08/13/1974 ,; ~....... .'" . , CLEARWATER. DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMEN'1' BOARD SPECJ:AL MEETING August 13, 1974 . PRESENT: Charles Galloway, Jr.,Chairman Lewis Homer Tom Brown, Jr. Darwi.n S. Frank M. E. Palmer, Exec. Dir. Mr. Knight, guest Mr. & Mrs. O9g, guests Paul Bergmann, City Planning Dir. Bob Levison, CAC Joe R. Wolfe The Chairman asked Mr. Brown to give the invocation. Mr. Knight, a property owner in the downtown area, was introduced by the Chair- man. Mr. Knight responded, giving the location of his property and added that he is interested in the board's activity. Mr. Galloway thanked him for atten- ding the meeting. The Chairman stated, with a quorum present tOday, he would like to have a motion to ratify the action taken at the July 30 meeting. Also that a motion to ap.. prove the minutes of the July 30 meeting be made. A motion was so moved and passed. if!!!). "" The Chairman stated that this is a special meeting, ca11ed for the purpose of consideration of the results of meetings held with the City Staff concerning ways and means to finance the proposed downtown redevelopment study, and speci- fically to discuss the position of the CAe and their offer to prepare a state- nent of work which would be necessary to have in hand prior to conversations with consultants who might make such plans. He asked Mr. Frank, Chairman of the Land Use Convnittee to report. Mr. Prank responded with a brief review of each meeting with the City Staff, Mr. Bergmann, City Planning Director and Mr. Shoemaker, Asst. City Manager. He stated that a result of the first meeting there is agreement that the pro- posed redeve10pment study is needed. He added that we agree that it is now necessary to engage the CAC to prepare a statement of work as the next logical step toward determination of the real cost whicl\ is involved in the study by consultants. . Mr. Prank again stated, that the purpose of this specia~ meeting is to be able to determine how the City would share the cost of the study with us. We now find that we ~e unable to report definitely how the cost wi11 be shared. Mr. Prank referred to the motion passed at the June meeting which authorized us to retain the CAe to prepare a statement of work, however, contingent upon our finalizing the financing arrangement. with the City. So, we can not at this t:lme instruct the CAe to go forward unless we have a new motion presented and passed. Mr. Prank read the letter from the CAe in which they set up a time schedule for the preparation of the statement of work. It is as follows: " Data assembly preparatory to establishing the statement of work --------------------~-----------.--~~------~-~~---~4 weeks Develop draft and submit to Downtown Development Board and the City of Clearwater for review and comment--------------3 weeks -; ...:""'.....:..> ~ ,.;.~~_t',.l. .. -........... '. ~ '..!s.' '" ,..."...,. : ...: ;;U'''; :~"". : "R -';.", , ".~. ~,j.,~ r':~~'~",~, ..._'" "It T"'"......~ (: .. .., ',. .,..' , ,I" , ' ',I " '. <, , h ,~ ! '._-, ;",J .~ -/..' r'....' -- ;]" , '. . ,.,l. " ,. , , ': ,:. ! ....\ " I' . , , ~.~, ' " "',', .,'" .,' r ') i, t / '''. .,' "1.:';" " , .~........ ! '/'J, ,",' 'I l ".I'~ ........ ~ .', ,', . ~~. ..~'I.I.ti~?t1Wi~.th!