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Darwin S. Frank, Vice Chairman
Lewis Homer
Tom Brown, Jr.
Joe R. Wolfe
Leon Hammock
Joseph F. Cornelius
BAb Taylor
M. E. Palmer, Exec. Director
The Vice Chairman called the meeting to order and asked Mr. Brown to lead us
in prayer.
Guests were introduced by Mr. Frank. He cal1.ed upon Mr. Min.,tti, President of
the Clearwater Chamber of Commerce, and Mr. Jim Parker for their comments.
Next ho introduced Mr. Tom Shepard, a member of ASLA, who has recently estab-
1.ished an office in the 1100 Building.
With an intr~duction by Mr. Frank of John Ehrig, a member of the firm of Mudano
& Associates, Inc., and also assigned by Mr. Mudano to put together the state-
ment of work for the board, Mr. Ehrig responded with a statement as to where
he is at this time.
Mr. Ehrig reviewed his preliminary outline for the board, and pointed cut that
much refinement and filling in will be done before the draft is submitted to
the board. Meetings with us, with City Officials and with private business
s~ctor will be held so that all required input. will be included in the final
Mr. Ehrig asked the board to think about who from our group will work with him
and the consultant.
Mr. Ehrig stated, in response to a question by Mr. Frank, that he will be ready
to present his final draft to the board at the next meeting, November 26.
The Chairman reported, in the absence of Mr. Carter, that some arrangements
have been completed to provide additional long-term parking for employees,with
a corresponding conversion of spaces to short term usage. He added that hope-,
fully this porgram will be ready for the intense parking requirements, i.e. in
a short period of time.
The Chairman asked Mr. Cornelius, Chairman of the Nominating and Election Com-
mittee to report. He responded by placing the following names in nomination,
since each nominee has stated that he will be happy to serve if elected.
Mr. Charles Galloway, Jr.
Mr. Darwin S. Frank
Mr. Tom Brown, Jr.
Mrs. Rose Beath Phifer
Mr. Roger Berryman
Mr. Glen. Warren
Mr. Hugh C. Parker, Jr.
Mr. Leon Hammock
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:Oct. 29 minutes
page 2
4It Mr. Cornelius added that Mr. Lewis Homer has decided not to stand for 1'e-e1ec-
tion this year having served on the board for several years.
Mr. Cornelius stated that he has discussed the requirement of the new financial
disclosure law of the State with each candidate, and asked that copies of the
forms be taken to each for their use. It was a~so suggested that any candidate
who feels that he needs help may call upon our Attorney, Mr. Wolfe, for assis-
Mr. Cornelius further stated that he will be happy to serve as Chairman of the
Election Committee, and will submit his committee~s recommendation to the hoard
~t the first meeting in January. As in the past, nomination for officers may
pe made from the floor as well.
Mr. Homer reported that he has received a letter from Mayor Hougen which stated
that in the best interest of hoth the Board and the City Commission, he will
exercise his right to appoint an alternate member of the board. He added that
Mr. Don Williams has agreed to accept the assignment with both interest and
enthusiasm, and will therefore meet with us when notified for all meetings.
At this point the Chairman announced that he cause we are one member short) we
met tOday without a quorum present. Any items which require confirmation by
the other members will be covered with them and confirmed at the next meeting
which is November 26.
tit ~ brief review of the formation, the purpose and the objectives of the newly
created Florida Downtown Development Association, Inc., was made by Exec. Dir-
ector. He reviewed the joint meeting held in Tampa last week with the Florida
League of Cities, Inc., and expressed the feelings of the association members
who found this to be a very fruitful meeting.
With no further business to consider, the Chairman adjourned the meeting.
M. E. Palmer
Executive Director
- - - ~ ~ - - - ~ - - - - - ~ -
October 29, 1974
Cash on hand September 30~ 1974 $ 4,280.39
Add cash receipts in October 505.40
Tota1 cash $ 4,785.79
Less checks paid in October 2~686.32
Est. cash balance October 31, 1974 $ 2,099.47
Legal fees over budget
Tu1sa Seminar expense
Chamber fees for 1975
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