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December 28,1976
-------Rose Phifer, Chairman
Aaron L. Bilgore
Dom Minotti
Bob Taylor
Jim Beaird
Charles Galloway
Sam Casella
Leon Hammock
Perce powell
Dale Warren
William Nunamaker
John Chesnut, Sr.
Mrs. Kravitz
Mr. & Mrs. Ogg
Bob Tharin
Torn Brown
M. E. Palmer
The Chairman opened the meeting, and extended her best wishes to all for
1977. She then asked Dam Minotti to deliver the invocation.
After welcoming guests Mrs. Phifer introduced the Board secretary,
Dee Meltzer. She stated that she hoped that everyone would feel free
to call our office, and that every effort would be made to answer future
The Chairman asked if anyone wished to discuss an item not on the agenda.
There was no response.
A motion
She then asked for approval of the minutes of November 30th.
was made by Mr. Bilgore, seconded by Mr. Hammock and passed.
Mrs. Phifer proceeded to read a letter from Mr. Bob Love, Nominations
Chairman. It stated that Rose Phifer had been nominated Chairman, and
Aaron Bilgore Vice-Chairman for the corning year. A motion by Mr. Hammock,
seconded by Mr. Galloway, passed unanimously.
The Chairman asked if everyone had read Phase III of the RTKL study, and
the reconunendation of the Task Force, then requested comments. She ac-
knowledged Mr. Tharin's request for a copy of the study, and with no fur-
ther discussion asked for a motion to approve the RTKL payment of $10,000.
(total $30,000.) Motion was made by Dale Warren, seconded by Mr. Galloway.
The motion carried.
Dom Minotti advised that the Task For~e approved the contract on December
17th. Mr. Casella added that 3 days later the city Managers' office sent
a letter to RTKL with the Task Forces' recommendation, confirming comple..
tion of the Phase. Mr. Minotti stated that there is no further official
action that the city or anyone else need take.
The Chairman then brought to the attention of the Board, the request for
consideration of the Convention Center. Mr. Minotti stated that though
this had not been included in the prelimenary plan, a motion had been
made and passed for the RTKL consultants to consider the convention cen-
ter, at the Task Force meeting.
The Chairman stressed the importance of attending the SR 60 meeti
Wednesday, Dec. 29, at 7:30 PM, and called upon Sam Casella,
who said, the specific reason for the meeting was to hear all
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points of view. There had been a great number of petitions. from people
in the east end of Clearwater, who in turn were invited by mail to attend
this meeting. He also mentioned there would be a meeting, during the day
on Wednesday, Jan. 26, with the RTKL consultants. The reason for the
change in date was to make it possible to have their report 10 days in
advance of the meeting.
Mrs. Phifer then opened the subject of seeking a new Executive Director.
She proposed that the $6000. previouslY al10ted to Bill Reed for pUblic
relations, be utilized for the purpose of locating a new director. since
our agreement with Bill Reed & Assoc. is a verbal one, she proposed that
we discontinue our monthly fee of $250. ($3000. per yr.) and the printing
of Topics, approximately $3000., and make these funds available at this
time for this important task.
Mr. Warren made the motion to cancel the "Topics'!. He expressed the hope
that Bill Reed & Assoc. would be available on an "as needed" basis. All
agreed that our pUblication was most helpful, but that a letter would be
sent to Bill Reed at this time, advising him that the retainer fees of
$250. per month, as well as the publication of the "Topics" would be dis-
continued as of Jan. 1, 1977. The motion was made, seconded and passed.
The Chairman presented Mr. Galloway with a plaque, thanked him for his
many years of service with the Board, and hoped for his continued attend-
ance at the meetings. He acknowledged saying he was happy to have been a
part of the implementation of city plans, was pleased with the encouraging
trend of prosperity, anticipated being in Clearwater for a long time to
come, and wou1d attend as many meetings as he possibly could.
Mr. Dale Warren then asked Mr. Galloway to serve on a committee with him,
along with Darwin Frank, to review applications for the post o~ Executive
Director. They would screen applicants for the Board. and then present
the best qualified. since no funds have been budgeted for this need, the
committee would apprise the Board of all expenditures as they are incurrede
Mrs. Phifer expressed her desire to find a director who would not be con-
fined to the office.
Mr. Bilgore added that we are facing an extremely crucial time. with the
RTKL program almost completed, that we need an aggressive program to ac-
complish the development of downtown Clearwater.
Mrs. Phifer reported on a conversation with William Hill, of IDEA. in which
he expressed the opinion that an Executive Director is a paid employee,
that he must be instructed by the Board regarding desirable programs to
pursue and that the Board should be free to act on the information the Dir-
ector provides.
Mr. Warren commented that we are at a point of great opportunity. He sug-
gested that the Executive Directors' starting salary should be an incentive
type basis. He should be aware that his salary and growth will progress
with the Boards' advancement of projects that he caused the implementation
Mrs. Rravitz and Perce Powell voiced full agreement in the
advantages of employing a local man for the position~ rather
than a person from out of the city.
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In reply to Mr. Tharins' inquiry regarding seeking the opinions of the
freeholders. Mrs. Phifer advised that 300 notices were mailed to the
freeholders inviting them to attend the meetings and express their ideas.
Unfortunately only a few attended.
Mr. Casella. city Planning Dept.. said he would make available to Mr.Tharin
a full survey report of the city.s findings encompassing a cross section
of opinions of merchants, vorking people, and downtown property owners.
Mr. Warren advised that Clearwater would be involved in a downtown study
by the Real Estate Research Corp. under the sponsership of the IDEA. The
study will include 25 cities throughout the country.
The Chairman then mentioned an "End of the Year Letter" to be mailed to
all freeholders, property owners and merchants to encourage their partic-
ipation at our meetings.
Mrs. Phifer asked the Boards. approval of a severance paychecK for Mr.
Palmer. Approval was unanimous.
Jim Beaird explained that due to problems, mainly matters of security.
the 21 shops on the 11th floor of the Bank of Clearwater. vill not mater-
ialize. Instead, the current plan is to rent about 15 small offices,
approximately 150 ft. each, with all accomodations for the business man
with no need for a large Office. These offices will include a secretarial
pool, conference room and several other benefits.
Mru Hammock gave the financial report, which is included in these minutes.
Cash on hand December 1, 1976
Add tax receipts in December
Total cash
Less checKs paid in December
Less accounts payable in Dec.
*Note: December 31,1976
1) Cash on hand includes $19,452.06 in savings
accounts, balance in checking.
2) Payment to RTKL of $10.000. is due.
A motion by Mr. Warren to ad journ, seconded by Mr. Gallo'Way.
The next meeting "lill be January 27, Thursday, same time and place.
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