~~ Special Board meeting August 13, 1974 p-2 -. Prepare final statement of work -------------------2 weeks The above times are realistic and can be compressed into 6 weeks dependent ~pon availability of all parties to Dleet and make decisions in a timely fashion." Following this, Mr. Frank moved as follows, "That we instruct the CAC to begin I preparation of the statement of work according to the agreement previously worked out with them as to cost and timing." Mr. Homer seconded the motion with a statement that if it remains to be true that the City feels that the tax payers in the CnDB should bear the entire cost of the redevelopment study and plan, that we should stop where we are at this time. He added, for us to under write the entire cost of the work would keep us financially unable to perform and do any other work effectively. He added that the matter comes back to the final cost of the project, and he is in favor of finding out what is the real cost, ~pending the $1800 for the statement of work, and therefore, his second of the motion. Comments and considerable discussion followed with one conclusion, i.e., we must take the first step of ordering the statement of work; talking with a screened list of consultants and then asking them to bid on what is wanted by this board which will be clearly stated in the statement of work; and then again approach the City with information and data which is not now in hand, and open up nego- t1ations as to how much, if any at all, help will come from the City. Our only commitment at this time will be the $1800 to the CAC. ~ The Chairman asked for a vote on the amended motion which passed. . ~ ~ The Chairman called upon Mr. Wolfe to reconfirm his opinion as to the rights of the Board in committing its income to help pay for a redevelopment plan for the downtown area. Mr. Wolfe responded by reviewing the reasons when he previously stated that we are within our rights to contribute funds with the City to pay for such plans. He added that although there may be an area wherein we might be challenged by a suit, that we would be in good position to win such suit if we do contribute funds to help pay for such a plan. Mr. Levison r.aised the question of the contract for the statement of work. Dis- cussion that followed resulted in the decision to have the CAC prepare a simple contract, along the lines of our present contract, and after submission to Mr. Wolfe it may be revised for consideration by the Board. Mr. Levison added that Mr. Mudano who represents the firm selected by the CAe to head up the work, will be the signer of the contract. Further, that Mr. Levison will continue to re- present the CAC at the board meetings and along with Mr. Mudano, at the other meetings with the City, etc. Hr. Wolfe referred to a letter from Mr. Brown, City Attorney, which in effect asked that our minutes reflect the statement that the financial disclosure law dc)es not affect tm present board. Future boards wilJ. be required to file disclosure, etc. , Mr. WOlfe reported, he has received the legislative intent of the amended Florida Unemployment Compensation Law which now includes the Executive Director as an employee who is now covered by the law. , ' " ..... ,', '1 i .. , '\ ~ ~'" .~ ,', ':~" '., . I;;~.'" !' 1,: 1: 1 i I ,,' " ,''.: t l ,"I ".t , " . .. r /; '>" ~"" i" " 1 .. ,j.:r;.:/'~,i,~l .~ -:....1.. flir~1;: :'!~!';\"\i" i i ::.'"~"li, ?~\f1~ ftJ~ f , ~u It I . .. :i~ ;-.,' i \' \t' il. 'fi t,j' f- ~;. ..., ',,:,. :1i' .... '" ... [::"'.,':.:,:y;."'I:';"';",,...'i,,;\.ii'..<.. ':~, '."i":"'..:."";',;V~',':",';':',;,.',.:., ,,':', " "':,;:;~^, ,,':;.