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Meeting - October 28th, 1975
Charles Galloway, Chairman
Darwin Frank
Mayor Cazares
Leon Hammock
Hugh Parker
M. E. Palmer, Exec. Dir.
Joe R.Wolfe
Dale Warren
Warren Renando
Rose B. Phifer
John Ehrig
Bob Taylor
K. K. Smith
Mary Ann Lirot
Al Semlow
Lewis Homer
The Chairman opened the meeting and asked Mr. Homer to lead us in prayer.
Mr. Galloway welcomed all guests, several of whom were present for the first
The Chairman asked for a motion to approve the minutes of September 30th,
1975. With no discussion, the motion was made, was seconded and passed
and approved as recorded.
Mr. Hammock, Finance Chairman, was asked to give the financial statement
as of this date, a copy of this statement is attached to these minutes.
The Chairman asked the Executive Director about a meeting site for the
coming year. After some discussion and with the concurrence of Mr. Al
Semlow, President of the Chamber of Commerce, it was decided by motion,
seconded and passed, to accept the invitation of the Chamber of Commerce
for the use of their Board Room for the year 1976.
The Chairman asked the Executive Director for the late reports or returns
regarding eiection procedure, financial disclosures, etc. Mr. Palmer stated
that as of this date, in his opinion, all nominees have filed their finan-
cial disclosures, and he has determined this by personal check with each;
that the ballots and return envelopes Will be mailed with a covering letter
to all qualified electors on November 10th. Further, that the ballots will
be totalled by the Nomination and Election Committee on November 25th, in
the morning, and the results will be presented to the Board at its regular
meeting on November 25th.
The Chairman asked Mr. Wolfe for a statement regarding the Board's ability
to borrow monies for redevelopment financing. Mr. Wolfe referred to his
opinion which was stated in the minutes of May 20th, remains that the Board
is empowered with the authority to borrow up to the limits of its taxing
income for the year in which the borrowing is made. Further, that one
Board legally binds the succeeding Boards for the fulfillment of borrowing
obligations so that there is no danger to the lenders in this regard. The
Executive Director pointed out that we have at this time over twelve thou-
sand dollars in surplus, reserved for development. Further, he added, that
the bulk of the monies due us in the current year will be received in Dec-
ember and January of 1976. We should at that time be able to pay, with the
tax monies received, the obligation that we have made with the City, in
regard to the hiring of the Downtown Redevelopment ConSUltant, and that if
funding is required, later in the year, say in Mayor June, in order to
operate, that we make short term loans from the local banks until we are
able again to get into the tax receipts period of November and December 1976.
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Clearwater Downtown Development Board - Minutes for Meeting
October 28th, 1975 Page 2
The Chairman called on Mr. Warren Renando, Chief Planner for the City, to
report, in Mr. Bergmann's absence, regarding our Consultant selection
procedures and where we are at the moment. Mr. Renando responded and
stated that we are now down to the final three, who will be making pre-
sentations to a combined meeting of the Downtown Developemtn Board and the
City Commission for their final selection. Mr. Renando went on to give
us an idea as to procedures beyond that date and specifically asked for
this Board's wishes regarding a joint meeting with the City Commission in
terms of date. He will, he said, present our wishes to the City Commission
at his work session, Monday next, and the decision can be reached at the
regular meeting of the City Commission as to the date, the following Thursday.
The Chairman asked the Executive Director to read a copy of a letter pro-
posed to be mailed to the Senior Citizen's Services, Inc., in Clearwater,
in support of their application for a five million dollar Federal Grant
to allow construction of the second Prospect Towers Building. There was
considerable discussion regarding this matter which resulted in a motion
to support the Senior Citizen's Services, Inc., in their application for
the five million dollar grant and hopefully we should be able to be advised
within the next ninety days as to the success in this direction.
The Chai~man asked the Executive Director for support of the FDDA effort
to obtain passage of Constitutional Amendments to permit tax increment
increased financing and tax abatement financing on a state wide basis.
Copies of the FDDA plan and the amendments were passed out to the Board.
~ Because of the late hour of the day, it was decided not to present the
slides and commentary that is ready to be shown to the Board, but hopefUlly
we can call a spedial meeting for this purpose at a later date or perhaps
even j01n with the City Commission, when the same presentation will be
given to the City Commission on November 20th.
Under new business, Mr. Frank said that he wished the Board to consider a
proposal. He read in part at least, from a letter addressed to the Exec-
utive Director from the Florida South Chapter American Institute of Archi-
tects, which invited Mr. Palmer and his wife to join with the Institute
and all the members that have been invited, including all the important
State Officials, from the Governor on down to the House and the Senate,
including Committee Chairmen. Mr. Frank went on to add that the cost over
the three day weekend excursion is $160.00 per person, and he asked for
authority to reimburse Mr. Palmer for his own expenses on this excursion, \
which is really and truly a workshop where the tax increment and financing
and tax abatement plans proposed by the FDDA will be considered with top
Sta te Off ic ials .
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Mr. Frani went on to add that since l~s. Palmer had been faithfully serving
as our Secretary for seven years, without pay, that she should be asked to
go with Mr. Palmer and the Board should find a way to pay her expenses. He
proposed a motion which was in two parts, first that the Executive Director
proceed with expenses paid; second, Mrs. Palmer, his wife be given a check
for $160.00 to help reimburse her expenses on the trip. The motion was
intended to avoid the possibility of crit~m for using taxpayers money to I
pay for the expenses of a man and his wife in a business trip. The motion
was seconded and passed.
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page 3
Clearwater Downtown Development Board
Meeting, Oct. 28, 1975 (con't)
The Chairman
25th, all of the present Board,
attend this meeting which, as stated
Room of the Chamber of Commerce Building,
been impossible to cover at this long
meeting if it's absolutely necessary.
then asked' that at the
next Board meeting, which is November
as well as the newly elected Board Members,
before, will be held in the Board
and that all matters which have
meeting be worked in at a special
The Chairman added that the next scheduled meeting is on November 25th, at
3:00 P.M. at the Board Room of the Chamber of Commerce.
M. E. Palmer,
Executive Director
Oct. 28, 1975
Cash on Hand, Oct. 1, 1975 $13,266.03
Cash receipts in October 771.34
- Total Cash 14,037.37
Less checks paid in Oct. to date 1,003.21
Balance 13,034.16
Less accounts payable in Oct. 652.87
Cash on hand, Oct. 31, 1975 $12,381.29
With tax
above balance may be
ment planned.
receipts expected
applied to the
in late November, the
reserve for redeve1op-
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