06/24/1975 :. " \ ," /" '" ',' " , ! . /',\. ...., ~"l 11'1111 1.. 1 J:I"-'r-n -LlIf .. r.....'.,.... Q. ~' CLEARWAtER ~~ DEVELOPMENT IOARD Heeting - June 24, 1975 PRESENT: dtarlee Galloway. Jr., Chi:irman Darwin S. PraM Hugh P<<rkel' Mayor Cazares Joe R. Wolfe. Attorney M. E. Pnlmer. Exec. Director Dale Morgan Mrs. Rose B. Phifer John Ehrig, CAe Paul Bergemann, City Planner LeWis Homet' Brooks Carter Leon Hammock Bob Taylor David Luttrel. TSART The Chairman called the meetirlg to order and asked Mr. Homer to lead us in prayer. Guests were welcomed by the Chairman with several first..t:l.mers present. The Chairman asked for consideration of the minutes of the meeting. ,of Hay 20, which were tnaj,led to all members. A motion was made, seconded and passed to accept the minutes as written. .... ~..., ~ ~ Mr. Hammock. Chairman of the Pinance Committee, was asked to report on current finances. He responded ''lith a detailed report>> a copy of which is attached~ A motion to accept the report as given waa made, secondecl and passed. Mr~ Galloway, ChairllW\, read a let~ar from the Election COJm\i~tee wlUch states that Mr. HammOck was elected to ful1 membership on the Board at '. the recent election. He congratulated Mr. Hammock, and also expressed !lis dloughts to Mrs. Phifer that he is sorry that both cand;Ldates coulct not be elected. He thanked Mrs. Phifer for her continuing attendance of meetings of the Board of Direators. Attomey Wolfe, reviewed the passage of the amendments to our Act by the 1975 LegisJ.ature, and explained the detaUs of the changes. He stated that we must prepare a new set of by-laws, and reconstruct our procedures to conduct the election due later :in the year. He added that he will work with the Executive D:lrector to check procedures to insure that we will conform to the Act revisions as they apply to election to membership to the Board. e The Chairman asked Mr. Bergmann to respond to the agel'\da as it related to the search for a q,ual.ified consu1.tant to be hired to conduot the approved redevelopment plan for the COl'e 41'ea. Mr. B~ann stated that letters,'" have gone out to all mown consultants for a response due i.n by July 1, 1975. lie added that all consultants who respond in the affirmative have been lent a copy of the Statement of Work, wh:l.cb requires that all who are 80 inc1iaed. must l1aye the:1r plann:ing proposals in by August 30, 1975 Further, stated Ml'. aergmmn, there is much present activity and the selection process to f1nally come up w1th a reduced number of qualified consultants so to ])a able ~o negot:l.ate costs, etc.. will be upon us short- ly. 'lhe f:lnal selection of a qualified consultant wU1 be made by the City Coan:1asion. 1. ". . "'." " :' ." ~I" . ..,.... ~. . \ .. .:r . . ~.' . ,..... ..- '" ~ " " .,; " ..,..,. ' '.t.' , \. , ,0' ~.... .J' l ': \ . ) ME'. David Luttrel was introduced to the members. He represents TBART and presented a slide presentation to sJlow the need for sa. aonc~rted ',: interest in a federally funded study to em()Urage car-poon.1g!bf emp!Qyees 1n the downtown area of Clearwater. It became clear as the' ~-sentation' was made that we may expect gasoline Shortages this f~ and,.."#iter'..,~...tha, ....; ,and foX' sure price increases which will ensure the need fOl'-,..the"effOl't .~ ~':-., '.'J'to double 1.W~ and thereby reduce the number of empty car .sea~~.2.l#ch' ,.' . ..,' occupy our streets and parking spaces every day. ...',.".. '. ~l'" "";:~.. ' " -,.~ . :.~~ ~ e - " /.;' ",.1' The Chairman asked 'IlL'. Bel'gmann to rePort upon the position at present as to the X'ecOlM\endation~ the City Staff for a sit~ selC!ct1on to the City Commission for the. #Npoeed civio center. Mr. 8ergman reviewed the process and added th&t'at this t1Jbe he expects a Staff recorNnendation will be made to the City C~ss1on by the ,first meeting in August. . . Mr. 'ergmclnn added that t~e Staff :l.s Waiting for a ~ec~ndat10n 4S to site location from the enDS Committee, and hoped that this could be made known to the staff within a week or ten days. HI'. Frank responded to the question raised by Mr. B~rgmannt and stated that his cornmi ttee will meet this week on this question, and we wi~ be ready tb moat with the Ste\ff about a week later with our recommendation. The, Chairman asked the Executive Director to explain the need for support of the Van Deet'11n amendments to the Congress (liB 2765 and fIB' 2766), botb of which deal with the Federal Clean Ail' Act. Palmer responded, and stated he will prepare 4 copy of the amendments and support~ng informa- tion, and disnib1te to all members 80 that they 81'e infOrlled of the need for 8UppOt.'t of the amendments. It 1s hoped that each'Board Member will take the time to write a letter to the congressional representative from our area and express his support of the Van Deer1in amendments. A motion will be offered to the Board at the July meeting at which t:lJDe' copies may be sent to City and County Commissioners as well-. , . ..- ....... II. . B. Palmer :~Kecutive Director *J************************************ t. ,,1,. " FINAICIAL STA'lEMENr -- June 24, 1975 Cash on hand May 81, 1975 Add: Cash receipts in June Total cash available $ 20,432.93' 634.72 .- Less: Checks paid in June to date $' 21,067 .64 1.723.49 Balance 19,344.15 Accounts payable in June 615.92 Est. Cash on hand June 30, 1975 . . . ,$ ,18,728.23 . . .1". ,_, _;. -. .' ."'.".,' . 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