NOVEMBER 25,-1975
Chamber of Cor.'l1r.erce Board Room
3: 00 P. M.
Charles Galloway, Chairman
Dar\>1in FI'ank
Hugh Pa.!.ker
Leon Ha1Jl'llock
Ro se :B. Phifer
Frank Bush
Dale Warren
Joe R. ~lo1fe
Bob Taylor
Jim Parker
Pe~cy PO\olell
A1 S~rnlo~11
M. E. Palmer
'lhe Chairman asked Mr. Hammock to 1ead us in prayer.
'lhe Chairman asked for approva1 of the October 28th, and the November 14th
meeting minutes as mailed to each m~mbe~. There was no discussion and a
motion to app~ove was seconded and passed.
'lhe Chairman asked ~fr. Hammock to make a financial statemAnt as of this
meeting date. Mr. Hammock responded, a copy of his report is attached to
these minutes. A motion was made which was seconded and passed to accept
the report as read by Mr. Hammock.
The Chairman stated that election of office~s and for directors for the
ensuing year are to be reported at this meetin!]. He asked 1-11'. Palmer to
read a letter from M.T.'. C. Raymond Lee, Chairman of the Nomination and
Election Committee, which is a report of the outcome of the balloting.
The following people have been eJ~cted to serve on the Board of Directors:
A one year term, Nt'. Da:t:'win Frcu"lK l,!r. Cllar les Gallo\'lay
A ~10 year term, Ms. Rose B. Phifer, Dale Werren
A three year term, Mr. Leon Hammock, Mr. Hugh Parker
The Chairman welcomed the two new members to the Boa~d, both of "/horn were
elected'for a two year term. He then stat~d it :Ls the t::me to clGct
officers and appoint a directo~ for the ensuing year. Aftgr somo discuss-
ion, Mr. Da!'\>1in Frank. was elected unanimously to be the Chairman, Rose B.
Phifer to be the Vice Chairman.
The appointment of the Executive Di~ctor for the year was then made and
Mr. Palmer was than unanimously named.
The Chairman conti.nued throughout this, his final meet:.\ng, and asked the
representati'Je from the City PJ.anning Department, Mr. Prank Bush, to re-
port on the consultant selection, and pR.I'ticularly in terms of the timing
lea.ding up to the actual commencement of the consulte.nt study work. M.t'.
Bush responded by stating that the three finalists that were l'Clnl<ed by
the combined City Commission a"ld the Downtown Develop;n~nt Board at a re-
cent meeting, indicated that the firm of R. T. K. L. would be consulted
about Decembe~ 9th, or 10th, in regard to negotiations, which would of
coUt'se involve the contract, which is nO\'I being put together, and the cost
to the City Commission and the Downtown Development Board. Mr. Bush indi-
cated and made clear the procedures which would lead up to the final sig-
natures on the approved contract.
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The question was asked as to whether or not this Board would be able to
consider the proposed contract, now being put together prior to its pre-
sentation to the consultant. It w~s dacided that both the Board, and the
City, would be able, and should be ab19 to discuss and consider the terms
of the final contract, prior to its presentation to the respective consul-
.. .
The Chairman called on Mr. Frank to make a stdtoment regarding the Civic
Center site s~lection. ~~. Frank made a b~i~f su~~ation of the procedures
to date and the question in his mind is whather or not the City will defer
a decision on the final site selection before the consultant is able to make
his own study and pr~sent his imput to the final dacision making process.
Questions relating to this \"1era raised regaJ:'ding the site selection timing
and wllether or not the consultant could m~ke it his susiness early in the
primary stages of his wo~k to report on his sel~ction on a proper site for
the civic center. A q.uestion \'l0.S rai,sed as to wh~ther or not theI'e would
be any guare.nty tlK~t the City could r~act and wou~d react in terres of the
proposals to be made by the consultant and it was suggested that it would be
a complete waste of money as \'lell as the cities' taxpaya:-s money to just.
have another study to be put on the shelves. It was pointed out to the
group that a major factor of the consultants is that there should be and
would have to be at ~east four meetings with a task force, the reE!ults of
which would then be submitted to the City Commission and the Downtown
Development Board at the end of each decision as reached. On this bases it
is hoped that we would be able to get and have City Commission as well as
Board approva~, as we proceed through the year ~lith at least four dacision-
making opportunities. The inference from this is, that by the time the
plenning is completed, most of the decisions will have bean considered and
a decision reached.
Following the discussion, Mr. Frank. proposed a motion which would req'lest
the Board to send a letter to th~ City Co~~ission at oncc) and surely
prior to the December 4th date which has been reported as being the earliest
time that the City Con-mission would make a Civic Center Site selection. And
in this lerter request that in the best interest of the tax payers of the
entire city that the city delay its site selection until after the first
phase of the study is completed by the consultant. The motion was seconded
and passed unanimously.
The Chai~man raised the question of the proper meeting site fo~ the Downtown
Development Do~~d indicating that we are most anxious to stay within the
letter of the Florida Ste.te Sunshinc Law and since we have b~en told by City
M,~nagel;' Floyd that the meetings could be held in the City Hall, rather than
the Chamber of Commerce private business meeting room, that the Executive
D~ector proceeded once to determine the feanibility and the accept~bility
for future meetings to be he~d at City Hall.
The outgoing Chairman, Mr. GaLlo\-lay, briefly summed up his offorts and
thankod the entire Board for their effol"ts a~ they worked with him during
the past yec?r. The incoming Chairman, Mr. Frank, also made a vel'Y short
appeal for continuing cooperation.
The next schedu~ed mesting of the Board is Dec~mber 10th, 1975, and it
will be held in tho Chemher of Commerce Board Room at 3:00 P.M.
M. E. PaJmer
Executive Director
Nov. 25, 1975
Cash on hand Nov. 1, 1975 $12, 391.29
Cash receipts in Nov. ^ 923... 09
Total Cash 16, 802.38
Less checl<s paid in Nov. to date 2, 364.33
Dalc:mce 13, 930.05
Less accounts p3yable in reov. 638.90
Cash on hand (ost.) No., . 30, 1975 13, 299.65
~Jote :
Expenditures in November
'one-time' payments:
Real estate su:t'vey by Mr.
Annual rnembarship dues
Honorarium (l.ws. Palmer)
include the following
$ 269.50
l!'O" CO
$"7'54. sO'
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