06/25/1974 ..~INJM~D~~~~t . ... r c. CLEAR~'1,~TER D01-n-l'l'OWN DEVELOPMENT BOARD kt.f!.q~,~t).~!1!n.e~'p', 19M o PRESEN'l' : Charles Galloway, Jr., Chai~man Lewis lIoroer DaT.win Frank Tom Brown, Jr . M. E. Palmer Joe R. Wolfe Bob 'l'aylor B':ool~s Carter Bob Levison J5.t\1 }'I.trobough The cha;.rman opened the meetinq and aslced Mr. Brown to 9'i va the invocation. The chairman asked for approval of the m~~~te",o~ June 4. He referrAd to an errot' on page three, par~,g:.':'aph Br '\-lh:tch sh.o~.,ld read $1,800.00 rather than $1,000. \'-7ith thi~ co~recti.on.. ,a motion was lJlade t<:> accept, which was aeconded ana passed. Guesto were introduced, inclurling thr.ee gentlemen from WiJ.lard...Thomp- son, Inc. a realty and construction fir.m wit~ a branch office tn tile Clearwater Professional Bu:ll:iillg'. M.r.. '1'o:n Palmer introduced two other membe~s of his firm, and added, tuey havo joined the Clearwate~ Board of Realtors and are managers of ~ampa International A;.rpor'i:. The Chairman thanked the men for coming to tlle open meeting. Mr. Wolfe responded ~o a r.equest from the chairman to clear up several legal matters for the interest of tho board. ~ \iW1 As to the matter of the competitive bidding act of 1973, !tr. Wolfs stated, thnt in his opi.nior. the la\f1 does not apply should t.bA board de,. cide to rehi.r.e the Clearwater Architects Collahorative because the Doa::'. is not included in the law although many other public bodies are speci~ fically cited. SecondlYg he ~dded, our ccntract with the CAC si9ned in January of 1972, being p~ior to the enactment of t~e 1973 law, does exclude the boar.d from compl!anca in the matter of rehiring CAC at this .time. In the matter of the finan~ial disclosure 2Qw, Mr. Wolfe confirmed the fact that the law does no'l: af~ect. tho present board, but will be effec- t! ve for those \'1ho migh,t wi~h t,o run for a board seat at 1:.ne next election. He added that the law does no1: r.:pply to the Executive Direc- tor-. Ba added that for.ms fo:': dis~J.oa1J.re will be available at t.l1e City Hall. Since there is no urgency for the present bo~rd. M~. Wolfe stated in regard to the millage limitation law, that unless we are notified to the effect ~hat we are limited by t~e Tax Assessor, we are f~ee. Also, Mr. Wolfe confi~med the fact that since our millaqe was B.et and appro\yed by refe~:s:t'.:1'.1m we are not aff.ected. !1' .. . ....' .. Mr. Brown, acting for Mr. Hammock, presented the current cash posi- tion. A copy of the report is attached. A motion was made to accept the financial report, was seconded and pasAad. The chairman na~ct asked M.'r.'. D:r.o,m, a member of the Pinance Committee, to present the proposed budget fo~ 1975. He 8nded that no ection will be taken on the budget todey but will be ected upon at the JUly meetinq. Mr. Brown recapped the proposed bUdget, !tems were discussed along the way to the satisfaction of the board. ._1.'........ ,.', .'".: ' I,'. " " ' '.,'*0' " ~ :' '.~ . ,',..... ~, 'I I , !;' , { t, I.' :" /1",. , I ': } J " i , \, j J) .' 9 . I , ~,~ " 'lB' 1_ ~~.; . ",' . .", ~ . . Page 2 - Clearwater Downto~n Development Board minutes June 25, 1974... The Chairman th~nked !~. R~o~n f.Q~ the work done on the proposed budget, and suggested that wllon ~~. H~ck returned we will go over "lith hi.m the que~~t.ions :rai.sed todc'lY, The Budge.t \' .ill bs presented to r~G Boar.d for approval at the July meeting. M%. Carter reported that the parking research pr.oject we undertook is underway. A questionnaire was prepared by the City ~raffic ~nd Park:l.nq Department ar.d \.;as mailed along \'d.th a cove::inq letter to about 100 businesses in the CBD. Two qualified people have been hired to call upon all of the businesses involved, even some otners ~ho may not have been on the list. These people ar.e now maKing all the caJ.ls. HopAfully, o;;;e will have a report of findi.ngs for the;! July meeting., . e ~he Chairman called upon Mr. Frank for a report of the L~nd Use and Development Committee. ~e rp.sponded by stating that a meeting ~ith Ma~"or Hougen waB had for the purpose. of pursuing bow ~e approach tlle City Commission as t.o the paYJoent to the redevelopIilent c01l3ultant.. The conclusion \'o1a.9 that the bo~rd should p:ceE>are a brief SUtYlffic::ry of ottr request and present it with the City Commission at ~~ early dat~l as soon as mid-Jl.11y. Mr. Franlc added that whe:l we approach the Commis- sion we will not have knowledge of the actual cos~ of the redevelop- ment survey. He further added that if ~e are required to pay for the e11ci:re cost of the Sl1;t:..,ey: ~1e could not do it except by a de- ferred plan over a period of several years, at the rate of about $10,000 per year. The Chairmen asked ]lit'. Wolfe for his api.nion as to ho\o1 long we Cf\,n commit ~'U'tU1."G boards for an exp.e1".diture like thiR. I1e r.ead from our Act that we cannot provide ci.ty governmental services, but should act as a c~talyst, and should assist the city to provide services. He emphasized that tl1e word lIassist" means we may not do these things '.Oll.. Ol1r 0'\0111. Mr.. Wolfe pointed that if the city finds it can not:. prope~ly provide zoning without a redevelopment study. the study becomes a governmental sexvice. The Chairman asked Mr. Wolfe to prepare a statement as to his opinion. The date for. the ne~t meeting is ~TUlyaO, 1974. M~ E. Palmex, E~ecutive Director * * ~ ~ * * ~ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * FINANCXAL STATEME~n ___~ ______ T .. ~~ CaSh on hand May 31, 1974 Add cash receipts in Juna Total Cash Available ~lOI400.57 721.17 $'1 1-;1 f1:7i l~ m.._Q..L $ 9,848.69 556...,,24..- $ 9.292.45 e Less checks paid through June 25,1974 Balance Less Accounts payable in .:June Est. Cash Balance JUne 31,1974 . ....\ ";. ' '. . ~', ., ., - ._ ...._.4_----....