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Meetinq December 17, 1974
Leon Hamml')ck
Joe R. Wolfe
John Ehr ig, CAe
Paul Bergmar...l
Jeff Butler
Rose Beath Phifer
Leon Hammock
introduction of guests.
Charles Galloway, Chairman
Dar.win Frank
Tom Brown, Jr.
Lewis Homer
M. E. Pa~er, E~ec. Director
~e Chairman opened the meeting with
He then asked the Rev. Don Burton to offer the invocation.
The Chairman referred tcrthe minutes of the meeting of November 26,
and stated that although the minutes of the meeting ~uoted a
motion that was passed to the effect that a letter was to be ~d-
dressed to the City Commission and the City Manager, the letter was
not forwarded on the advice from the ~anager.s office to the effect
that the question in point was not on the agenda of the City Commi.s-
sion meeting of December 16. The letter was therefo~e not forwa~ded.
The Chairman then asked for approval of the ,minutes of Noven~er 26,
'ihich motion ~as made,. seconded and passed.
M.,,:, . :Weon Hammock, Cha~_rman 0 f the Finance and B~ldget Commi t.tee I NaG
asked for a cur.r.ent ~ef~rt. Be reviewed the financi~l statement
in detail, a copy of which is attached to these minutes.
A motion to approve the financiaJ report as given was made, was
seconded and was accepted.
The Chair.man asked the Executive Director, in the absenco of the
Chai1~an of the Nominating and Election Committee, Mr. Cornelius,
to, read the letter from the Chairman, and acid t'.ny ot.."1e:r. informati.on
pe:rt,i.nent to the election. Palmer stated, although this year we had
asked for. certified af~idavits from all pxospective freeholders to
prove ou t an accurate list of freeho ld~rs in the aO\Vntown tax dis-
trict, 'ftifJ had a larger number of kn0\'111 fJ:eeholde:r:s retU::ll ball.ots
than in the past years, We are, therefore, on a sound base with a
list of actual freeholders.
The letter reporting
next year was read;
new board members:
on the balloting for Board membc~s for the
~hich sho~s elat the following psople are the
Boger Berryman
Darwin Fr.ank
Charles Galloway
Hugh C. Parker
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pagp. 2
Minut:es, Decenber 17, 1974
Downtown .'Development' Board
The Chairm~n stated that he ~ill address a personal l~tter to all
elected, members as well as to the nominees who otood for election. :He
added that the new, as well as the outgoing members, will be invited
to the January meeting, at which time officers for 1975 will be
Mr. Frank stated he was pleasantly surprised that several of the nom-
inees desired so much to be elected that they wrote letters to the
freeholders soliciting their election. He added, this was the fir~t
time we had an interested body of people who campaigned for the office.
Suggestions were offered by members which right better inform the
electorate next year as tb the candidates by asking the press to write
short biographies of those who will stand for election. Further,
that transcripts of these biographies will be mailed to the electorate
along with the ballots. These suggestions were noted, and the Execu~
tive Director was directed to carry out these wi~hes
Another suggestion was to prepare an insert of the known freeholders
qualified to vote in the next election, which insert would be placed
in copies of Topics which are mailed to all freeholderQ in the dis~ .
In response to a question from the Chairman, it was stated that a
meetin~ is called in th~ City Managers office at 2:30 pm. on Decembe~
18, to discuss the status of the statement of work, and to lay plans'
for the steps to be taken to hire a cv!H:ult;an~-: to do the work. Thert'
followed a long discussion led by thE;! ChQ~rman wi'.:.h respect to the
timing and logistics i.nvolved in wO:t'king to\oiard 'the hiring of a con-.
sultant. Mr. Bergmann suggested that the City staff will next week
submit whatever changes may be required to the CAe so that we will
then be in position to pay the balance due the CAe for this wor1t.
Mr. Wolfe was aked t.o report his opinion to the Board with raE;pect
to the proposed ordinance which would have the effect of lower~~g
density city wide. Mr. Wolfe stated that he understands that the
new ordinance would reduce all 54, 44 and 34 unit allowances to a
maJeimum of ~8 units per acre. He then asked l:-i:c. Bergmann tl,) state
how this will affect the downtown area. Hp. t3tated that th€.re j,s cl~~r
e~emption to the downtown area uS de8c~ibed by the City, i.e. b~t~c~~
Myrtle Ave. on tne east to the bay on the west, and betwe~n Drew St.
on the north to Chestnut street on the south. He added that this
area will still carry the 34 unit cap which when multiplied by the
120 acres involved gives us the 4080 unit total resi,dentia1 limita-
tion within this area. It is understood that this dOGS not count
the commercial hotel, motel construction which has a limit of 81 units
per acre under the PRUC ordinance. Also exempted is the eo ft. Cap.
on height as proposed under the new ordinance.
Mr. Bergmann stated that the planning and zoning Doard ~ill hold its
third hearing on the proposed ordinance, and that at that time it
would be approp~iate for this board to be heard, prior to going to
the City Commission.
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.... A. 411....
Minutes, December 17, 1974 p-3
Mr. Wolfe pointed out that the area east of Myrtle ~venu~ will not he
inoluded in the PRUC ordinance although it is 'Within the dcwntown
taxing district as prescribed by our Act.
Mr. Bergmann pointed out that when the PRUC ordinance 'ias baing consid-
ered that t.o ext.end the redevelopment a~:ea Ol.'. t to 1<1isFlOUT.i. Avenl'!e fo]:-
instance, would dissipate the ef.fect of the more inten~e a~ea prescribed
in the ordinance as the PRUC area. lie added th~t in time it may become
necessary to expand the cownto\'!n PP..UC ont to Gl.'een'Wood ao phnr1e two of
the redevelopment, provided th~t some redc".elopment has t.r'lken place,..
within the prescibed axea. However, it was also shown that the logical
area for high-rise apartment structures for residen~ial use is the
fringe area around the present PRUC area.
Mr. Homer raised the question of continuing taxing of the area outside
of the PRUC area. This point was thoroughly talked out. Mrs. Phifer
urged that the Do~ntown Board members appear at the hearing to be
held in January and present its case so that the~e is a possibilit~
of extending the PRUC benefits to the entire downtown ta~ing distxict.
A motion was offered to the effect that the area of the City for all
purpoaes inclUding the PRUC area ordinance as well as the newly p7.oposed
reduction in density ordinance, kno\'1Jl as the downto';,ll:1 a~oa, :he 6;):tendcd
to includs all of the areas within the Clearwater DO\<li-n.to~'1n Development
Board Act. It was also suggested that the essence of this motion be
presented to the City Administration by the E~ecutive ni~ector, with
the understanding that members of the Boar.d appear befo::e the planni.n9
and Zoning no~rd hoaring, ~nd b~fore the City Commission at the appro-
priate time. The motlon was seconded and passed.
Mr.Bergmann commented on the motion pas~~:::l':" t;.t: the Nn';-c~.,lber meeting which J
I would ask the consultant -to study the entire taxing d~atrict, hut placing
a mor.e i.nt~nse I'edevelopm'3nt: conoideratici.'l of the prerJcn-:: PR'uC Qxea of
the dc~~town. ThiD unaerstandinq was confirm~d by the ~hairmnn.
Plaq\~es of Commendation we:e prasented to M=. Le~i~ ~orner, end to
Mayor Hougen who could not at'cend thiD moeting.
The Chairman nnno'.1nced that tho next meeting of the Soard will be helo
on January 28, 1975.
Meeting adjournod.
M. E. Palmar, Executive Director
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