11/26/1974 . e e e . '..,.J' t." ~~,l ~: L' " i!.4 ,""., ., . .' '.'., ~ \ , i' , ( .',f . - ., ~., ".r~.r!4JJ ""_,. "~."""" . t; ~;). , ...- "-~. i' CLEARWATER DCMNT~ DEVELOPMENT BOARD Meeting - November 26, 1974 PRESENT: Charles Galloway, Jr., Chairman Tom Brown, Jr. DClrwin S. Prank Lewis Homer Don Williams M. E. Palmer Don B~ton Brooks Carter Roger Berryman Bob Taylor Mr. & Mrs. J. D. Ogg Jos. P. Cornelius Dom Minott i Jim Parker Leon Hammock John Ehrig Bob Levison Joe R. ~~olfe Paul Bergmann Al Rogers Rose Beath Phifer Mrs. O'Brien .. The Chairman opened the meeting with a welcome to the guests. Rev. Don BMrton was asked to give the invocation. Brief comments from guests, Mrs. O'Brien and Reverend Burton, were heard, . with thanks from the Chairman. Commissioner Don Williams was especially welcomed as the new member of the board, representing the City Administration. The Chairman commented that hopefully M2:'. Williams will continue to be with us in his endeavor to re- present the City as its new Mayor. The Chairman asked for confirmation and approval of the minutes of the Oct- ober 29 meeting, since we did not have a quorum at that time. It was so moved, seconded and the motion passed. The Chairman asked for a report on finances by Mr. Hammock. Mr. Hammock read the financial statement as of November 26, and added that we are now receiving tax receipts. A motion to accept the report was made, seconded and the motion passed. A copy of the statement is attached. Responding to a request by the Chair.man, Mr. Carter corrunented on p pT\npoaed QPnin~CfLto be heard by the City Commission on December 9. Mr. Carter stated that the proposed ordinance, if passed, will double the parking rates in the downtown area, and added that the ordinance would put the excess revenue over 6 above current rates into a reserve fund for the purpose of paying for a site selection study and a feasibility study for a new parking garage in t~e downtown area. Por the purpose of discussion~ Mr. Prank offered a motion in opposition to the ordinance. The motion was seconded. Mr. Carter agreed with the motion, stating that the merchants will not favor doubling parking rates for any purpose at this time. Mr. Berryman stated that the big proolem at the moment is parking the people in the downtown area. He added that he has not had comments from his custom- ers about the parking charges suggestL~g that they are being overcharged, or undercharged. Further, there are poople who circle the lots looking for a place to park, then leave the area. Thus, he added, to double the parking rates is putting the cart before the horse, and with the evident shortage of spaces, it is not right to double the rates at this time. I \' i . ' ...j::;' .. '. J<' : ~ . " . 'I ;J ". '1. ':-1 " 1 , . 1 . ,', ' " (.>' , , ',.::.." ...- ~ ~ .,' .,':, ' , ' '~"'" . ~~t.i~rt.t!~~~' .~~.: 1t~.1('~~~,~.y~~~....~~~""if,.1."~!.'tfr~~'l;,t"",,,.J..~JJ:J.l~ ~. \,,1. , Minutes November 26, 1974 p-2 l~. Wolfe states, that we should go b~ck to the arguments we used in September, when we were able to get a deferment of a similar proposition. He pointed out ~ that we have lost 17% of commercial parking availubility over the past few years, i.e. the police lot, the city hall lot, etc. He added that we are told that all remaining commercial parking will be removed from the police lot very shortly. Mr. Wolfe stated, that the recommended ordinance fails to state how much reven- e ue ''1i1l be produced, and over what peri.od of time, for the purpose stated. He referred to a report by Mr. Crawford which shows some 300 commercial spaces which have been taken over for city omployees in close in lots. He stated, we must provide parking for peak requirements, just as the City has provided for peak weekend usuage on beach lots, although they m~yDo only partially used during the week days. He reemphasized that we should provide spaces for customers during those times when they are in average peak demand. To run a parking sys- tem just to keep the lots full is not the correct philosophy. Mr. Homer stated, that he believes, that the proposed ordinance places emphasis on the point, that the city staff is in full agreement with this board on the obvious need for a downtown parking facility. He added that it might not be necessary to double the rates at all, but if needed to some extent at all, rates might be increased in part for a predetermined period of time. He added, we must be in position to negotiate these points with the City Administration from time' to time. Mr. Brown urged that we consider an alternate such as a partial raise in park- ing rates. To double them could cause a large loss of usuage. He added that such further loss of downtown customers would be deadly with more vacant stores . than we now have. Commissioner Williams stated, that he is in favor of a deeper study into the effects of doubling parking rates, believing ~hat a partial inc~ease might serve the intended purpose and that the commission will take into account the loss of business as being greater in their opinion that the loss of, paN king revenue. Mr. Berryman commented on a shortage of employee parking space and suggested an outlying empty lot might be bought for this purpose with employees bussed to