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February 24, 1976
3:00 P.M.
Chamber of Commerce
Darwin S. Frank, Chairman
Charles Gallo!:Jay
Dale Warren
Rose Phifer
Hugh Parker
Leon Hammock
M. E. Palmer
Joe R. Wolfe
Bob Taylor
Dom Minotti
Tony Shoemaker
Sam Casella
Paul Bergmarm
Mary Ann Lirot
Sissie Bierman
Percy Powell
The Chairman opened the meeting and asked Mr. Minotti to give the invoca-
The Chairman then introduced guests, who were at least first-timers at our
meeting, and Mrs. Bierman, a new merchant in the Downtown area responded.
The Chairman asked for approval of the minutes of the January 27, 1976
meeting. The minutes were approved unanimously.
The Chairman asked Mr. Hammock to give us the financial report, a copy of
which is attached to these minutes.
There were questions asked of those present regarding items on the agenda.
In this category Palmer asked for Board consideration of attendance at the
IDEA meeting in Arkasnas, on April 11, 12, l3, and 14th. He asked that in
addition to himself attending this meeting. he would very much like to have
Dale Warren, a new member gc with him. After some consideration, the Board )
unanimously agreed to pay the expenses of both Mr. Warren and Mr. Palmer, to
the mid-season IDEA conference.
The Executive Director then brought the Board up to date regarding the 'e.iec-
tion procedure and the dates involved. He stated that ballots will be
mailed to all qualified freeholders and business entities who have submitted
their affidavits as of March 12th. On March 12th, the ballots will be mailed.
Within two weeks the results of balloting will be tallied, and the Board will
be notified at its meeting on March 30th.
The Executive Director stated that since there is an important development
of new life in the downtown area, particularly in the area of merchants,
he has asked that Bill Reed and Associates devote the next issue of Topic to
this SUbject, with photographs and stories of the new merchants who have
recently opened businesses in the downtown area.
A report by the Beautification Chairman, Mr. Percy Powell, was made in part,
and since Mr. Powell requested that the bulk of his presentation is lengthy,
and this meeting a long one, he asked that this be put off until the March
A report by the Merchant, Association Chairman, Mary Ann Lirot, stated that
the story prepared by Irene Piraino, of the Clearwater Sun, regarding new
merchandising and new merchants wjthin the downtown area, that she had
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Minutes - page 2.
presented a proposition to the Executive Committee of the Clearwater Chamber
of Commerce to feel them out as to their feeling as to the importance of this
matter, and suggested that since they are in complete accord with her plans, I'
that she is in the process now of putting together a Downtown Merchants Asso-
ciation l' I J' devoted entirely to merchandising. This report received unan-
imous approval of the Board of Directors.
The Chairman asked Mr. Shoemaker to report regarding the sale of the old
fire station as proposed by the City Staff some time ago. In the absence of
Mayor Cazares, ~. Shoemaker stated activities in this direction are complete-
ly at a standstill since the city has received the resolution from the Board
to hold in abeyance the sale of all properties in the downtown area until
the comprehensive planning of the RTKL Firm is completed.
Regarding the negotiations with RTKL, Mr. Bergmann' Mr. Shoemaker stated
that at this moment a contract is now available for approval by the Board,
and later by the City Commission. That a copy has already been forwarded
to RTKL. who according to telephone conversations , are in agree-
ment with the content of the contract. At the suggestion of Mr. Wolfe, our
attorney, the Board considered in-depth the estimated cost of Clearwater's
in-kind contribution to the Downtown Development Study, in fact the city's
total contribution in both cash, and in-kind was considered. The final con-
census was, and the agreement is, that the Downtown Development Board will
furnish cash payment up to $50,000.00,. that the City of Clearwater furnish
cash payment up to $25,000.00, making $75,000.00 in cash payments to the
RTKL consulting Firm. Additionally the City wil~ furnish up to $25,000.00
worth of in-kind services. At this point the memorandum on February 18, 1976,
covering this matter was considered in depth, and although it is obvious that
the City is planning to spend even more than $25,000.00 for their in-kind
ser~ices, that the total payment in cash to RTKL will not be changed. There-'
fore, a motion was made to approve the RTKL contract with the provision that
the City is in accordance with the contract, and the estimated category list,
furnished to us February 18,1976.... it being understood that not less than
$25,000.00 in in-kind services, be provided to the consultant. The motion
was seconded, and after considerable discussion, was passed.
At this point the status of the nTask Porce" formation was considered, and I
an agreement was made and adopted by the Board, to recommend two additional
members to the Task Porce, making a total of seventeen (17) members. That
both new members are property owners within the downtown area of Clearwater l
and the selection of actual people to fill these two spots be made by the City
Commission. This was put in form of a motion, was seconded and passed.
