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statements and stated that they would present to their membership
a proposed plan to help in~ediately to resolve the problems of park-
ing in the downtown area. This meeting will be held at 7:30 P.H.
Wednesday, April 28th, and it is hoped that our board members will
be on hand.
A request by Hr. Brown to take advantage of our willingness to be
helpful and cooperative with them, asked the Chairman to appoint a
group of three people to work with the Clearwater Downtown Association
on the problem of parking immediately. The people picked by the
Chairman are: Nrs. Phifer, Joe R. Wolfe and Dale Warren. These
people agreed to be involved in this program and will work as best
they can to be of complete assistance to,the CDA.
The Chairman introduced ~tr. Pillorg~, of the RTKL Consultant group
who responded by introducing two members of his group, present ~ith
him at our meeting. He went on to briefly review there approach,
primarily in the area of interviews with the leaders in the city of
Clearwater, both inside and outside the Central Business District~
and secondly he emphasized the need for continuing input, citywide
by means of questionnaires to be distributed. Hr. pillorge said
that they had arranged for an initial interview with some thirty of
the leaders in the City of Clearwater, including city Comrnission~ the
Downtown Development Board and the other active organizations in the
city. He went on to say that additionally there will be questionnaires
left with these people at the time of their interview and that some-
thing in the neighborhood of one hundred additional questionnaires
will be distributed by mail throughout the city. Nr. Pillorge again
stated that the need for input from the population of the entire city
is highly important.
. The Chairman asked Nr. Wolfe to comment on section 10 of the RTKL
contract. V~. Wolfe had previously distributed, to all board nembers,
a letter and a copy of the statute which covers the problems of con-
flict of interest.
~~. Wolfe advised members of the board to consult with their own
attorney~ or himself, in the preparation of an exposure of each
board member's interest personally in the downtown area, which in
his opinion would best be distributed to each of the other board
members as well, with a copy of the disclosure filed with the city
Clerk of the City of Clearwater.
The Chairman called on Nr. Leon Hammock to zmke a statement regarding
several applications for financial funding from civic groups in the
citYJ and he read letter excerpts from ~tr. Ponder, President of Greater
Clearwater Business BUreaU. The purpose of his statement was to get
direction from the Board of Directors as to how far we should go, and
legally allowed to go, in regard to making contributions to civic
groups, such as the Greater Clearwater Visitors Bureau, the Clearwater
J. C~s, Clearwater Downtown Association and others.
It was stated that several of these applications for funding have
already been received, and we should be able to respond to them
fully within the context of requirements as established by the
Board of Directors. There was considerable discussion abou
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whether or not in fact our board being a taxing district can legally
pay cash contributions to civic groups, and it was finally resolved
wi~h a request by the Chairman to have our attorney ~lr. Wolfe, research
the question of contributions to civic groups by this organization and
give us his opinion in writing so that we may approve it at our Hay 25th
The Chairman asked the Executive Director to conment on a new lease
presented recently, which becomes in effect Nay 1, 1.976 should the board
approve an increase in the space we now occupy. Palmer responded by
saying that on several occasions he had approached the city regarding
available space in the city annex and indicated that although the rent
out there could be somewhat less then we are currently paying in the
Bruce Taylor Building, that at the moment no space is available in any
event, and therefore asked the board to sign the lease begir.ning Nay 1st,
1.976. A motion was made to approve, was seconded and was passed.
The Chairman asked the Executive Director to comment regarding the Com-
mittee action during the balance of the year, 1.976. Palmer responded by
saying that there are of course committees that must continue with work,
such as the Nomination Committee for the election in November, as well
as the pUb1.icity and Public Relations committee, and the Beautification
Committee. Actually Palmer indicated that since the RTKL people are now
here and ready to begin work, since their prime interest is in the Land
Use and Development and the long range planning required, that in his
opinion it would be wasteful to have a committee, for example concerning
themselves with traffic and parking, working in a para1le1. direction to
what the RTKL people are doing.
At this point it was made clear that there is some doubt in the minds of
the city administration, that the Hunt Property which was originally
named as being the final site for the Clearwater civic Center, can be
procured. The Mayor at this point responded that in his opinion the
committee of the Downtown Development Board should again become extremely
active in terms of presenting what needs to be presented at the right
time to get the civic center located in the downtown area. This sug-
gestion received unanimous approval from members of the board and it was
suggested by the Mayor that we w'ork close1.y with the RTKL "Task Force"
regarding this situation, although at this moment it can not be consid-
ered as being a part and parcel of the RTKL contract. Nr. Wol.fe suggest-
ed that the contract can be amended to include a site selection in the
downtown area, or anywhere else by RTKL, and the Nayor indicated that
this problem will be coming again before the city commission in early
meetings and that we should be prepared to again plead for reconsidera-
tion of the waterfront area in the downtown of Clearwater.
The Chairman asked Mr. Warren to comment about hms recent trip to Little
Rock, Arkansas.
~tt. Warren stated that he has spent four days, with Mr. Palmer, at a
mid-season conference of the International Downtown Executives Associa-
tion at Little Rock and is happy to tell the Board of his impressions
gained by the visit. First, he described the Camelot Inn, a new Conven-
tion hote~.built by private~capitol on city property. Also built in the
same block were two floors of underground parking, above which
was built a convention hall and above which was built a
theatre with seating capacity of 2,800. There were also
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several smaller meeting rooms on the floors above the parking facility.
Mr. Warren added that this was done because the City Council were deter-
mined to redevelope the downtown area, and that to him it was a tnrilling
experience to witness the results of city government and private interest
Palmer added that considerable time was spent examining the various
approaches to this very problem. He added that he was happy to learn
that our decision to aide the newly formed Clearwater Downtown Associa-
tion was confirmed by many of the people representing sixty cities in the
country. He added that we need this new team to work along side us since
there is no possible conflict between the two groups.
~trs. Mary McCormick and ~trs. Kotheimer presented a slide presentation
showingthe prospective Clearwater }larine Science Center. }trs. Kotheimer
did an excellent job of the slide presentation and received applause
from the members of the board and of all the other people present. No
decision was reached in regard to her request for contributions to the
center project, which item will be considered in our upcoming budget for
the year 1976-1977.
The Chairman asked Mr. Bob Tharin to comment. ~tt. Tharin reviewed some
of the problems which land owners face when trying to rent their stores.
He added that he has recently faced the disinterest on the part of some
city employees when he applied for permits etc. Mr. Tharin suggested
that in the area of parking, where many problems come up, that we might
do what was done in Dunedin some time ago, which was to hire a "meter
minder" who would feed dimes into expired shoppers meters, with a slip
placed on the car to tell the shopper who it was that kept her from
getting a violation summons. The Chairman thanked Mr. Tharin and added
that we will take his comments seriously.
The Chairman stated that Palmer, our Executive Director had as]<ed for
a week vacation commencing May 10th, and a week in September. There
was no motion required to move, and with no objections raised, the vaca-
tion schedule will be followed.
Mayor Cazares asked to be able to speak on a subject not on the agenda
which is the Pinellas ParJcway Referendum which is to be held on June 8th,
and asked that_the Board take a position in opposition to the proposed
Parkway. The :Hayor went into great detail explaining the reasons why he
personally, ana in his opinion most of the people of the city, are oppos-
ed to the expenditure of these monies and asked that the Board consider
this and take a position. Following some discussion it was decided that
the board should take a position one way or the other and it be made
known publicly at the May 25th meeting.
The Chairman stated that the next regular Board Neeting is May 25,1976,
same place, same time.
M.E, Palmer, Executive Director
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