the job areas downto~n. This would make it possible for the City to convert many spaces now being used for employees to short term parking for customers. This in his opinion would increase parking revenues and the use of the old auditorium site should be pu~ into long term parking fo~ employees now and not at some later date. Mr. Williams suggested that the Pinellas Transit Authority, of which he is Chair- man, might put mini busses into service for such usage, with combined parking and bussing rate daily for all employees who need the service. t1r. Frank added that he would amend his motion to include the points referred .0 by Mr. \~olfe, as follows: "That the Board write a letter to the Commission and the City Manager in reference to the proposed ordinance which would double all commercial parking rates in the downtown area, and earmarking the excess revenues derived over 411tresent rates for the purpose cf funding a site selection and a feasibility study for a downtown parking garage, stat~ that the board feels that at this time it will be a detriment to downtown business people and as such is opposed to this method of financing the studies at this time. . , .~,:,:;~?:Y~?tL ,,' ,.{\:, , , , ." J.. ~ ~. ,:.':~.;'. , ':'. ,,' '. j, . ~ ' ',. " '.'1, I,' : .".. " ! ,I. ' '. '. \, " , , , \,.'..:' .';'. '.~ " :. . t', ;~., I, '. .. " ";, ,', , " , , ';~'"li:I_~11"~1l.~~~1l~~ Minutes - November 26, 1974 p-3 That the City of Clearwater direct its traffic department to adopt .a cost-accounting system to determine the direct costs of administering and running the parking facilities in the city. That the City create a parking advisory board, similar to the Plan- ~~ign and Zoning Board, to recommend how the parking facilities system should be ..,run, particularily in respect to rates and expansion of parking facilities, subject however, to review and approval of the City Commission." The motion so amended was passed. The Chairman asked Mr. Frank to report as Chairman of the Land Use Committee. Mr. Frank introduced Mr. John Ehrig of CAC who has prepared a statement of work ordered by the ~)ard some time ago, and which will hopeful~y lead to a downtown redevelopment study. Mr. Ehrig reviewed the entire statement of work and asked for comments from the board. Mr. Frank stated that he has asked for the presentation by Mr. Ehrig for the purpose of acceptance by the board. A question was raised as to why the statement covered only a protion of the downtown area as described in our legislation. A question was raised as to how much if any of the needed information required in the statement coultl be supplied with local people rather than by the high- priced consultants. Mr. Bergmann commented that surely the City would supply a all information in these areas as was available. Consultants will. always rely ..,on local information for input. Mr. Levison suggested that questionaires are required to be written by experts in this field and not by the uninitiated. The leg work requiredrnQY be supplied by local people. ~ F,01l0Wing considerab~e discussion a motion was made to change the area map to ~ include the entire taxing district in the statement of work. The motion was ~econded and passed. Mr. Frank made a motion that the CAC statement of work for the proposed devel- opment of downtown Clearwater be accepted and forwarded to the City for its final approval. Mr. Homer suggested that he feels that the CAe should be paid now in large part for the work done, so that payment is not held up waiting for City approval An amendment was offered to pay the CAC at this time 80% of the cost of the statement of work, and the balance when we receive City approval. The amendment was seconded and passed. ~A vote on the original motion made by Mr. Frank was seconded and passed as amended. Mr. Rogers reporting for the City Beautification Committee stated that work on · ~the repainting of the benches in the area will be completed soon. , ' , , "..'8' ",,', . . ' . . . , ,". ,',,',', " . ,. . . . '. :. '".... . . . .. , t.,'i'<~ l' , .1;-", ........ ~ , \ , '.. ,.' .},' . '. ' . ' ~ <.'1; , ,.;, . I -,..: .:,"':,.:.\ " :,~ "!,' .1,: u /:~.::' : .t~ ~';". ", ....': -l.'i.' ' '.!;f.< ;i)'1{/')'.r" f .' .....' '~:" '.1''''. ,':;.'....:,\ <"'::'''1 .. Minutes ~ November 26, 1974 p-4 . The Chai~man asked about coming board member received notarized in the area; which freerolders. have will be mailed the return election. e of freeholders affidavits for the up- Palmer answered to the effect that we have affidavits from more than 50% of the known property owners is more than the turnout for any previous election of Assuming that all who return their affidavits vote, we should a representative election. On~y those who have returned their affidavits ballots for election on December 2. The next meeting will be held on December 17, at which time el~etion results will be reported by the Nominating and Election Committee. M. E. Palmer Executive Director November 26, 1974 FlNANCIAL STATEMENT . Cash on hand Nov. Add cash receipts 1, 1974 in Nav. $2,009.47 2,221.43 Less Total checks paid 4,320.90 1,645.69 cash in Nov. BaJ.ance Less accounts payable in Nov. 2,675.21 634.20 Cash on hand Nov. 30, 1974 (Est) $2,041.01 e . :\:.. . 't_'.' .. , .' .. ,'."