~i:~'I'.:~,"f,,;. ,""" ,,':" :"C";o;,,,';" " ^'.'.' """" ',>.'!'" '~',,:>~(:"r""~:'lr'(.~"'t~tfH I .. :;:,,:; ;':,fi.', !" floC' : ," :. " ',..~, .' .:, '.','.,..' " " ';,' i'" ,'. 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Mr. Homer added that he intends to get the local Board of Realtors to be represented at all our meetings on a regular basis. Mr. Levison asked about the Land Use Committee being the group to work with 'the CAe and the City. The Chairman stated, that this is the intention. /{ ;:; ;,' \ " , ,. , ;', 'I " " ., , \' .~ , , ., The next regular scheduled meeting is August 27. been so advised. All members and guests have (.. t I I, Mr. E. Pa~r Executive Director I J ',~ , , .' : l 1. ;.'..,1 " /: CD . ) "I "'/ ~ ..1 1 'I ",i J . 1 ;i.~ " J , " ~ \: '\ \ .~ t ~ df ,} "~' e ;.f , 1 J " J ~ . . ,:;-.,' ,,;.,,:; , ",~,'::'~:"~""".:~":~:::-"'~'J":""' . ',' '::$,; N';.'~" "',,, '.;,',' ",I,e", ;,;, , ' J:j"'!!.i}J ~~d.,a4;l~~1'_' /'t:'-"'" '_'..,,:- 'r \. ,....' ",' ..::,~/":'l'~~f.!?t". ~.. d'/-l$L,,,;"~ "{"'~':;:F:t:~"';,..~.:.~~;,,-;'~;/ . ' :-/(:\::;,< . - ~1.~ ",;',;:.. t, . ~ :;~ ,t<f:. .. :" }' .,' :)' ,1 " r '~ 't ,..:,' 3-;'i:,",':',d J ,': ..i"'", ,',' . " ; 1;;~;;1, ,. \ " "",' :~ 'Jo.\":_, ~. .f,. , . ~ ,..... . .. " ..,:.:';' i'\;::'jj~hi( .,:~ ;::~ !/~: }~:t~~~!~ ~:;~:,;::;::r::;!~~'; ::' ' ,:, ,<j::t\;'t',;'~ ,,::~r:~.';;,;;~~f~t~~1ij~:Xf~~\ .'",:1 ",\}.-... ..:"', 6 .~.t.:.~~~' A, ~?- ,.,' .., i ~ -ao. . ~ -'- ..~.. ;,...1.' '. '11\ -~~_..__...~ I'"~ .,. I't'''''' " :'.,<'j'"f.." ..... '"., ';".',1'1 " ,,' j'\ " " , " 'f: I' ,(' . .,' " J1,' ~'. . ARCHITECTS CD LLAB D RATIVE CLEARWATER August 13, 1974 MEMO To: Darwin Frank Downtown Development Board Frank R. Mudano ~~11 Mudano Associates, Architects, Inc. ~r"l "Statement of Work" Timetable From: Re: ""',,, l. Data Assembly preparatory to establishing "Statement of Work" 4 weeks . 2. Develop Draft and submit to Downtown Development Board and City of Clearwater for review and comment 3 weeks 3. Prepare Final Statement of Work 2 weeks The above times are realistic and can be compressed dependent upon the availability of all parties decisions in a timely fashion. "r ';' '.' ..~'..V",~.;'";.~':\ ,', .' "'-,' ,,':. . I ~ . 7l ";"j " : , :':~::; . .\:' .',. into 6 weeks to meet and make FRM:cas cc: Robert H. Levison, President, Clearwater Architects Collaborative I" ! REPLY TD: 1189 N.E. Cleveland Street, Clearwater, FL :t.;;~~J:{:i{~~:t~J?~~i~;(",; , .' ~,' ,I."..~ , 33515 " ~ . " . ~' ' ~ ~ . ARCHITECTS CD LLA B D RATIVE CLEARWATER August 15, 1974 CleanJater Downtown Oeve1opment Board 121 North Osceola Avenue Suite #205 Clearwater~ FL 33515 Gentlemen: ,tf ,~f t); 10 '. The Clearwater Architects Collaborative agrees to do the work outlined in our letter of proposal, dated 30 May 1974, for the sum of Eight~en Hundred Dollars ($1,800.00). 1J...) It is our understanding that pa),lJ1~nt for this work will be at the conclusion .-tc delivery,ct:ffCl&rec~~H~@~nt of t~ork". We appreciate thi~ opportunity to ~~further service. Sincerely, RHL:cas ACCEPTED for the Clearwater Downtown Development Board ,~~-- ~ ~- (11tle) . Dated: Il~ _ l!}~ . REPLY Copy of Proposal Is attached and made a part of this Contract. tJ.1 kJ TO: 1189 N.E. Cleveland Street, Olt-earwater, Fl 33515 -y J fJI' , . ';"!':!';";'::"';""':":'<"~'-'~"":':""" .~.~,.':~ ,~J :'~!:;:".(.:,', - _ .. :l:. -'r '.." :-.'; i .. i":) -'l) , ,JI'. ' .~:. ,1 '., " .: }