting was adjou.cned at 5115 1'. M. ','I. '<. I ~;I. " .~ ~,'. :. --.. 'I!'l"~:''''''''-:'A ~ -'",'.';:':J",,~:,. "If:'~. '.. . .!~ .~.............:. .".\..~,.o:~, ~~. ",)./". ~ .......... (.~~\:J , (. ,.1"- -. \ 'I f' illft' i .