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October 26, 1976
Dale Warren
Sam Casella
Mrs. Edmunds
Keith Crawford
Don Minotti
M. E. Palmer
Rose B. Phifer
Leon Hanunock
Hugh Parker
Aaron Bilgore
Charles Galloway
The Chairman called upon Mr. Minotti to give the invocation. She then
introduced guests of the Board, especially those in attendance for the
first time.
The Chairman called upon guests and members regarding items not on the
agenda of wh~ch they wished to speak.
Mrs. David Edmunds responded with a presentation of a suggested art show
(or Clearwater, to be held in the downtown area, on the first weekend of
the Sun and Fun Festival next March 20, 21. She explained that details
are now being considered, as well as the best of three proposed sites
for the show.
Mrs. Edmunds asked for support of this effort to revitalize the downtown
area of Clearwater.
Following her presentation, a motion was made to support this fine effort,
CIt was seconded and passed unanimously.
The Chairman asked for approval of the minutes of September 23.
was made to approve them as written, was seconded and passed.
A motion
The Chairman opened discussion of the agenda item which involved payment
to RTKL of $7,500. for -the completed Goals phase of their report. She
stated her views regarding the method of city approval of the report, ad-
ding that she certainly is not objecting to the payment which is due, and
asked Mr. Minotti to explain this to the Board,
Mr. Minotti responded stating that the full Task Force was polled and ~he
response was to go ahead and make the payment, based upon the written
plan as submitted by RTKL. Mr. Hammock after explanation, moved that the
payment be made at once. The motion was seconded and passed.
The copies of the minutes of the three meetings with RTKL, received at
3:00 PM tOday, were distributed to the members of the Board.
The Chairman opened discussions of the free parking item on the agenda
and called upon Mr. Galloway to present the final Memorandum of Understand-
ing with the city. copies of the "Nemorandum of Understanding" and 'Work
sheets prepared by Mr. Crawford were distributed to all members and the
Mr. Galloway explained the reasons for asking for Board approval
of this memorandum of understanding which already has city
approval, and added that he is still waiting for a letter from
the Clearwater Downtown Association President, Mr. Wade, WhiChl::l
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is to state that the merchants group will underwrite the month~y payments
due to the city in lieu of meter revenues. The agreed upon amount each
nonth is $1122.75, to vhich could be added an amount to cover the expense
for signs and meter removal on the lots selected.
Mr. Galloway asked Mr. crawford to state the exact city parking lots
which will become free parking for shoppers - on a 3 hour basis, as well
as ,the responsibility of the city in the areas of pOlicing, maintainance
and public liability during the 12 month free-parking term. Mr. Crawford
stated that he has already ordered 19 of such signs to be erected. He
further stated that the city will oontinue to operate the lots, viII
mark tires and issue varrents to people vho violate the 3 hour free time
Mr. Galloway stated that the term of the understanding is for a 12 month
period commencing in November 1976, which can be terminated by either
party upon 30 days notice of such termination.
The Chairman stated that Mr. Crawford and the other city staff people
who were involved in this negotiation have worked very hard to see that
we got a fair deal.
Mr. Crawford added that the three selected parking lots containing meters,
:wirl:J:,-tJ~ as of early November 1976, removed.
About mid-November we will bill all shops and businesses. We a~ready
have an additional 28 names over the 39 who have not contributed to this
effort. If there are no objections to this we will procede on this basis.
FOllowing this discussion# a motion was made to approve our involvement
in the free parking plan. The motion was seconded and approved.
The Chairman reminded the members that financial disclosures reports
should be on file as of October 15, 1976.
The Chairman called on Mr. Bilgore to comment on his suggestion of free
tokens for a return trip on CPTA buses from downtown to the shoppers
residential areas.
Mr. Bilgore responded stating that he will head up a committee, composed
of one member from the Downtown Association (Merchants group) one member
from the CPTA and one from the city Planning Dept.
He added that tokens to be given out by the merchants to their customers
who came by bus, may be purchased iR lots at a reduced price. Details
need to be worked out by his comndttee.
Following discussion, a motion was made to support this effort. The
motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
Mrw Hammock read the financial report as of Oct.3l, a copy of which is
included in these minutes.
Cash on hand Oct.l,l976 $19,902.48
Cash receipts in Oct. 739.87
Total cash 20,642.35
Less checks paid in Oct. 10,923.32
Cash on hand oct.3~1976
( Est. )
$ 9,719.03
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P - 3
A motion was made to adopt this report, was seconded and carried.
Executive Director
entire IDEA group.
seminars and talks that he
ings which he proposed to
proposal received instant
He stated
circulate amongst
briefly on his meeting in Chicago with
that he was so impressed with the
several tapes of the important meet-
all Board members. This
Palmer then reported on his meeting
Development Association, Inc.,
that he came away feeling that
al of Amendment *4 on the Nov. 2nd
he has been President for the past three
to turn this job over to Mr. Turnbull
retained on the >>Card
be of more help
our association
in Miami of the Florida Downtown
of which he was President. He stated
we have a good chance to get voter approv-
ballots. Further he added that
years of the FDDA, he was
of Orlando. although he will be
of FDDA. Palmer feels that he now will be free to
to the implimentation efforts of our RTKL planning and
with our merchants group.
The Chairman commented
efforts to greet new merchants
well to attend the
upon our work to help
in our area, by aSking new
public hearing on the RTKL plans to
the merchants, by pursuing
merchants as
be aired in late
Comments from the Chairman, ~tr. Casella
reconsider our public relations budget
this expenditure is a major one,
to utilize these funds to better
the Board will
and others indicate the need to
($6000.00) for Topics. Because
consider alternate ways
This item will be on the agenda of the November 30th meeting.
Again, it was urged by the Chairman that members consider iteDS they
would like to have on meeting agendas in the future.
M. E. Palmer, Executive Director
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