09/30/1975 'j , "" .';'.' .1 . , ", , " , ',' ,'.' .' ":, ,. ",," " CLEARWATER DalJNTONN DEVEI.OPMENT BOARD . Meeti~ - September 30~ 1975 PR&SEMr: Charles Gal1oway~ Cha1rman Darwin Frank Mayor Cazares Leon Hanmock Hugh Parker H. E. Palmer, Exec. Dir. Joe It. Wolfe Paul :Bergmann J:lm Parker Pamela George Rose B. Phifer Dam Minotti John Ehrig Bob Taylor K. K. Smith Mary Ann Lil'ot David Zabel Al semlQW The Cbairmal\ opened the meeting and asked !fr. Minotti to lead us in prayer. Nt'. Galloway welcomed all guests, several of whom were present for the first: time. ~~~~, The Cha:lrman asked for confirmation of the suggested action taken at the meeting of August 26, at which time we did not have a quorum. A motion was made to accept the minutes as distributed, which was seconded and passed. Hr. Hammock was as1ed. to report on the financial position at this t:ime. responded. A copy of the report is encl.osed in these minutes. He Mr. Hammock then referred to a request by the Executive Director to hire a part tj,me offiCle secretary. He explained that Mrs. PaJJner is no longer able to do the work, which she has been doing for the past seven years. After discass1on) a motion was made, seaonded and passed to allow Palmer to hire 4 half-day office secretary within the range of 20 hours per week, for a tl'ial 13 week period commencing November 1, 1975. The rate of pay ",ill be ,about $2.25 per hour, foul' hours per day and five days per week) plus the required FIAC share to be paid by the Board. This question will be up for review at the \January 27 meeting in the new year. 'rlle Chairman asked Palmer to report on the nominees for election to the Board at the November 11 election. Palmer read the list of nominees as , se1ected by 'the committee which consisted of Mr. Homer) Chairman, Mr. Coley 41'1d *. Lee. Additional nominees were asked from the floor. With no other names considered, a motion was made, seconded and passed to accept the list as presented. The list follows: ., For a one year term: Nt'. Charles B. Galloway Mr. Darwin Frank Mr. Steve Peterson Mr. K. K. smith J ,~ " .1, ,~,~;< ~ '.~' \:>,~':::~~..:. ',1 fit s e , 't: ',~:..' . ,~ '.. ",", '" ',:. '.', '" I' ',.1, , .,~ page 2 For a two year term: Mr. Percy Powell Mr. David Zabel Mrs. Rose B. Phifer Mr. Dal.e Warren POI' a three year term: Mr. Aaron DUgON Mrs. Mary Ann Lirot Mr. Leon Harmnock Mr. Hugh C. Parker Palmer reported that all nominees have been furnished with a copy of the 1974 Public Disclosure Act form for their execution and filing with the P1nellas County Clerk of Court by October 15, 1975. Palmer will follow up with the nominees to be sure that all have flled their forms. The Chairman referred to the items on the agenda which deal with the City Commission selection of the site for the proposed civic centero Members of the Board each expressed their thoughts with a general consensus that the commission should not delay the site salection. The Mayor stated that his mind is made up to conform to the wishes of the people which have ex- pressed in the media~ by signatures on petitions ~ and other ways, most of whioh have asked for a downtown site selection. He added that the matter will be on the agenda at the OCtober 16 meeting and urged all interested persons to be present aId state their wishes. The Chairman also urged the members and all others present to be at the meeting. Mr. Bergmann was asked to bring the Board up to date as to progress with the selection of a Consultant for downtown redevelopment. He responded stating that the four person committee has reduced the number of consultant,:; from about thirty to nine semi-f inalists. These nine will be written to make personal presentations to the fu11 committee of nine on the task force on October 21 and OCtober 22. The task force wUl then reduce the f1nalist~ to three for presentation to the City Commission and the Board of Directors of CDDB at a convenient date in the near future" He added that hopefully a se1ect1on and agreement will be completed by early November. A question of a proposed change in meeting site for the Board was considered. After a thorough considerat:l.on of the question, the Chairman stated that he will follow through with the Executive Committee to settle the question prior to the October meeting. which will be held at the same place, the F1l'st: National Bank. board room. He then will report the decision for adopt- ion at the Catoher 28 meeting. The next schedulecl meeting 1s a 3:00 p.m. on October 28. M. E. PalrDe1' J Executive Director : ,I' :. , ._~,..: ~: ", '" 1...1, ", ..:.,.... ,..~~;:;~~:~,?;.;,' '" :?::/ ':"rr;'Y1~f~!'.>" ::~':"}t,:~: .,;t.~~~t:~,~1~7~~~~~7\i~' t::t'-:',::':'~ ~'r.-:~:-';:i, ..t," ~:f'.;"\ . , __ .',,_,{,I' 1<" _1.;<; ,'r-:; " 'j' '''\