A letter to Southern Land Development and Leasing Corp., was addressed to
Mr. Donald P. Strauss, P.O. Box 779, Clearwater, Fl. This letter being an
id~ntical letter to that which was mailed in the past to all corporate enti-
ties, suggesting that they nominate a voting representative within their group
to receive ballots for election in future years. The Executive Director
stated that at this date, although the letter was dated February 10, 1976,
there has been no response to the letter. Mr. Wolfe, representing the United
Churches of Fla., being present at the meeting, stated that, yes he realized
that the letter had not been responded to, and he would see that the proper
affidavit be supplied to the Development Board, so that a member of their
group would be qualified to vote in the upcoming elections.
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Page 3 - Minutes
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The ChairmAn asked Mr. Wolfe to report on the proposed City of Clearwater
ame~dments to the Clearwater Downtown Development Board Act. Mr. Wo1fe
responded by saying that he had received notice of this from the Executive
Director, and that he had written to Mr. Curtis Kaiser, Pine11as County
Legislative Delegation Chairman, to make it clear that there are several
portions or parts of the proposal that are either unclear, or are unnecessary.
The copies of this letter had previously been given to all board members
and to the City Attorney, the City l:fft8(!J'C as well.
After complete discussion the Board ~d to unanimously vote to oppose
this legislation, based on the findings of its attorney, Mr. Joe R. Wolfe.
The motion was seconded and was passed unanimously.
fhe final item on the Agenda for the day was a letter written by Board Chair.
man, Darwjn S. Frank, in which he asked that his resignation as Chairman,
and me~r of the Board of Directors, CDDB, be effective as of February 24,
1976. He went on to state that he had been happily received, and that it
gave him great pleasure to serve on the Board for the past two years, and as
Chairman for the last four months.
He stated that his resignation is due entirelY tothe fact that he was recently
elected to the position of Commissioner of Clearwater.
The final paragraph in his letter stated as follows:
If I will continue to attend the meetings, and would a.ppreciate
serving as a member of the Long Range Committee of the Clea'rwater
Downtown Development Board."
The next scheduled meeting of the Board is March 30, 1976, at the Chamber of
Commerce of Clearwater Board room.
M. E. Palmer
Executive Director
." * * * * 'it * ", * -It 'it .. ." * * 'II ." ." 'it ." * * ." * ." .. ." ." ." tit * <It ." ." ok ." * * 'II
Feb. 24 , 1976
Total Cash
41, 751.4~
40, 531.42
Cash on hand Feb. 1, 1976
Add Cash receipts in Feb.
Less: checks paid in Feb.
Less: Accounts payable in Feb.
Cash on hand Feb. 28, 1976 (est.)
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My recent electmon to
Commissioner of Clearwater
my resignation.
the position of
is the reason for
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Feb. 24,
Board of Directors
Clearwater Downtown
Development Board
Clearwater ,Fla.
accept my resignation as ,
of the Board of Directors of the
DoWntown Development Board effective as
date, Feb. 24, 1976
Chairman and
of this
,,J .
Board for the
in allowing
four months
that 'I made
continue to
has bee~ my pleasure to
past two years. Your
to serve you, as Chairman
forever be treasured. The friendships
will not cease with my resignation. but will
I will continue to
would appreciate servhg
Long-range Committee.
attend the meeting,
as a member of the
Sincerely , ,~
(! //7 l
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Darwin S. Frank.
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Honorable l'layor ~
the city l'1anager
city of
city commissioners,
'rhe Board of Directors of the Clearwater Do"mtmvllJ:{evelopment Board,
at its regular meeting held on February 24th, 1976 did consider the
proposed joint contract of the city of Clearwater, the Clearwater
DOIvnto'vn Development Board and the RTKL Associates Inc.
^ motion was made as follOlvs: '1'0 approve the HTy;,L contract Hith the
provision that the city of Clearwater is in accordance with the contract
and also the category list of in-ldnd services~ ,vhich the city 'viII offer
to the consultant, dated February lSth~ 1976. It is further understood
that not less then Twenty-five thousand dollars, ($25,000.00) of such
in-kind services be provided the consultant.
The motion was passed unanimously.
Following this action the status of the "Tasle Force" formation was con-
sidered and an agreement was reached by the Board to recommend two ad-
di tional members to the .4rrask Force" making a total q{; seventeen (17)
members. Both ne,,, members are to be property O"\"ner~' f'n the downtown
area of Clearwater, and the selection of the actual people to fill these
byo spots may be made by the city commission.
'l'his ,vas put in forrll of a motion, "Tas seconded and passed unanimously.
Clearwater Downtown Development Board
N.E. Palmer, Executive Director
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