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Clear1'later DOHnto...n Development Tloard
Report ()f rl1eet.in~, .. ,.
.... to.l ~,.:;:~~
The Clearwater Dmrntown Development. Boarrl met at 3:00 P.t1. ~jarch 29, 1977
at the Chamber of Commerce Office for j ts monthly meeting...', Board r~ember::;
present were as folloHs:
Rose Phifer, Chairman
Aaron Bilgore, Vice Chairman
Leon Hammock, Treasurer
Perce POI,ell
,., Dale Harren, ~'
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The meeting 'Was ouened with an inV'oca tion by t'1r.~; bo,n: l'1inotti.
" .
I, ,
The Chairman then extended a welcome to those in attendance.
Hr. Dale 'flarren reported on the Executive Director's position. The Board
had na.rrowecl the applicants down to three and felt that Hr. Sam Casella was
the choice.
Hr. Sam Casella is employed as Senj.or City Planner by the 8ity, of:. Clearwater ,
at the present time.
The employment contract has been discussed vrith Nr. Casella and will be pre-
'). .
sented to the Board at Ollr next mp.cting for approval.
'.. ;...
Mr. Casella will join the Board after the completion of the R.T.K.1. Study,
r.10tion was made by Nr. Aaron BD["ore <'.nd seconded by ~jr. Perce POHel1 tn C:'l.rr~l
out the above.
Perce Powell reported on t.he condi~io~ of several buildine;s on Cleveland Street,
that have bl'oken e;lasf; fronts and are "ery danfSerous. He asked,' 'r.rr, Tony
Sh0cmaker, Ass istant Cit,r f.1anager what, could 11e rlont=) p't.nn. clj d He have an onliflance
in the city that could. be enforced. He, also, made a rnotjon to have the City
check on several sidewalks of the S0uth side of Cleveland Street., The. mGltion
was seconded by Mr. Hammock and Mr. Shoemaker assured us it w0l.*ld~:be che~kecl;l"
immediately. "', ," ..
Mr. powell made a motion to ask if (J, letter c(mld be sent to'ihe City:.from
the Board to request the re-routinlS of heavy traffic from Cleveland Street,;
immediately. It \-ras p,econded 11Y Hr. Dale Warren and passed '"
Mr. Powell coml'J.imented the City Nursery
done on Cleveland Street, It 1-ms agreed
be sent to the City Hanae;er.
Department on the fine.j~b they have
a letter be se~t. Thi~ letter will
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of t'lr.
Hugh Parker. The
Nr. Aaron
\farren Durnan
B~_l e:o1'e
Hr. Arlos Ogg, Chairman of the CJ.earwater H-i"torical
the plans t.o establish a Clearwater Historical
Commtttee informed
r'1useum headg uart,ers
us of
in Downtown
Chairman aSl<ed for a :pproval
made by Nr. Aaron Bilr:;ore and
of the m:1.nutes of February 26,
seconded by perce p0\1el]..
The Chai.rman asked if anyone would like to d.iscuss
J. Holfe, tha.t has been distri1)l1ted to the Board.
a eood opinion and reminded the 13oarc1 vIe now have
No discussion follo,.red.
the legal opinion by Mr.
Tho chairman felt it was
a legal file to refer to.
Mr. Leon Hammock reported on the Financial Statement.
On Hand
Received Tax Receirts
Dif1bUTr;ecl dur:1.n~ the month
Ba.la.nce Cash 011 Hana
31, '7()1. 3J
Collected in Taxes
To come in (roughlY)
Hotion was made by Nr. Aaron Bi1e:ore to accept the
seconded by Mr. Dale ~arren.
Report and
The Chairman stated. the Boarc1 vlonld meet again April 26, 1977 at. 3: 00 P. N.
Meeting was adjourned at 4:00 P.H.
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