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A Tl JIR'rlI"'iT ~~_r.artallll~ll~~.'" ~l
~tin~ !1ilY 2Q, .1975
Charles Galloway, Chairman
Darwin Frank, Vice Chairman
Mayo~ Gabriel Cazares
Hugh Parker, Jr.
Joe R. Wolfe
Dom Minotti
Mr. & Mrs. Arlos Cgg
John Ehrig, C.A.C.
Dale Morgan
Anthony Shoemaker
Chuck Albury
Bob Tayl.oI'
The Chairman opened tn.e meeting and asked Mr. Minotti 1to lead us in
prayer. He then no~ed th~t all visitors had attended previously, so no
introductions were necessary.
Noting sohie Qonfusion regarding the date of the meeting, the chairman
suggested that when any meeting is called for other than the last
Tuesday in the month, special mention should be made on the agenda and
the anno~ncement post cards.
Mr. FRANK, Land Use Committee Chairman, reported that his committee had
met twice to consider the board's input at the City Commission's public
~earing on the final site selection for the civic center. He said the
committee is gathering factual data thr!t could be important in d'3termin...
ing the location and feasibility of the Center.
M1'. Shoemaker said that the Boa.'t'd would be given the de+:ailerl :r.'eport of
the city staff when it is presented to the Commission, probably at the
meeting on June 2. This would al~ow the board conside.rable time to study
the recommendations before the public hearing is held.
MR. SH:>EMAKER added that t:h'3 sta~f is getting clooe r.04\" in terms of a
final recommendation for a ~te. T'hree areas 8:'e stil:L in consideratioJl.
They are the Chick Smith area, the Ward's annex area and the southeast
corner of Drew Street and Belcher Road. Mr. Shoemaker added that the staff
is leaning to a great degree toward the annex area. The size of the final
site will probably be in the 17 to 20 acre range. A smaller site would
require structural parking, he said, however, the annex site would permit
level parking. He added that, while the favored term is "cultural and
civic center", the facility would be open to conventions. He also said
that the staff is still open to suggest ions of other possible sites from
the Land Use Committee.
Xhe Chair~ called upon Mr. Parker to read the financial report as of
May 20, p::'epared by Mr. Hammock. A mot ion was made, second,sd and passed
to approve the report as read. A copy of the report' is attached.
The Chairman reported that the Nominating Committee has placed two names
in nomination for the election of a repJ.acement for- Mr. Berryman. ~hey
are Mrs. Rose Beath Phifer and Mr. Leon Hammock. The chairman then asked
ibr further nominations from the floor. A mot~.on was made, seconded and
passed that nominations be closed.
The Chairman reviewed the schedule for the special election.Ballots are
to be mailed GIn June 2. Ballots are to be counted on June 20. and the
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and the results reported to the Board at the meeting on June 24. The
Cha~rman pointed out that since the two nominees had been candidates in
the December election, they had at that time filed the required financial
disolosure forms.
)JR'. WOLP.t reported on the progress of the amendments to the board's Act,
which are scheduled for a legislative committee conference on Thursday,
May 22, or Tuesday, May 27. The wording of the Bill has been changed in
accordance with suggestions made at the last board meeting to let outwof-
town corporations stand in the same posture as local corporations. That
is, they shall be able to register someone to vote in board elections.
Mr. Wolfe saie! that HI'. Whitson will probably be in Tallahassee when the
bill is reported to committee. He added that the situation looks good
and that the bill will probably be passed.
In regard to the problem of ~or~owing funds for periods long/than a year,
Mr. Wolfe reported that the Board is allowed to enter into a contract that
will. bind a future board. However, Florida law will not permit a taxing
district to budget in any fiscal year more expenditures than it reoeives
from taxation and other revenue sources. He pointed out that this does
not affect the board's abUity to borrow $50,000 for the redevelopment
plan, but does affect the time in which it can be spent. In his opinion,
payment schedules to the consultant can probably be worked out satisfactor-
:f.l~ with the law.
Concerning downtown redevelopment planning, Mr. Shoemaker reported that
the 01 ty staff has prepared a letter which will be sent out this week to
3S or 40 planning consultants who have been involved in this type of pro-
gram tht'oughout the country. An ad will also be placed in the June issue
of the Journal of the Florida Engineering Society. When a letter of inter-
est is received, a copy of the statement of work will be sent to the
prospective agency. By July 10, all proposals should have been received,
and by the second week in August, interviews will probably begin.
Mayor Cazares recommended that Jim Palmer write a letter to owners of
vacant properties asking them to keep them policedo The chairman sug-
gested that empty windows and storef1:)()nts might be used for displays
by organizations such as the Boy SCouts and the Red Cross.
Mayor Cazares also suggested holding a seminar for businessmen who might
be interested in settling in the downtown area. The purpose would be to
inform them about the redevelopment plan and prospects for other dO\'lntown
improvements such as the civic center.. Mr. Wolfe expressed agrees11ent and
pointed out that tenant-merchants should be invited in order to help slow
down the exodus to shopping malls.
The next regular meeting of the Board is scheduled for June 24, 1975 at
3:00 p.m. at the Pirst National Bank.
R. W. Taylor
(in the absence of M. E. Palmer)
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May 20, 1975
Cash on hand April 30, 1970 $ 22,939.61
Less checks paid in May 1,68~.79
Balance $ 21,257.82
Accounts payabJ.e in May B24.90
Balance $ 20,432.92
Est. Cash receipts during month of May
Est. Cash receipts balance of 1975
Total cash available for 1975
Est. Cash required for
budgettary expenditures
Cash reserve available for redevelopment plan
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